Is anyone else a SERIAL weigher?

That's so crappy, it happened to me last week. Weight down today. 14.3 5/8 - much better. Need to keep going back to 13.13!!
i have always been a serial weigher! i think it is more the buzz of knowing, "well i ate healthy it better reflect on the scales!"
have sometimes had the odd fluctuation in the wrong direction but just means i need to keep going. I want this honeymoon to be perfect, not just for him but for me too, just to feel good within myself and say to myself that I CAN DO IT, and prove those who think I can't wrong...
I'm weighing religiously this week. Being super strict. Lost 6 lbs last week, aiming for 3 this week then I will have reached a 4 stone loss!! I have dropped 1lb since tues so not going very well so far! Going to spend tomorrow in the gym and sauna see how that works out for me! Xx
Sounds like you're edging closer and closer to that 4 stone....keep going, you will get it!!
I am terrible, I usually weigh myself at least twice a day. However this week I am sticking to plan as much as possible and trying to avoid the far so good and only 3 days till weigh in. It's hard not to have a sneaky peek on difficult days when you just need a little boost to spur you along! X
I'm praying it's accurate but I was 14.0 1/8 this am! I did have wine last night so it may be partly dehydration but it's a lot less than 14.7! Maybe mostly back to my lowest weight (14.1)

Weigh in tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I have been pretty angelic all week (slipped up yesterday). Going for a run later which should balance it - I know it won't officially but it should calorie wise.
Thanks, 4.5 off! This am says 14.0 7/8 so going to attempt another good week and get into the 13s for next week. Why do bodies do this, losing the day after weigh in?
This am they said 13.13! Fingers crossed that's not because of 2 glasses of wine last night (included in syns). Now if they could be 13.12 by Monday I might get into my next stone officially!!
Mine go up and down but mainly up all week long then usually drop for weigh day!
Just not at the moment

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I'm so relieved to know other people do this! I have started slimming world again and I'm in it for the long haul and have my scales away!!!! It's the only way I will be able to stay focused!