I've just realised I've lost exactly 5 stone!

OMG Rose! What can I say except 'WOW!' Truly inspirational, you have worked so hard, you really dodeserve it. Get some more piccies posted hun- you should be showing yourself off. Well done you xx
Rose a huge whopping fantastic brilliant congratulations!!!

You are amazing!!!
Well done!!!
The rest will soon follow

Well Done!!! Amazing loss in record time!!
The next 5 will be a walk in the park now that the worst part is over!!
:) :)
Nope not really got any more energy yet but I am finding moving around so much easier.I can easily squat down now and kneel, whereas I had trouble with that before.I can also lie on my back without feeling like something's crushing my chest.It's easier to turn over in bed.I am finding I don't get as out of breath when I walk.I'm also discovering I have small bones, not huge ones as I used to think-my wrists are getting smaller and I can tell they're going to be delicate, not these huge thick ones that I always thought I had.My knees are emerging-I can feel my kneecaps.It's all very exciting :D