Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Lol TMI x
Right I am now refusing to weigh until my official WI on Thursday. Scales keep showing something different (+1lb today) and I'm fed up of trying to please them!
Rant over! :)
still not weighed myself this week- its killing me, less than 3 hours til weigh in and i really want a sneak peek!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
Well it's weigh in tonight at 5pm, but by looking at my home scales I don't think I'm going to get the 2.5-3.5lb I want off :(
Yep weigh in was bad +1lb no reason for it at all :(
Apparently I put on 3 pounds in an hour! I know it's not a true reflection - I was curious to see what the difference was before and after eating