Im deffo going to do it this time diary!!!!


Full Member
Hi all, I restarted Cd yesterday so today is day 2 and I really am motivated this time so i thought I would do my own diary!

My start weight is 17st 7lbs which is the most I have ever weighed and it is telling on me physically. I have back ache most of the time and my poor old knees hurt. Im already on bp and cholesterol meds so hoping these may be reduced once I lose a decent amount of weight. Also I look rubbish at this weight, Im nearly 49 and cant remember the last time I went shopping for clothes and enjoyed the experience, I just go shopping when I NEED clothes not when I want them. This has got to change!!!!!

Ive always been inclined to be podgy but its gone overboard since I lost my brother and my Father within 4 days of each other but that was over 4 yrs ago(even tho I miss them as much as ever) so I believe Ive just got used to comfort eating and my appetite has got bigger as a result. One thing I must stop is getting up at night and stuffing my face(you are the only people I have admitted this to).

Anyway sorry to keep on but today is day 2,dont feel the full ticket-a bit sick and heady but I knew to expect that.early night for me and I will NOT get up and eat.This weight is going to come off and stay off and if I can give anyone any encouragement along the way thats even better.

Hope I havent bored anyone too much,take care all xxxx
Hope you manage to loose all your weight this time, you do sound in the right frame of mind this time. It is not easy I am trying to loose weight by using avidlite shakes on my own, and am not being very good every morning I feel positive then by evening I have blown it. Fortunately I do not get up during the night to graze on food but that is just because I have gorged myself in the evening. I feel the same way as you about clothes. Keep up the good work you can and will do it this time.
Well, the night time addiction got the better of me last night Im ashamed to say but Im not going to abandon my weight loss plans,Im going to deal with this addiction as an addiction if you see what I mean. Im not going to let myself now do it for 3 days and then 4 days and so on.Not ideal but Im going to lose weight this time by fair means or foul!
Keep going kathleen,im sure we can both do it this time!!

No midnight snacks tonight. A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips.
Too right Kathleen! took a piriton last night slept like a baby,snored like a pig(my poor hubby) and didnt get up!! Weighed myself this morning and have lost 4lbs so am a truly happy bunny!!
bit worried about the weekend cos I know I find them hard but one day at a time.
Hows it going with you?

Being really good so far today but it is only mid-morning so a lot can happen between now and bedtime, sounds like piritin is the answer to your midnight snacks