Is anyone starting Cambridge January 2014? Lets support each other!

I will try to be sensible. Can't deny myself a bbq... I'm not strong enough ha

Total loss = 26lbs
Try and stick to just the meats and salad if you can. Easier said than done lol. Have a good weekend x

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Thanks! What you got planned? Everyone's gone quiet on here haha

Total loss = 26lbs
I know, too quiet!!!! Not much really, shopping and hair done. Just relax really. How's your uni work going?

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
I've been getting distracted and applying for jobs instead of doing PhD work... Oops. But my funding runs out in Sept so panicking about getting the right job! Sounds nice.... I hope the weather is good. Everyone else must be head deep in chocolate eggs ;)

Total loss = 26lbs
What do you want to do once you finish?

Reckon you might be right about the Easter eggs and the others!!! Feeling tired and cold :-( Early night I think.

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Well I want to do clinical doctorate so need to get experience so assistant psych job would be ideal even though I'd get paid peanuts... Worth it in end though. Applying for research assistant jobs too!

Total loss = 26lbs
I reckon they're all in a chocolate induced coma. My feet are freezing :( are you doing ss or step 2?

Total loss = 26lbs
I feel your pain, my hands and feet are freezing all the time!
Well doing combo of ss+/step 2 so not quite 810 calories I don't think but will see how I go. It definitely helps having something to eat!

Total loss = 26lbs
How u got any recent weightless pics now? Is your consultant happy you're carrying on for a bit longer? When will she move you up the steps ?

Total loss = 26lbs
I managed to lose 1.5 lb on ww last week. I didn't touch weeklies tho. Had a bad time at work so had a bad few days, think I'll just enjoy Easter and start again Tuesday xx hope everyone else is good x

Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app
How u got any recent weightless pics now? Is your consultant happy you're carrying on for a bit longer? When will she move you up the steps ?

Total loss = 26lbs

No new pics, didn't really do any before pics so hard to compare.
Yeah went to see her tonight, was nice just seeing her as she's lovely. I'm planning on doing 4 weeks back on ss+ for now and see how much I lose then think of the steps. I'm hoping I can lose as much as possible in that time although I have a weekend off for may bank holiday as we are going away for the weekend. I want to do the steps properly this time, even if it just a week on each. Have a lovely weekend. X

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
I managed to lose 1.5 lb on ww last week. I didn't touch weeklies tho. Had a bad time at work so had a bad few days, think I'll just enjoy Easter and start again Tuesday xx hope everyone else is good x

Sent from my HTC One X using mobile app

Well done on your loss, that's fab. Hope works ok now. Have a lovely Easter x

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Sounds good! Have a great Easter weekend all... Damage limitation is a must haah

Total loss = 26lbs
How's it goin? I went shopping and forgot my bloody products so had chicken salad, not good as planned to have a steak tonight with the family. Still it's only protein so won't do any harm.

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Won't do you any harm at all, probably good to have the lunch to split up your day! Just keep at it :)