It's saturday **lets do it hour by hour**

finally made it through a litre of water, ha. it's taken me long enough... ah well. onto the next one...

abz xx
ARGHHHHH having a very bad day :( and am having weigh in tomorow.....grrrrr good luck everyone
ive had a rele bad cold for 3 days i think thats why ive felt **** and so eaten some stuff :( pooo feel rubbish now
Weather not too bad in SE London, a little overcast but not too cold.

Had my first litre of water so far and the toilet run has started. Wouldn't mind but recently had an op on my foot so need to set out early to the loo or just might not make it in time!!!

Roll on 2nd litre of water - it's all good, it's all good, it's all good!;)
ha. keep on chanting hon :) i'm not into my second litre of water. i'm usually at least 2 litres down by now but am struggling a tad...
Hey the sun is shining here in Lancashire!! 1 vanilla Shake and 2.5 litres of water down so far.
Keep it up everyone.
With the amount of times you are backwards and forwards to the loo I can see why.

What's the average amount of water to drink a day? My cdc says at least 2 litres but more if poss. How much do you all drink a day and does it really increase weight loss?
I drink about 3 - 4 litres a day. I have always drank a lot (often wine!) so I don't have a problem with the volume. I don't know about speeding weight loss pesonally but there are loads of threads that say it does. Get a bigger glass if you are struggling or leave a glass in the loo and glug one down after going!
Hey!!!!! The sun has come out!

On my 3rd litre, will have another shake late afternoon and then one more tonight...Im hanging in there.......................JUST!
afternoon all

well have been to asda this morning ( like a bun fight in there today ) and have stood and peeled, chopped and cooked as might have a visitor later ( im betting that i dont but was a girl guide, be prepared and all that, lol )

havnt even got round to having a shake yet but have had a litre of water so far
I'm struggling today, i'm worried about my niece who is 16, she was in a crash early this morning and has just come out of an operation to remove a blood clot from her brain but she still has pressure on her brain so the doc said next few hours are critical. I'm such an emotional eater, i eat when happy, sad, excited, worried, wonder i'm overweight!

But i'm fighting it...had a soup for lunch and have had 3ltrs or water and i'm sick of seeing the loo.
oh kirsty, sorry to hear about your neice, really hope the surgery has helped and she will start to pick up soon, my thoughts are with you and her family
has time fastforwarded to april fools day?

been chatting to a male friend today who has told me he really likes me and wants to be with me
hes a really sweet guy and again is way out of my leauge, the guy practically lives at the gym!

so either its april fools day or these guys need glasses real quick!

have had 1 shake so far and 2l water
Keeping everything crossed kirsty that she comes through everything fine. xx

Claire come on hun a bit of faith your a new you stunning and confident of course a fit guys gonna want you!!! xx

Me im having a crap day and its weigh in tomorrow!!!
well have finally managed to get to my 3rd and final shake of the day!

really not wanted the shakes today just not hungry at all but hey there down now and am sure tomorrow will be a brighter day