Im back after baby...

My weekend are hard as always out for a meal with my eldery father on saturday evening , so i always do an ss+ day, and then straight back to ss on sunday. It may slow weight losses abit but thats my life. and i am happy as long as the weight goes down.
Hi Paris & Taurus... Hope you're coping ok this weekend! I had a coke zero yesterday. Might make it a Saturday treat!!! And Paris, you are right. This diet has to fit in with your lifestyle in order for you to succeed. Hope your Dad is ok.
So day 6.. Not jumped on scales yet. Baby doing alot of crying if I try to put him down and I am def not weighing with him... That's an extra 11lb! Bless him.
So another problem free day ahead for me and hoping to breeze into week 2 with no hurdles xx
Hey ive also had a baby in sept! Good luck with your weight loss!! im hoping these next few months go very smoothly!
Thankyou KellyMarie, I wish you luck also xx
day 1 of week 2...
i lost 12lbs in week one. bit disappointing, would've liked a stone :(
oh well still a long way to go so not gonna let it get to me.
im still feeling mega motivated and not tempted to jump off the wagon.
am a lil concerned about the 'pouch' after my c section. especially after reading the other pouch thread today. im thinking a mini tummy tuck at goal.
have ordered the ministry of sound dance workout dvd so maybe i can tone it up somewhat... fingers are crossed!
biggest loser tonight yippee, should be good x
Thanks Lyds, although I'm far from a good role model I can tell you! I keep letting myself gain weight time and time again so needs must and I'm back on SS...
I really ought to find inspiration from others who manage to maintain. I'm a notorious yo yo dieter so no one is ever surprised to hear I'm back on the shakes. I want to snap out of this, if not for my lil boys sake. Can't be passing my bad foody habits onto him.
So day 2 of week 2. 15,6.2 so that's 0.6 since yesterday. I could cope with half a lb a day, that's the average so makes 3.5 a wk and a stone over 4 wks.
Still finding it ok. Got no reason to cheat. Got a planned day or 2 off the diet for valentines day so just under 4 wks. That's enough to keep me going until then.
Hope my dance DVD comes today... Although I can't find my trainers anywhere... Probably gathering dust somewhere!
Have a good day all xx
Dear Cambridge Diet 08 -
I completely know what you mean. I think for about 3 years I have dipped in and out of Cambridge totally uselessly. Weight going down generally but so up and down on the way. The silly thing is, I have messed around so much that I have wasted so much time feeling fat. And then I decided that I cant do that anymore - I just have to reach the goal and be done with it. Sooo I made the choice for this to be the last time. And I want it badddly :)
I am a member of a gym which is quite nice -some light excercise - have promised myself 3 times a week.
Isnt is amazing how buzzy it feels getting on the scales every morning?!
L x
day 3 of week 2 and another lb down... not sure why its coming off slower than before but hey ho at least its coming off!
still waiting for my MOS dance dvd. cant wait to have a boogie :)
im still motivated and not even tempted to cheat. just got to get 5 weeks under my belt and then i can have my day off for valentines day... although at the mo im not even bothered about it!
hope everyone else is getting on ok xxx
You are doing really, well, you do need to try and stop weighing yourself daily tho, it can be disheartening when you dont get the result you deserve, try every 2 days, then 3 etc etc. I am just like you and thats what I'm intending to do...

No weigh in tomorrow eeeek scarrry lol
Day 4 week 2...
Haven't jumped on scales but should be a whole stone! I'm a bit annoyed at how slow it's coming off!!!! I ALWAYS lose a stone in the first week... Not 11 days ggrrrr :(
Oh well still not tempted to stray. It's quicker than other diets so I gotta keep going.
Lyds that's funny about neighbours beneath you! I've just got 2 (hyperactive) dogs to contend with. They will be jumping up me as I'm jumping around!
I have an overall goal rather than milestones. I just want 6 stone gone. I'm prepared to be here for the long haul and I know from experience that I usually set goals which are hard to achieve so I give up. This time I'm learning to be patient.
I'd like to be under 14,7 for vals day though ;-)
Have a good day y'all xx
ok so day 6 of week 2 and i didnt get to weigh myself this morning as lil man was being a sod :(
i am a little bit p'd off with my loss or lack of it should i say.
i was still 15,5 yesterday. its coming off sooooooo slowly.
could my body be holding water, or behaving differently since having a baby? i dunno whats different this time round but id normally shift a stone in week one and about 5 lbs week 2. but this time im still on a stone after nearly 2 weeks ggrrrr :(
oh well onwards and downwards xxx
Hi CD 08'

No longer on the CD myself but pop in to have a nose.

Just wanted to post in reply to your C section pouch have heard that Pilates is fab for this and really is fun, worth a thought hunny.

Good luck and well done so far, slow but still coming off :) x
Thankyou Susie, yes slow but still coming off you're right.
I haven't weighed today again cos baby boy kept me on my toes this morning!
End of week 2 and all is good.
Got to keep going x
still going strong... 15lbs down!
i ate at a party on saturday night (buffet was amazing and it was a planned break). i was straight back on the wagon on sunday morning and i didnt drink any alcohol just diet coke.
got another planned break sunday, big family meal.
but for once im not letting these breaks lead me astray, i have done this diet time and time again so i realise i need to live my life.
i cant keep 'missing out' on 12-16 weeks of my life. this diet needs to fit into my lifestyle this time.
the 1st time i did cd in 2008 i did it religiously for 16 weeks and loved it, i loved the break from everything and honestly thought id fixed all my weight probs.
how naive! i now realise that this is an ongoing battle and i cant keep hiding away each time i need to lose a few lbs.
i also know that this weight MUST be off before our hols in July!!!! i cannot be fat...
so onwards and downwards, have a good day cd'ers xx
CONGRATULATIONS on your baby! :) i am also here to lose my baby weight. my baby is 10 months old and love him to bits :) but i don't love the weight ive gained lol. Im the same as you in that i did lipotrim 2 years ago and stuck to it completely, no food at all for 2 months, i did well and got to my goal but like you say i missed out on so much. This time round i am going to eat on special occasions and just get straight back on it again until i reach my goal. I dont think i'd be able to continue with SS if i had to miss out on everything! anyway good luck :) xxx
totally agree with you LPB... the novelty of doing strict SS wore off a few years ago! now need to be a lil bit more flexible with it.

im eating on sunday and again am not worried about getting back on the wagon! although in 2008 i could'nt and would'nt even lick a spoon for fear of losing my determination.

another lb down now 15,2 (started 16,4) so its coming off! slower than desired but still coming off. just gotta think about toning this baby belly which doesnt look like its shrinking in a hurry!!!! still look 6 months preg :(

Coming to the end of wk 3... Another lb off. Now 15,1 making 17lbs total. Would kill to see 14 something for Mondays weigh in but am eating tomoz :( ggrrrr
Oh well I'll see it soon enough!
Hope everyones having a gd weekend x
Hi cd08 my weight seemed to be coming off slower this time around, But i am going to the gym 3 times a week so i wondering if that is affecting it, and making weight loss slower. But as is said at least i losing and that the main thing. I am doing more SS+ this time too, as i dont think i cope have coped with SS totally this time around. I am on target to reach my MAY time goal by my son's 18th.