I'm back, and need to lose 2 more stone. I MUST I MUST.

Cheers Gem :)

Well, what a shock I have had folks! We bought some Salter body analyser scales for £19 yesterday. Quite groovy ones - there's a stand for them so they dont take much space on the bathroom floor. Anyway, bless these scales, not only do they weigh you, oh no, they also do your BMI, water retention and bloody body fat percentage. I could not believe the results. Apparently I have a 59.7% body fat percentage!!! What the hell. That is AWFUL. So I will also be monitoring that.

Also the scales are fabulously accurate. They have put me at 13st 1lb, around what I thought I was from the other scales in Cyprus, so we'll just be going down from here, hopefully! :S I have created a wall chart for me and Chris and have given us both 20 weeks to drop our weight. His BMI is currently around 31 so he is classified Obese at the moment. He wants to lose a stone as a start - he wants to do things slowly - and this will get him to 'overweight'. I aim to lose around 2.5 stone (although I am aiming over what I actually want, I feel that this is the best way. This should get me to around 11 stone. And I'm hoping that I can get our body fat percentage down by cooking as healthily as I can. It's been too easy to make bad choices because of their ease. I've jotted down some ideas and I'm determined that our use of the local take aways need to be limited! I'm not stopping us from having the odd take away once in a while and going out to eat, but we do it far too much and it's not helping things.

Anybody else tested their body fat percentage? The high reading worries me as I'm concerned about fat around my organs etc... Considering I'm not far from being a 'healthy' bmi, this must be the case for me!!! :s
Congratulations on getting the new scales and making some good plans x
Morning elle, well done on the new scales love. Do you cook greek food for yourselves or english?
I cook all sorts Jim but I have been a bit useless the last few months as Chris has got such a terrible love for junk and it's usually easier lol. When I didn't have a job after uni I was cooking my family all sorts, loved it. But things like stews and greek meatballs take time, and when you get back from work you just don't have it. Plus you're tired.

Last night I cooked us turkey steaks, which I marinated in Teriyake sauce, jacket spuds and a big greek salad with spinach leaves and crunchy beetroot. That's pretty easy and it was YUM. Tonight we're having smoked trout lol. Obviously I didn't make that, I bought it yesterday in the coop.

Well this morning I had a sneaky look, obviously, but it was a good one, as the scales said 12st 12lb :) Good times. I'm just gonna keep going down!

Mmmmmm, I'm going to come round your house for dinner tonight elle :D
Let the good times roll - downwards x
Hiya folks. Hmmmmm, suddenly my body fat percentage went down to 49% this morning. I can't help but think that something weird is going on here.

Yesterday I had a good little day, although I had a hospital appt where a doc finally decided he absolutely wants to move closer to a diagnosis. However, I am now having a gazillion more tests, starting with two blood tests yesterday, another MRI scan with a stronger magnet and injection, apparently a CT scan?! and, apparently, he's considering putting me on a steriod drip!! So bloody 'ell. I came out of there thinking AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
At least someone is finally taking a step forward though.

Food wise, I did well:) However, Chris bought some fruit pastels and I had a few. ALthough I checked calories and there aren't many. For dinner we had the trout, some wilted spinach, lots of salad and, as we were a bit late and I was too tired to make the wedges I was going to make from scratch, we put a few oven chips in. I think I had about 5. But my best achievement was the fact that, ok, bar 4 fruit pastels, I didn't snack!! I kept asking myself, 'do you really need to eat this - are you hungry?' Nope. Wahoo. Immensely proud of myself!! Also did a wee bit of fun exercise with Chris playing grease on the kinect. Singing and a bit of dancing where I was trying to manoeuvre my right leg in time. Didn't quite work but it raised my heart beat and didn't hurt much. The singing was fun though!!

How is everyone doing?! xx
Ahh Jim, just saw your comment. You never came!!! Ah well, I'll save you left overs next time we have it :p

You can't have Jim round unless you have a naughty step - you know what he's like x
LOL Gem, Morning elle love :)
Absolutely chuffed, folks, as I've managed to lose 3lb since monday just by making good food choices, trying hard not to snack and doing a little exercise. My fat percentage has apparently also gone down to 47% lol.

Chris, too, lost 2lb, which is crazy as he had lots of CR*P since monday, including a wedge of chocolate cake. MEN. xx
Men get away with murder foodwise don't they Elle x
Well done for losing 3lb - brilliant x
Is that not the case Puggso? It always seems that men get away with a bit more than we do x
Is that not the case Puggso? It always seems that men get away with a bit more than we do x

I just had to look at a Christmas pud over the festive period and I'd put on a pound :cry:
Poor you Puggso. So many men I know absorb loads of calories before they put on weight - hence the comment x
Morning elle, well done love.

I agree gem, calories are nothing to me, carbs on the other hand :(