I'm coming back....

Hi Mags! How lovely to hear you back again, sounding so determined!

GI sounds a great way to go for maintenance - but I personally wouldn't choose the AWT book. It seemed to be mainly individual recipes - in other words, another cookbook - whereas what we really need are lists and tables showing the GI rating of all the different foods, so that we can then learn to adapt any recipe from favourite cookbooks....does that make any sense? I saw one that did just that, and I think it was by Fiona Hunter.

Hope that's helpful - by the way, I'm reminded of a bit from "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue", the rudest programme on Radio 4! Humphrey Lyttleton was describing how he'd bought a pack of sausages, which bore these words below a photo of Anthony Worrall Thompson: Prick with a fork ... Well, I hope it made you laugh a bit!

With love and best wishes for you and Hannah xxx
So glad to see you back on the boards:)

Just yell if you need us - we'll be there;)
Hello again Mags its great to have you back! I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I am so glad that in some small way our messages to you have helped you get through what has been a very hard time for you and your little one.

Just wanted to add that a few people recently have mentioned a book that they believe has helped then to kick the yo -yo cycle of diet gain that has plagued them for years and attribute staying slim for life to it. Its called BEYOND CHOCOLATE BY SOPHIE BOSS, and it is supposed to be literally life changing in relation to weight management.
I have ordered my copy today from Amazon , it was £6.00 or there abouts.
Good Luck with manageing the weight, and you know we are always here for you.

love Carole
Thanks for the welcomes everybody!

I have actually changed my mind a bit about GI, I have the 'you are what you eat' books and I quite like her whole health sort of approach, with no weighing and measuring, just a huge list of food thats good for you. I might give myself the freedom to try it and see what happens but if I put on half a stone, I'm going to do something about it! Thats been my failing in the past I think allowing it to go too far before addressing it. My attitude to food has certainly changed I took my daughter to McDonalds today and I had a big Mac. I wasn't actually enjoying it so I only ate about a third of it. Previously I would have eaten it wether I enjoyed it or not but today I understood it wasn't worth it, I didn't need it and I didn't want it! Well done my LL counsellor!

Thats an attitude change worth having Mags, to be able to put something down without finishing i believe is the skill thats missing from most of us with a weight problem. My attitudes not there yet but im working on it. Youve done tremendously well to hold your weight steady and now youve discovered this secret im sure youll stay there. Well done to you.
Welcome back Mags :hug99:

Really hope the insurance people get their act together soon. Really well done for staying so strong though hunny. Can't be easy xxxxx
hi Mags
What a warming post from you - you have my total admiration for your optimism for the future and acceptance of the tragic events in your life. Your little girl will have memories of her daddy and I am sure that your acceptance will help her accept what has happened.
As for the weight - I am sure your ll counsellor will let you go along to the meetings - I see mine without buying any packs!
The you are what you eat is a fabulous healthy attitude to food, so I am sure it will keep you trim!
Best of luck with your chosen maintenance programme
Welcome Home Mags we are all glad to see you back:)

If you want info on low GI just use your search engine there is so much information for free!

Hi everybody, I think I have stayed away long enough!

Hope all of you are well?

First I would like to thank you all for your so kind messages on my tragic news threads, and it was so thoughtful to start a sticky. I have read every single message and it really does mean a lot to know how many of you have had us in your thoughts and prayers.

Things are still up and down here, but its still early days. I manage well really and can be positive most of the time, but I just can't get my head around the fact my daughter doesn't have her Daddy. I can live with the rest (reluctantly of course) but I really struggle to think of her living her life without knowing him the way she would have. I still have various worries re money etc. Still don't know if my insurance company will pay out and have been looking into benefits etc. I have changed my car as I couldn't afford to keep it.

On the whole though I am coping pretty well, I have wonderful family and friends who have been absolutely wonderful.

I went back to work a week ago so thats helping keep my mind busy too, my work have also been incredible. Its heartwarming to know how many people care about what happens to me.

weightwise I am happy enough.... I lost 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks after Marc died, and I've put most of it back on, but I am happy with how I look. I am a size 10 and I don't feel any need to be smaller. I also feel in a way this is all for nothing as I wanted to share it with marc, but I know its much more to do with my health. I need good health now to cope with life ahead.

I feel quite ok most of the time, I try to be optimistic. I am very lucky I have my daughter, my friends and my family. I am only 31 and there is a whole other life out there waiting for me just as soon as I am ready for it, I may as well be healthy and fit for it!

Thanks again to all of you for being there for me in my hours of need, I'll be posting now in the hope you can help me keep my weight off. I didn't do management as I was just about to move on to it when this happened and I can't justify spending the money now as I don't know where I stand at the moment financially. I may buy myself a GI book, thats the recommended route isn't it?


Mags it's so lovely to have you back on here - your post made me a bit emotional in so many ways. Take care of yourself - I'm still thinking about you.

Good luck with your GI diet.

Lots of love to you and your daughter ...
