In it for the long haul...

Again, was so busy I missed putting my food diary on for Sunday! Just for the record...

SUNDAY 06/02/11

1 x Slice of Hovis Best of Both (91 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
Lime Marmalade (39 Kcal)

19:00 - ASDA Spicy Currey Noodle Pot (290 Kcal)

23:15 - 6 x Rice Cake (156 Kcal)
3 x American Hotdog (276 Kcal)
2 x Hard Boiled Egg (176 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (40 Kcal)

23:30 - Small pot of Ambrosia Low Fat Custard (140 Kcal)

02:00 - Low Fat Beef Flavour Crisps (119 Kcal)

04:00 - Options Mint Hot Chocolate (38 Kcal)

Total: 1382 Kcal

Had too many calories today but the Superbowl was on and I had to work hard not to munch!!

MONDAY 07/02/11

14:45 - 1 x Green Apple (36 Kcal)

18:30 - Pack of Tuna Mayo Sandwiches (225 Kcal)

00:00 - 1 x Frankfurter (97 Kcal)
2 x Weight Watchers Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)

01:00 - 2 x Low Fat Cheese Triangle (70 Kcal)

04:00 - ASDA Spicy Currey Noodle Pot (290 Kcal)

Total: 853 Kcal

Weigh-in day tomorrow Eeek!!
Had my weekly weigh-in this morning and am 27st 8lb (-6lb). Relieved that the weight is still coming off and even more so since I STILL haven't started doing any physical training yet!
Another great loss! Well done...
Thanks! Really pleased that it is still coming off. Just wish I wasn't so busy and could find time to fit some cardio in!

TUESDAY 08/02/11

12:30 - 2 x Weight Watcher's Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
1 x Frankfurter (97 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (20 Kcal)

16:00 - Japanese Beef Noodlesoup (279 Kcal)

20:00 - Low Sugar Alpen with Semi-Skimmed Milk (200 Kcal)

00:00 - 2 x Weight Watcher's Bread Slice (100Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
German Sausage (99 Kcal)

Misc - 3 x Low Fat Cheese Triangles (105 Kcal)

Total: 1070 Kcal
86alpzzyj said:
hey hun i hope this doesnt sound rude, but you eat soooo little, does it keep you going? I think i'd go mad x

Ditto, I know you're still loosing weight but you're eating so few calories it's not that good for you-it may start to slow down.
Have you got your phone sorted again yet by the way?
Ate a bit more today - but feel horrible for it. Think it was because I played Table Tennis this afternoon, made me so hungry!

Tbh my plan is to eat more but also do some cardio and weights etc to balance it out.

WEDNESDAY 09/02/11

14:30 - 2 x Slice of Weight Watchers Bread (100 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
50g of Polony (113 Kcal)

**Played Table Tennis until around 17:00

18:00 - ASDA Spicy Curry Noodles (290 Kcal)

19:30 - 4 x Rice Cake (104 Kcal)
100g Polony (226 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)

22:00 - Large Museli with Semi-Skimmed Milk (250 Kcal)

03:30 - 2 x Slice of Weight Watchers Bread (100 Kcal)
2 x Frankfurter (194 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)

Total: 1477 Kcal!

As you can see I got really hungry after table tennis whilst I was watching the football! However, now feel pretty sick (literally)
THURSDAY 10/02/11

16:00 - Museli and Semi-Skimmed Milk (200 Kcal)

20:00 - 2 x Rice Cake (56 Kcal)
2 x Cherry Tomato (4 Kcal)
2 x Weight Watchers Bread (100 Kcal)
5 x Salami Slice (88 Kcal)
50g of Coronation flavoured Cottage Cheese (35 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)

12:00 - ASDA Spicey Currey Noodle Pot (290 Kcal)

03:00 - 4 x Weight Watchers Bread (200 Kcal)
10 x Salami Slice (176 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (20 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (70 Kcal)

03:15 - Weight Watchers Caramel Creamed Rice (114 Kcal)

Total: 1398
FRIDAY 11/02/11

09:15 - 2 x Weight Watchers White Bread (100 Kcal)
5 x Salami (88 Kcals)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)

14:45 - ASDA Spicey Currey Noodle Pot (290 Kcal)

20:30 - 2 x Hovis Light White Bread Slice (108 Kcal)
10 x Mini Hotdogs (130 Kcal)
Bertoli Spread (35 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)

00:30 - Large Bowl of Museli with Semi-Skimmed Milk (300 Kcal)

03:15 - Small Portion of Custard (63 Kcal)

Total: 1169
Feeling really bad this week, don't feel motivated or as though i'm loosing weight so I jumped on the scales just now and it turns out I've lost only one pound so far and Weigh-in is on Tuesday. I allowed myself to eat more this week so as not to go into starvation mode but it doesn't seem to have paid off. Also I have had very little sleep with the amount of work I have had to do, so all in all feeling rubbish. The other bad thing is that next weekend I have got to go to an all you can eat chinese buffet for my mums birthday and I'm not sure which way to go about things. My thinking at the moment is that I should just go and enjoy myself for the night and eat whatever I like and just get back on the wagon the next day. However, given my lack of weight loss this week I am worried about doing this. I keep saying it but I really think I need to do some exercise but just don't seem to get round to it. Just can't believe how rubbish things have been next week. Just feel like I wish weigh-in day (Tuesday) would hurry up and get here so I can see the worst and then just start a new week! Think I am just going to have to be thankful if I haven't put anything on for this week and be really strict again combined with exercise next week, apart from the buffet night at the weekend.

What a rant. Here are my food diaries for the last couple of days:

SATURDAY 12/02/11

16:00 - Japanese Beef Noodlesoup (290 Kcal)

20:40 - 2 x Hovis Light Bread Slice (108 Kcal)
1 x Frankfurter (97 Kcal)
Sunflower Spread (35 Kcal)
Tomato Sauce (10 Kcal)
3 x Slice of Salami (20 Kcal)

In between - 2 x Light Cheese Triangle (70 Kcal)
2 x Mini Hotdogs (26 Kcal)

01:00 - Large bowl of Museli with Semi-Skimmed Milk (300 Kcal)

04:00 - Japanese Beef Noodlesoup (290 Kcal)
Custard (Low Fat) (120 Kcal)

Total: 1366 Kcal

SUNDAY 13/02/11

08:00 - Large Bowl of Museli with Semi-Skimmed Milk (300 Kcal)

15:00 - 4 x Slice of Hovis Light Bread (216 Kcal)
2 x Frankfurter (194 Kcal)
Sunflower Spread (70 Kcal)
Tomato Ketchup (10 Kcal)

18:30 - ASDA Spicey Currey Noodlepot (290 Kcal)

22:00 - Large Bowl of Museli with Semi-Skimmed Milk (300 Kcal)

01:00 - Weight Watchers Creamed Rice with Caramel (114 Kcal)

Total:1494 Kcal
I don't think you should worry too much about one day, just enjoy it and get back on the plan the next day. Have your slimming world books arrived yet?
Yeh apparantly they have, but I accidentaly got them sent to my home address which is the default one for my ebay account so I will have to pick them up when I go back there!

Had my weigh-in today and have lost 3lbs, which is better than nothing and certainly better than I was expecting!

Will put food diary for today and yesterday up later.
MONDAY 14/02/11

07:45 - 2 x Weight Watchers Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
Sunflower Spread (35 Kcal)
Marmalade (39 Kcal)

12:45 - 100g of Chilli Chicken (110 Kcal)
2 x Weight Watchers Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
Sunflower Spread (35 Kcal)
Extra Light Mayo (10 Kcal)

18:30 - 4 x Weight Watchers Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
Weight Watchers Ham Pack (58 Kcal)
Sunflower Spread (35 Kcal)

22:00 - 2 x Weight Watchers Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
Low Fat Belgian Pate (80 Kcal)
Sunflower Spread (35 Kcal)

03:00 - Large bowl of Museli with Semi-Skimmed Milk (300 Kcal)

Total:1137 Kcal

**Ate far too much bread today!
TUESDAY 15/02/11

15:00 - 2 x Weight Watchers Bread Slice (100 Kcal)
Light Salad Cream (10 Kcal)
Low Fat Mozarella (50 Kcal)
Salami (90 Kcal)

19:00 - Large Bowl of Museli (300 Kcal)

00:00 - ASDA Spicey Curry Noodles (290 Kcal)

03:00 - Poloney (200 Kcals)
Low Fat Crisps (100 Kcal)
2 x Weight Watchers Yoghurt (100 Kcal)

Total:1240 Kcal
Hello all,

Been back home over the weekend and latter half of last week and had limited internet access so fell out of the habit of keeping a food diary! However, I did continue to count the calories and managed to stay around the 1200 Kcal a day mark. However, as discussed above, Sunday was the Chinese Buffet night. I decided to just eat whatever I wanted and forget about the diet for that one night only - and boy did I eat! I was therefore very nervous this morning when it came to my weigh-in, and was just praying that I hadn't put on any weight. However, I lost 3lb again! I can't believe/understand it... How can I have a massive blowout on a chinese and still lose weight? Not sure whether it is a good thing - although it will give me the confidence to treat myself once in a while and not give up on the diet, i'm worried I may start thinking that I can ease off on a frequent basis.

Never mind that - for today I am just happy with a loss, especially when I was expecting a gain!
Feeling really down at the moment. Been very busy, not really kept a food diary and have massively overaten. Not the wrong stuff, just far too much.

On the up side I did do a session from Davina's Body Buff this week but I just don't have the motivation to either diet or exercise.

Feel as though I have massively fallen off the wagon and have ruined everything!:break_diet:
Had my weigh-in today and have lost... nothing! Pretty angry with myself but have broken the diet this week in terms of quantity of food consumed (rather than the type of food) so it could have been worse...

Can't seem to break this cycle of feeling depressed and eating what I like! Need help, aaaagggghhh!!
Hi Bexh, thanks for your message. I've had another really bad week. Been away from my computer so not really been on, also I am gripped by finals fever at university! Also for the first time since starting, I have put on weight this week (1lb) and am worried I am really letting it slip! Must make a change... again!!
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Not been around again all week but have tried a lot harder to keep on track. Feel like that is the case now as I lost 3lb this week, which feels good having put 1lb on last week! Just can't seem to break the 27st barrier!
Balboa said:
Not been around again all week but have tried a lot harder to keep on track. Feel like that is the case now as I lost 3lb this week, which feels good having put 1lb on last week! Just can't seem to break the 27st barrier!

Brilliant Tom, well done for getting back in track x