I'm overweight because.....

i'm overweight because i eat too much.
i'm overweight because i don't move enough.

that's it really....

I'm overweight because I never did any exercise and sat on the sofa all day eating chocolate and feeling sorry for myself!
Can't blame the kids as I was overweight before becoming pregnant the 1st time but with each one I've gained more and not lose it :cry: I used pregnancy as an excuse to pig out :sigh:.
Ok, hi I'm new to this but felt compelled to add my excuses - I love the honesty here :)

1) Im overweight becasue I've had 2 kids with only a 3 month break (Is true but I did partake in some EXTREME binge eating during my 2nd pregnancy)

2) I cant be bothered to exercise

3) I eat massive portions and still wont stop, even if im full

4) I cant say no to food and have bad will power

5) I managed to convince myself I 'was not that big' - then one morning I woke up and realised I'd gained 6 stones!
I am over weight because I was lazy.

I would rather sit in the garden with a fag and a cuppa and a nice big cream cake than get off my backside and do something interesting.

I am also overweight because out of myslef and my two best friends I was the smallest and thought I was still OK.

It wasn't until I moved away from them that I saw just how much weight I had gained and how unfit and unhealthy I was.
well I am overweight because as a kid everyone called me big, fat, ugly ( looking back at pics I really wasnt) self esteem then meant that I thought I was fat so was always starving myself or stuffing myself... The result is fat food habbits.....
I had an over the top mum who was scared of me being ill and so when diagnosed with Asthma at 10 took all the physical things I did in my life away from me...pre 10 Im a slim looking kid but I danced I swam and I did lots of active stuff... PE ...I got lazy and rather than look like a big girl running in PE managed to get my Mum to write notes for me so I didnt have to do it....
Treats mean food in my head...have to try and relearn that one..
If I lose weight then I'll have to face the world and realise that things cant always be blamed on my weight....
Mad as I loose weight people (friends) keep asking me if Im sure I want to get married..almost like they thing I wouldnt have decided to marry Ste if I hadnt been 23stone... Not sure on that one...maybe I wouldnt but I love him and I know hes always there for me so its the path Ive chosen ....
I'm fat because the tv taught me that you could still be 'fat and fabulous!' .. well who doesnt wanna be fabulous and still eat loads of crap.. never mind the health risks eh!! ...

i spose theres only so much money you can spend on stylish clothes before you realise you just look like a tent with a belt trying to give you a waist! .. my love affair with shopping will always remain though.. atleast i can fit into my clothes properly now! x
No more

I was morbidly obese because I was hiding behind my fat.
If you are 21 stone fewer people are going to want to get close to you, therefore less likelihood of heartache.
Also I'm a foodie. Love buying, preparing, discussing, sniffing, licking, chewing, sharing, looking at it, reading about it, dreaming about it, clearing it up, growing it, you name it - anything to do with food I've always been there. I am a qualified Home Economist - cookery demonstrator, I had my own restaurant - love cooking for other people.
Whenever I went to a restaurant Iwould always consider what size portion I'd get and usually order the biggest.
Always used the full fat versions of everything.
Also can't stand exercise, became lazy.
I thought I was quite confident and didn't care about being so overweight.
Managed to convince myself I was fat and fabulous some of the time.
Only when my health began to seriously suffer did I decide to do something about it and do LL.
Now 12 stone down, have been at goal since mid December.
I cannot believe how EVERYTHING in my life has improved.
Thank you LL and so many of you on here for your support.
I feel like I've been re-born.
Good luck to all of you lurking deciding whether to do it or not.
Go for it - you deserve it.
Now ... i shouldnt have any excuses really!

When I was younger I used to turn my nose up at everything (as kids do) but was forced to eat everything from the father, leaving me gaggin off food.
So as i grew up and was just me and my mum, she always said "Dont eat it if you dont want" and what do kids do when they want something other than what they get?? - play on it! so i guess tht habit kinda stuck with me, eating rubbish piling on the lbs. trying my best to break it now though, sick of eating ham and chips lol x
"i'm big boned"- which is true to an extent, but my flabby stomach doesn't have bones

"Its genetic" - well so is hair colour but you can change that!

"I'm depressed" - tried this when i WAS depressed, yeah i ate my feelings i slept a lot, ate crap etc- but now i'm off the medication, whats the excuse?

I can't think of any atm but im sure i will think of them soon!
There are reasons and there are excuses, aren't there.

Excuses are the things you tell yourself when you are too lazy to watch what you eat, and then there are reasons, the things that really do set you off eating too much.


1. I can't not eat at a leaving do.
2. I'm feeling stressed.
3. I'm only a few stone overweight, another bar of chocolate won't make any difference anyway.


1. You don't have enough confidence to say no if someone is offering you food, because you think you will offend them or hurt their feelings.
2. You are stressed but you can't take the trouble to find other ways of relieving the stress, so you just wolf something down to make you feel better now.
3. You're feeling depressed but take a quick fix by eating a bar of chocolate because you don't have the energy or the willpower to do something about the feeling of depression ... which is partly caused by being overweight, so you are caught in a vicious circle.

And so on.

I am trying to stop making the excuses and start dealing with the reasons, but it's slow going.
I'm too short for my weight! I love food. I need to learn to EAT to LIVE not LIVE to EAT. I work with food so its really difficult not to taste what I make. I keep having to ask other people to do it for me. No licking cakey mix off fingers either - ooh the temptation.
I think I'm ready to say this..

I'm overweight because I never faced up to the fact my weight was a problem, never knew I had the power to change it, and I didn't face up to the fact that how much I ate was a problem.

Although I didn't pig out on takeaways and junk like that, I could pack away fairly massive meals even if it was pretty healthy stuff.
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Hi, newbie here :)

I've given this question a lot of thought over the years, and although I do identify with just about everything everyone else has said I think I have actually hit upon the real, 'deep down' answer.

I have a very domineering mother, she tries to be controlling almost 100% of the time. When we were growing up - I have two sisters, I'm the middle child - she was incredibly critical and used to tell us she was ashamed and embarrassed of us. As we have become adults she just gives us 'the look' and we know that she either doesn't approve of our hair, our clothes, our make-up, etc, etc...

Up until the age of 20 I was painfully thin, food didn't really play a part in my life at all. Then I had children and all that changed. ;)

I can remember one occasion when I had just started to gain a little weight she pointed to me in a photograph and said 'Oh look, there's old big bum'. I was a size 12 for heavens sake! :D :eek:

My mother is one of those people who admire extreme thinness. I think she would be happy if her children were anorexic.

Anyway, I could go on and on and on, but I will cut to the chase...

The reason I think that I can never stick to a diet is because I don't want to please my mother. I don't want her to think I have lost weight because she disaproves of me being fat. I don't want her to tell me how lovely I look when I am slim, blah, blah...

Having said all that, it's my 25th anniversary next month and we are going to Vegas for an Elvis wedding renewal, and I'm desperate to lose a stone in a month so will be sticking to the Atkins and keeping my fingers crossed. :innocent0001::flirt2: :D
Hi, newbie here :)

I've given this question a lot of thought over the years, and although I do identify with just about everything everyone else has said I think I have actually hit upon the real, 'deep down' answer.

I have a very domineering mother, she tries to be controlling almost 100% of the time. When we were growing up - I have two sisters, I'm the middle child - she was incredibly critical and used to tell us she was ashamed and embarrassed of us. As we have become adults she just gives us 'the look' and we know that she either doesn't approve of our hair, our clothes, our make-up, etc, etc...

Up until the age of 20 I was painfully thin, food didn't really play a part in my life at all. Then I had children and all that changed. ;)

I can remember one occasion when I had just started to gain a little weight she pointed to me in a photograph and said 'Oh look, there's old big bum'. I was a size 12 for heavens sake! :D :eek:

My mother is one of those people who admire extreme thinness. I think she would be happy if her children were anorexic.

Anyway, I could go on and on and on, but I will cut to the chase...

The reason I think that I can never stick to a diet is because I don't want to please my mother. I don't want her to think I have lost weight because she disaproves of me being fat. I don't want her to tell me how lovely I look when I am slim, blah, blah...

Having said all that, it's my 25th anniversary next month and we are going to Vegas for an Elvis wedding renewal, and I'm desperate to lose a stone in a month so will be sticking to the Atkins and keeping my fingers crossed. :innocent0001::flirt2: :D

Hi Me...

I read your post with interest. My mum was nowhere near as extreme as yours, but I do remember moments in my childhood when she would tell me I'm fat etc and urge me to lose weight, which just made me eat more! I have no sisters, but all of my cousins are very thin.

I can't believe your mum calls size 12 fat! That's incredible. My mum is more concerned about my health more than the way I look to be honest. I was quite overweight as a child and she was worried about the health issues. Of course, she also wanted me to look slim but that was only a secondary concern. I'm not a mother myself, but I imagine most mothers would rather their children be health first before anything.

Reading your reasons why you can't stick to a diet...you're not doing this for your mother. You're doing this for you. I assume you want to lose some weight because you are not happy with your current weight. Have you spoken to her about how she made you feel during your childhood? Do you speak often nowadays?
I have a very domineering mother, she tries to be controlling almost 100% of the time. She was incredibly critical and used to tell us she was ashamed and embarrassed of us. As we have become adults she just gives us 'the look' and we know that she either doesn't approve of our hair, our clothes, our make-up, etc, etc...

Oh how I can relate.

My..."mother" (for varying reasons that I won't go into, I don't call her that; nor have contact with her) put me on Weight Watchers when I was 11 because the school nurse called her to say that I was a little over the weight I should be and my parents needed to keep an eye on it. She didn't say "stick her on a strict diet and monitor her every hour of every day", yet I was told that I had a food allowance for the day and that was that. She called the canteen staff at school and told them that on the days when I had to have school lunches I was not under any circumstances allowed anything other than a salad or something + vegetables (NO chips or potatoes!!) and nothing for dessert. This plus being told off in front of friends when I ate 6 grapes without counting them (as in taking them out of my food allowance) resulted in me being bullied throughout school.
She would serve dinner and tell me off if I didn't finish; yet if I did I'd get comments like "hungry were we?" or "well you ate fast, anyone would think you didn't eat". I wouldn't be allowed (as a smaller child) to leave unless I had finished or at least eaten to her satisfaction, which meant stuffing myself until I felt sick and uncomfortable. Telling her I felt that way resulted in being told off.
As I got older I settled into my weight and was happy being a small 16. I enjoyed my curves, I loved the clothes I was buying and I had a boyfriend who loved my shape. Not enough for her, though and she had to make sly digs and comments (and not so sly ones like "are you pregnant? No, oh you must have gained some weight...Diet not going so well?")
She would always ask about how the "diet" was going, knowing I wasn't on one.
So I have an odd relationship with food.

This, plus the accident I had in 2003 and my resulting illnesses are the reasons I'm overwieght.
I think I'm ready to say this..

I'm overweight because I never faced up to the fact my weight was a problem, never knew I had the power to change it, and I didn't face up to the fact that how much I ate was a problem.

Although I didn't pig out on takeaways and junk like that, I could pack away fairly massive meals even if it was pretty healthy stuff.

this is me to the T! i also used to say it's genetics (i am big framed and broad and didn't look 20 stone but never realised how massive i had become until i saw a photo...horrendous)
this is me to the T! i also used to say it's genetics (i am big framed and broad and didn't look 20 stone but never realised how massive i had become until i saw a photo...horrendous)

i can definiately relate.. after getting married// having children, i got comfortable and the weight gradually consumed me... if i got huge overnight, i wouldve donw somthing about it, but because it was ''only'' and inch here, and 'only' a few lbs there, i never faced up to what was actually going on.
I'm simply overweight because I have issues around food. I'm a comfort eater, food addict, call it what you will. When I was a child, we'd go to my nans and learned that the more you were loved, the more you were fed. She'd fill us up with all sorts of things, things we didn't get at home.

At home, I had a mother who basically couldn't be a*sed. Getting up and doing things for us was just too much trouble and often we'd go to bed hungry because it was a favourite punishment, sent to bed with no tea.

I can't go to bed hungry anymore, it throws me right back and I find it really upsetting and unnerving to go to bed with an empty stomach. So I eat at night, when my son's gone to bed, to make sure my stomach is full.

You'd think that the 10 months I had on CD before would've broken me of that habit? Well yes at first, but I slipped back very quickly. I have to learn that going to bed without stuffing my face isn't going to hurt, it isn't going to do anything bad and ultimately it's going to benefit me.
  • I've been overweight since I was a child
  • I was lonely as a child - food was my friend
  • I take comfort in food
  • I celebrate with food
  • I use food to make other people feel better
  • I love to cook - but it's never healthy stuff
  • I try to be like "everyone else" by eating what "everyone else" can eat - but I know now I can't do that
  • I'm lazy
  • I just prefer the taste of fatty foods
  • I get bored at work and eat
  • I have the willpower of a spoon
But I will do this!