Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

Thanks. I'm just getting a bit frustrated that I'm not loosing as much as everyone else seems to be and yet I've been 100% the whole way through this. I wouldn't mind if my scales stopped giving me false readings as it becomes irritating when you can't be sure what's going on. I'll have to weigh myself as I'm transferring on to another plan end of this week and I don't get any face to face support with it, so it would be nice to know that my scales are reliable as even at the end of a week 2 lbs can be a big deal to a lot of us, especially being if they show you've only lost 2 lbs and actually you've lost 4.
Back up today to 146.5 :( gutted!!! Well I just hope for a loss now this week...I'm scared of gaining! Yikes :(
Aghhh why are the scales STILL at 10st 11.75lb!!! Damn you scales you must move by Wednesday!!!
Ran late for work my alarm didn't bluddy go off, so no time to jump in scales lol! I blagged it big time and lied about car trouble, not a great way to start my day, and now have to stay half hour later! Arghhhh. Shame face!

I hope the scales would have been nice to me :-/
My scales at home say 1/2 gain....I'm fuming after all the effort this week to lose nothing after seeing the weight drop a few days ago! I'm 'late' there's nothing new there so that's equally annoying me too. Sometimes I really do hate this weight loss stuff, all it seems to do is stress me out from all the goddamn pressure that's put on. I just hate it when they go round asking what you'd do different....starve myself!! Lol
Agh yay the scales have gone down 12oz so very nearly a lb shifted.
Serial weighter me is back. I officially hate my scales. Need new ones. It changing its mins! This morning stepped on 3 times n got three different results. So frustrating! 10.7 after a battle of milion checks ? Ania
try moving them as the only place in my house that's not carpeted is the kitchen and I didn't realise how un level the floor was until I got digital scales. Now I spend ages shuffling it round until I find a flat bit and gently tapping the corners to check if it moves or is firm before I can use them. I try to leave them in the same place but inevitably over a few days they shuffle and start giving out false readings again.
I ended up maintaining! So my scales went down by 1/2lb at least lol.

Not weighing myself until TOTM finally comes my way in next couple of days. No point, 4 days after she comes I'll be showing a loss and not before :)

Not weighing until weekend....that'll be a hard addiction habit to break! =O I feel like Scale Addicts Anonymous Group is appropriate for those weening off the obsession! Lol
I ended up maintaining! So my scales went down by 1/2lb at least lol. Not weighing myself until TOTM finally comes my way in next couple of days. No point, 4 days after she comes I'll be showing a loss and not before :) Not weighing until weekend....that'll be a hard addiction habit to break! =O I feel like Scale Addicts Anonymous Group is appropriate for those weening off the obsession! Lol

You should start the club, I think I need to join.
Hi all I'm a serial weigher...
I can't help myself and it's a horrible habit to have because they can ither make my day or ruin it for me!
This morning I weighed in 12st 7lbs exactly!! :-(( that makes me sad that I'm back up there again but it's gonna come off x

35lbs to goal :-(((
I'm depressing myself this last week. I've switched diets and as such my scales have gone up. I know it's just because the food I'm eating now weighs more than shakes and it's not actual weight, but I can't help but feel annoyed that they haven't gone down in 3 days.
10st 9.75lb this morning! Official weigh in yesterday saw me lose 2.5lb.

Only 4 days until next weeks official weigh in so need to work really hard.
10st 9.75lb this morning! Official weigh in yesterday saw me lose 2.5lb.

Only 4 days until next weeks official weigh in so need to work really hard.

Well done on losing 2.5 lbs last week Nikki. I'm sure you'll have another great loss in 4 days time. Fingers crossed for you :fingerscrossed: :)

Kay xx