Total Solution 'It's like being 19 again.....'


Hi. My name is Sal. I'm 36 years old and I feel like a mum.

I mean....I am a mum, but now I feel like a frumpy old embarrassing mum. This might be something to do with the three teenage boys that look at me like I've crawled out of cheese and faint with embarrassment when I sing in the car. But mostly I think it's to do with being about nine stone overweight and never going out.

Last week the only clothes I wore were my work uniform and my pj's. Awesome.

A friend of mine recently lost a lot of weight and not only does she look fabulous, she said to me.....'It's like being 19 again....'. Now, that's something I like the sound of and in the absence of a modified DeLorean and some plutonium 'Exante' seems to be my next best option.

So I'm eagerly anticipating delivery of my box, sipping water and trying not to slap the pate on toast out of my effortlessly thin husbands hand.

I'll keep you posted.
Ah, thank you. I was just reading your diary and marvelling how someone sets out a tea party without even a little taste!
You are my hero
So, my box didn't arrive till 17.30. So I spent the whole day arguing with myself. Start tomorrow or ride it out.

I rode it out with the help of lots of water, a cup of bovril and a browse of the Anine Bing website (not that I can afford a £229 shirt but would be nice to have the option to fit in one).
Went okay, even when hubby cooked burgers for lunch on the bbq in a last ditch attempt to eek out the summer holidays one more day. I wasn't even tempted and I only fantasized about pushing his face into the grill once.

Anyway, box arrived. I rearranged it under the watchful eye of the cat who I think thought his look was in and he'd had a job lot of pouches delivered. Ate a double choc bar which was delicious but to be honest would have eaten it either way.

We then went to sainsburys for supplies....flavoured coffee, own brand coke zero and only one bottle of Dr Pepper Zero as it cost roughly the same as my mortgage.
I also bought a bottle of flavoured water that had only malic acid and ignored the fact that it also contains apple juice concentrate because I actually wanted a burger king so figured it was a fair compromise.

Came home and ate spaghetti carbonara followed by what I think should have been angel delight but my water amounts were a bit off and so actually had carbonara soup followed by butterscotch soup....but it tasted good.

Considering going to bed early so the cheese in the fridge doesn't keep flirting with long day at work tomorrow. Luckily not allowed food or drink except on three designated breaks so at least that a good 12 hours where nothing can get me.....not even the cheese........
Well done Sal, you got through the day! You take your victories where you can and humour can really help you conquer your demons and gremlins. My cats were also of the opinion that my delivery was for them and parked themselves in the boxes, just because...

Just take it one day at a time until it becomes habit. Feeling like death for the first few days is par for the course but hey, it passes. A few days of wanting to punch the other half is well worth the joy of getting that fat off and being the goddess you were always meant to be (well that's what I'm telling myself anyway!!)

Keep on keeping on :D
Hi Sal

I think you started the right way which will make your first few days much easier. I had a pig out just before I started as a good bye to food and my first few days have been awful.

Good luck with the next few days and I look forward to hearing how you are doing and cheering you on.
Woke up late this morning so flew out of the house at 6.30 with not so much as a sniff of coffee (or water....whoops)

Managed to throw a cup of water down before first meeting then shake and another glass of water at about 10.30.

On my second break now with a big coffee and just had a double chocolate bar trying not to look at what's happening around me in the staff room.

My plan is another shake at my 18.00 break and then bath and bed when i get home.

I just don't get how I'm going to drink enough water while I'm at work. I can't have anything with me, not even a bottle of water, so can only drink on my breaks. And I need a better plan than....drink a litre each break.....wee all afternoon.
Hi Ally! Well done! You're doing great! The first few days are absolutely the hardest.

Asda does 1l sports caps bottles that are great for carrying around, a 6pack is £2. I always keep a pack in the boot of my car- and of course you can refill the bottles.
.....So I'm eagerly anticipating delivery of my box, sipping water and trying not to slap the pate on toast out of my effortlessly thin husbands hand.

I'll keep you posted.

I like you, I have a hubby that thinks nothing of stuffing yummy stuff whilst I drool
No, not a lab....that sounds much more exciting!!

I'm a nurse in a critical care unit and you can't take food or drink in. The staff room has a water cooler but it's way down the corridor and its not really possible to keep getting people to cover while you nip out.

Today was surprisingly easy. Turned down homemade brownies with no real effort and I've just come straight up to watch tv in bed now I'm home so I'm having today as another win.

Found collegues reactions interesting. I had to explain to a couple of people that I wasn't asking them to do it and they could stop being horrified, nor did I need people listing every other type of diet ever invented as a much healthier alternative. Thanks for telling me how unhealthy it is go back to your chips and gravy and I'll worry about me. Okay?

Back at work tomorrow. Must try harder with the water!?
Ooh, almost forgot! Promised my self I would be totally honest on here. Posting everyday regardless of what happens and always telling the truth.

So, in the interest of full disclosure I had a splash of milk in my coffee on pm break because still not totally used to black coffee. And an extra strong mint because it was the only thing on hand as I was going into a sensitive meeting and was terrified they would dry heave at my breath.

I'm not even sorry.
You could tell your colleagues what I tend to say, about the research into the physiological benefits of extended calorie restriction. The research that lead to the 5:2 diet, which was designed to be the bare minimum to still get some effect. The benefits are not just weight loss. The main issue with calorie restriction is the loss of nutrients, which diets like this prevent. People who say how unhealthy it is have usually been reading the low quality stuff on line not the science papers, or they just have no idea at all. Don't listen to them. You are doing the best thing for you and your health and you are going to feel amazing for it.
Todays break finds me in the library. Another place I cant eat.

This morning I felt great, not even hungry. Had a litre of water before my shift started and was feeling okay. Went on my break, had a shake....felt I was going to faint or throw up, couldn't decide which. So I had my bar too.

Felt a bit better after that physically but now i've spent the rest of the day trying not to cry. Over virtually nothing. Not the most professional!? I'm hoping this will pass and I can save my last shake for last break at 18.00. Grrrrrrrr. I feel like the cheese might win today.