Im so mad at myself


New Member
I know I can do this, I know I can lose weight, but its so hard. It doesn't help with the kids' Halloween candy sitting around, food seems to be my worst enemy. I had too much candt THEN ate a huge bowl of Count Chocula cereal. I feel so sick its disgusting. I'm going to the gym tomorrow...
Dont be disheartened by having a bad day or a bad week! we all go through it and your not human without doing so! Everyone has a binge, hell i havent done very well this past 6 weeks but picked myself up this week.

P.s, the chocula cereal sounds yum! :)
Listen, DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PAST AT ALL. If you made a mistake it's fine everyone does. But learn from it and see how you can improve upon it.
One or two cheat days or meals are fine. Just try to be as consistent as you can generally and you will make progress. Embrace hunger!
You should try to plan your cheat days into your diet. That way it's okay for you to fail once in a while. Being flexible is super important when you're in it for the long haul.
I agree with Kathyd, being flexible is one of the most important things when changing eating habits. We cannot always be perfect, no matter how hard we try.
don't beat yourself up! I think it's actually good to have treat days. As they become less desirable, you can spread them out a bit. I live in a house with lots of junk I can't eat (my hubby's) I make sure I don't see them constantly or I'll and am tempted.
It's important to not give up when you have a bad day. Just accept it's happened and start fresh the next day :)
You are not disgusting, it takes time, just remind yourself why you are doing it and distract yourself from food!
I know it's an old post but still worth answering.

I know I can do this, I know I can lose weight.... I'm going to the gym tomorrow...

There, cut out the stuff in the middle, and what we are left with, are the right mindset, and right plan of action!

Amazing how changing the focus of the mind can make such a difference :D
Every person in this world can do this.. slimming down.. we just have to find the right REASON (a strong one) for us to be motivated.
yes we all do that- at Easter and Christmas I have to eat all the chocolates I get straight away, well within a short time, I find it is less of a punch on the weight as eating them staged over a period of time seems to add the weight back more- don't know why. But I am soon back on track once they are gone and out of my conscience.