Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

I don't go to SW group and haven't set myself a weekly weigh in day so I often weigh myself every other day or so...

Sorry if this is tmi, but yesterday morning I weighed myself and had put on 1lb which annoyed me a bit as I had been so good all week (minus a friend's birthday meal out at Chimichangas where I tried to stay as SW friendly as possible!). Anyway a couple of hours later I had a poo and decided to weigh myself again (as you do!) and I'd lost 5lb!!!! There was no way it was 5lb poo (I've had a 9lb 1oz baby, there was definitely no need for gas and air!!!) so how does that work? Again sorry if tmi!!! :eek:
No idea it's totally weird and I share your frustration.

I was 15.9 last Thurs and this morning I'm 15.2 1/2. I'm not sure I believe it but would like it to stay there! Hopefully I'll lose at least a little! I went on a long run yesterday so could be dehydrated or something.
I haven't posted in here in a few weeks! I always forget... I am a serial weigher though and it has really helped me shift the last stone! X
haha, I also weigh every day, pretty much. Drives me nuts if I go up in weight and ruins my day. I still do it though :(
My WI day is a Monday at 5.30pm at group. I tend to weigh myself friday or saturday to see how I'm doing. I also weigh before I go to club so that I'm never in for a nasty surprise (not often). Theres nothing worse than weighing in and and shockingly seeing you've gained a pound or two! I feel like I have to keep a Poker Face about my mishaps. I don't know why, it's silly really.
I can relate to that!! (apologies if it's tmi) same situation but it was 2lb I lost :confused:
I am so glad to hear it's not just me! I literally weigh myself 3 times a day, maybe more if i'm not busy. Totally addicted, although it seems the scales at my group always take an extra pound off which is my saving grace when I think i've stayed the same! x
Can anyone recommend a good set of scales? Mine are rubbish and don't show the 0.5lbs
I've been trying to not weigh myself so much recently, just doing it on club day so i dont get a shock on their scales. Trouble is though, my scales show me as naked (!) and the club scales, I have light clothing on, but with that aside, i still am about 2lb heavier on the club scales.