If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

The rooms look lovely and it's great that you've been able to make stuff up already. It's so exciting. I hope today's going ok for you and you're managing to rest, it's awful that you ended up in hospital again. Hopefully, once you've moved everything will settle down for you. X
I love the rooms you actually - proved a point with Emily- her bedroom is a similar pink and she's always insisted on a pink carpet and I actually think dark carpet looks so much nicer plus I like having the same colour all through.
It's great that nearly everything ready and it's probably made easier having the beds made up already as that can take bit of time to do.
How are you feeling now? X

I love the carpet, I just love the fact it's looks really smart/modern. I think I'll definitely need my bed to collapse into on Wednesday, got my new bedding packed and ready to put on it!!!! X

The rooms look lovely and it's great that you've been able to make stuff up already. It's so exciting. I hope today's going ok for you and you're managing to rest, it's awful that you ended up in hospital again. Hopefully, once you've moved everything will settle down for you. X

I really hope you're right, feel like we are long over due a stress free time!!! It's so useful that the house is empty and all the workmen are finished, it SHOULD make Wednesday less stressful, I hope!!! X

rooms look gorgeous! Sorry to hear about your accident! How's the knee? Hope you've followed advice and rested! xx

Thanks Sweetie :) I'll update in a minute re today lol x
Evening Everyone!

Today has been great, I feel so so positive tonight and actually looking forward to the move!

Today I've finished the packing, it's just the last minute stuff and big stuff to do! I can't believe I have actually got it done and with 3 days to spare, check me out! Lol!

I also took a bag of stuff to CEX to trade in and about another 10 bags to the charity shop!!!! The charity shop have definitely done well out of us from this move, it was great to see them selling our stuff in the store tho. I also have another 3 bags for Cash 4 Clothes but they don't open on a Sunday, how inconvenient!

This afternoon I treated Poppy to the cinema, we watched Trolls as She really really wanted to see it and I didn't want to make her wait till after the move. She's had such a rubbish couple of weeks with the accidents and move so it was nice to take a couple of hours off and treat her.

Back to work tomorrow, think I might have to wear my trainers as I can't get my work boots on, if they don't like it they can send me home lol! My car is also in for MOT tomorrow and I need to post some more eBay parcels, no rest for the wicked!!!!

Have a great week everyone, 3 Sleeps till M-Day!!!

Love Serena X
Your carpet is a similar colour to what we have in our room and stairs. Oh I do love new bedding:)

What was trolls like? We thinking of taking the girls- I'm glad you and Poppy got have a bit time out together.

I can't believe how much stuff you've donated and trade in xx

Trolls was fabulous, it reminded me of a musical actually as there were lots of great songs matched in with the storyline! We got a Snack Box thing so Poppy has the Cup/Figurine to keep.

My new bedding is lovely, it's white and then it has a giant pink heart on and inside the heart it says 'Home is where the heart is' and I have a bright pink sheet for underneath. Also got a new duvet and pillows so it will feel lovely!!!

I still seem to have a hell of a lot of stuff, I really need to get out of the habit of hoarding/buying, I've got a huge box of stuff to eBay once we are settled but don't want to list anything else at the moment as not convenient for collections/posting. X
Your bedding sounds so lovely- it's so nice that everything is ready when you move in and you can relax. We've seen a couple new houses but we going wait till next year as moving is so stressful x
I think we go to see Trolls after DLP x

Moving definitely is stressful, I certainly couldn't imagine doing it with more than one child!!! Trolls will be a nice treat to look forward to after DLP, the weather isn't always great in the October Half Term so it will be nice to have something to do on a rainy day X
Hey Everyone,

The last 48hrs have been Manic! So I've just kind of thrown myself into the packing and rallied the troops to help me!

Had a friend help Friday Night and we got loads done, then yesterday Mum helped with packing and Dad dismantled both our bed frames, drove them over to the new house and rebuilt them!

My Dad has also moved all the boxes to the new house so on Wednesday all we will move is the last minute stuff and the big stuff.

Here's a couple of photos of the bedrooms:

View attachment 184202

View attachment 184203

It's looking so lovely now all the curtains are up and carpets are down!

I've also started changing the addresses over of the non official things as I won't have time to do everything on Wednesday, I will just do the banks/hmrc/dvla then as as you can't do those before hand.

Today I've got one double cupboard left to pack up, all systems go for M-Day in 3 Sleeps!!!!

Have a great Sunday everyone,

Lots of Love Serena X
Looking look, best of luck with the move x
Aww don't put me off I'm looking forward to it even with 4 children but yeah it is stressful.
We go away at the end of half term- naughty parent taking the girls out of school for 2days but will try and fit in the cinema x

I can totally understand why with the price changes, we had 5 kids off today so I think parents took advantage of us being in only 2 days this week. I think you'll really enjoy trolls, especially the songs. X

Looking look, best of luck with the move x

Thanks Sweetie x
I can see why as this week would be mega cheap to go away compared to next week- we enquired about extending our Disney hotel and it cost 1500 just for 1 night! I got a holiday form today to fill in x

What's a holiday form? X
The girls want to go and watch the trolls movie but I wasn't sure. If you enjoyed it, I might take them.
Is poppy excited about moving, now her bed is built and room painted?
You sound so organised! Hope the move goes well and you managed today on your trainers :) xx

I was struggling by the end of the day but trainers were definitely better than boots would of been! I hope the organisation pays off! X

The girls want to go and watch the trolls movie but I wasn't sure. If you enjoyed it, I might take them.
Is poppy excited about moving, now her bed is built and room painted?

I think you'll all really enjoy the movie, it's not too long either. Poppy is really excited about the move, I think now it's nearly happening she just wants to be in there like me!!! X

A form from school to let them know we taking the girls away during term, it be unauthorised but at least I'm being honest x

Ah we don't do those, I think it's good you're being honest with them x
Morning Everyone!

M-Day is here! Everything is packed, just left out Today's Clothes, Today's Toiletries and Breakfast Stuff! It feels surreal that we are moving today, seemed distant dream when my Dad mentioned it a few months ago but now it's really happening and the hard work of the unpacking starts!!!!

Thank you for all the support, I know I've not shut up about it recently and I'm grateful for all the chats/advice that you've all given me.

See you on the other side!

Love Serena x