Im really worried ...........


Full Member
ive just watcdhed this tv programe about weight loss surgery and im really worried . there was a man on there that was saying if you have more than 10 stone to loose then it is impossible to loss it just by dieting . i really dont want surgery so this has really dishearted me and i dont know if it is true or not . please can someone shed some light onto this situation ....
Hi, I lost three stones so far and four stones more to go.Nothing is impossible if you want to do it.I know some people who lost about 10stones and more with diet.All you need is determination, if I can do it so can you....
Hi there, I don't have 10 stones to lose, in total I've got 9 stone to lose so quite close, anyways, I'm already down nearly 6 stone, done it this year and wanting to finish the rest next year. I believe if you have more than 10 to lose (but you're healthy too - on the WLW programme they had other problems) you can do it, just it won't be as quick as someone with half a stone. There are loads of people on here who have lost 10 stone or more too, without surgery :)