Is there such thing as too much water?


Full Member
Hey guys,

Since being on this diet I've noticed that I am CONSTANTLY thirsty so I decided to count the number of pint glasses of water I drank just whilst at work (8 hours, have more before and after work). And just in the time that I was at work I drank 8 pints! I don't have to force myself to drink, I really am always thirsty and get a dry mouth if I dont, but is this too much? Is it harming me more than doing me any good? Is it going to stall my loss or cause me to retain water?

Is it ideal for me to drink as much water as I need to quench my thirst, or do I need to think about reining it in a little? We usually get told that more water is better, but this is pretty excessive, and I'm not peeing as much as I thought I would considering that extra, although I've always drunk around 3litres per day anyway.

Thanks in advance ladies.

Over drinking water can be very dangerous indeed - in some case fatal.

It's called "Water Intoxication" - the blood becomes so dilute that the electrolyte balance is affected, which can trigger stroke.

Marathon runners, dancers and night-clubbers are often at most risk - they exert themselves, get hot, get thirsty, and don't track what they are drinking.

One famous victim is actor Anthony Andrews (Brideshead Revisted) - he was working on stage in My Fair Lady, working long hours under hot lights, and he drank 8 litres in a single day to compensate. He collapsed and was in a coma for 3 days - luckily he made a full recovery.

I don't know what the safe levels are - famously 8 pints killed a woman on a radio competition called "hold your wee for a wii" but she drank the whole amount in 2 hours and was trying not to pee.

So if you are pacing yourself and weeing normally, 8 pints is probably ok.

But don't just reach for the water bottle and assume its harmless, or that forcing another litre down will speed up weight loss.
Ok, I just checked wikipedia, (I know it's not the best source for medical advice!) and read this:

"Water intoxication can be prevented if a person's intake of water does not grossly exceed his or her losses. Healthy kidneys are able to excrete approximately 1 litre of fluid water (0.26 gallons) per hour. However, stress (from prolonged physical exertion), as well as disease states, can greatly reduce this amount."

So - if you are drinking 4 litres in 8 hours you should be in the safety zone suggested there, but be careful - particularly if you say you don't think you are peeing out as you drink.
Thanks Atropos, I was thinking that might be the case. It works out to about a pint an hour, which doesn't feel unreasonable and I'm not forcing it down in any way, my hand just reaches out for it! I think I'll keep an eye and just try not to increase it.
As far as I can remember from my biology classes you would need to drink 10% of your own body weight in water before it becomes a problem. I haven't checked that though....
I drink probably 4L at the moment as it's hot and I walk to work and probably down 1/2L on my arrival. My GP reckons 2L is too much. We've talked about the water thing with people on Atkins who also drink plenty... some say not enough = water retention. others (like my GP) put my water retention down to drinking too much!

On the official chat I have seen them tell people who are retaining water/not losing to dring the 1 1/2 litres but no more. - but they do come out with some corkers on there, so who knows?
me neither! I've probably drunk that already
I would have thought that water retention was generally caused by factors completely independent of the actual amount of water drunk. After all, I retain water during TOTM and drinking less won't stop that happening!

I suspect it has more to do with the interaction of the various processes in the body - salt intake, energy storage, hormones (insulin and progesterone most obviously, but there are others), kidney function, liver etc, etc....
I drink more than 1.5 litres of black coffee every day!
I love reading the official online chat - I find it most entertaining at times yet frustrating at other times.
I get an urge to take a red pen and correct the English! I won't even mention the contradictions during the same chat!
I know - it's the yoghurt debate that gets me most - some days mullers are fine some days not!
I drink a LOT of water especially when getting into ketosis as I get a really dry mouth. I tend to drink about 3 litres at work 9-5 plus 4 black coffees and then about another litre when i get home.
Do you find your mouth is now drier since quitting smoking Vicky? Just something I've wondered myself!
Yes it is Jo!!!!!!! wierd never thought of that but always having gum aswell to keep mouth moist!
I turned to sugar free sweets when I first quit, and had the usual troubles... now have to keep an eager eye on how many I have to avoid that! But yes definitely dry mouth after quitting smoking for me too! Why would that be, I wonder?
I dont know - it is listed as one of the side effects though - but wouldnt think you would still have it now Jo.
AND they dont mention the depression do they - nicotine is an anti depressant and it can take 12 weeks to get through that - ah well only 9 weeks to go!!!!

oh and look

I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 16 hours, 46 minutes and 25 seconds (23 days). I have saved £161.38 by not smoking 473 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 15 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/04/2011 22:00

(sorry for hijacking)
Welcome back, Vicky!:D How was the holiday?

Massive well done to you - almost a month! If it's any help, husband was just about 'cured' of the black cloud/bad mood by the end of the first month (and he had patches for the first 9 days) so not much longer for you, hopefully.

He's cut down on the sweets now (he got through a packet a day), but still gets through a fair few sunflower seeds he says he's stopped one addiction for another (slightly healthier:p) one.

Back to topic -

I'm drinking lots just now too, but it's hot out - probably having an extra litre/day. A normal day would be about 3 litres (including tea/coffee). I would have less in winter though.
Thanks Laura...I am feeling a little better the last 2 days :D