im starting today


Full Member
so im starting today as not going out for new yr and saves me gaining anymore weight. so after a yr of dieting i have gained 1.5lbs as my head wasnt in the right place so today i am starting. im currently 19st8.5lbs argh but this is the last time im ever going to be this weight. im here to support anyome but also would like support off others as i think keeping busy and talking to people who are doing the same diet is the only way to get through it so please feel free to contact me xx
I started at 19:04 in July 2010 and reached goal of 10:00 in June of 2011 - so it can be done. I am currently around a stone above where I would like to be - I go up and down a bit (currently at the top of my up a bit!) but am chuffed with where I'm at. You can do it too. I would suggest that you do two things:

- write a list of the resons why you want to lose weight (the real gritty reasons you wouldn't necessariy share with someone else) and keep them with you. When you are tempted to have some thing off the plan re-read those reasons and refocus yourself.

- write a list of minigoals to be achieved through the way and then read them each week after weigh in and update those which you have achieved / put the number of lbs away you are from those within a stone. That way you focus yourself on your successes. Here are my list of minigoals - I still use it for fitness.

Goals Achieved : off diabetes meds / 1 stone / only obese! / 10% off / wedding ring fits again! / size 22 / 2 stone / weight when I started WW / 25% of the way there / <100lbs to go / 3 stone / size 20 / 50 lbs lost / weigh less than 100kg / weigh less than husband for first time ever! / 4 stone / size 18 / half way there / lightest in adult life (after WW) / 5 stone / weigh < 200 lbs / size 16 / wear knee high boots / 6 stone / only overweight! / size 14 / wear hotel robe / wear knee high boots with jeans tucked in! / 7 stone / 100 lbs lost! / 75% of the way there / In a Karen Millen dress / size 12 / 8 stone / bmi <= 25 / some size 10 / 9 stone / comfortable size 10 / final goal!!! / be able to hold the plank position (feet/elbows) for 30 secs / be able to hold the plank position (feet/elbows) for 45 secs / be able to do a sit up / be able to hold the plank position (feet/elbows) for 1 min / be able to hold the plank position (feet/hands) for 1 min / run at 11 km/hr for 8 intervals of 30 secs each with 30 secs 'rest'

Goals to Achieve: to be able to do a sit up without anyone holding my feet or using weights to help / run at 11 km/hr for 8 intervals of 1 min each with 1 min 'rest' / run at 11 km/hr for 8 intervals of 1 min each with 30 secs 'rest'
Thanks. It has changed my life hugely. I now do lots of activies that I couldn't have done before - eg learning to do rock climbing at the moment. I have also (much to my surprise!) really gotten into fitness and am loving the gym. My body is still going through a transformation in its shape as I build muscle. I still struggle somewhat with my weight but that is a struggle within a stone - which is fantastic for me. I think I'll always struggle to be honest - but that's ok - I know I'll need to eat in my new way for life and that I may struggle with my weight for life but I'm doing that from the low end of my weight and that is huge success in my mind.
well just had my first meal pack spicy spag and it was amazing tastes beta than many ready meals ive had lol xx
Good luck,I'm also starting today although using up cd products this week, I'll be on here for support too if you want to support each other,good luck everyone :)
The spicy spaghetti is rather nice - that was one of my favourites. Enjoy!
Best of luck with your start. I'm usually lurking, not been around all that long but feel like a bit of an old timer already!
hi im actually really enjoying it and finding the meal packs v tasty. i thought i wud love the bars as did wit cambridge but they dont seem as filling compared to the meal packs but think im enjoying it as its not shakes its actual little meals xx
Welcome :) Glad to see that you're doing so well and enjoying it. The bars aren't too bad once you're in ketosis, think they're quite a nice treat then. They certainly work well to get rid of any sweet/chocolate craving you have!