Ive moved to weight watchers!!

Each to their own really. SW works for some and WW works for others. SW works for me and tbh I wouldn't want to try WW...but that's me. As long as the goal is achieved and the person is happy with what they're doing...it's all good!

Good luck to everyone with their own weight loss journeys...whichever route they take. :)
I think maybe if you do red or EE it might be more expensive than WW but as i do green i find i spend less when im doing slimming world than when i fall off the wagon.Pasta,rice,pulses ect are very cheap.I did WW once,it did the job but i did find i was hungry alot of the time.
Im doing the flip. Did ww for years and lost weight very quickly. The only reason it didn't suit me is that I couldn't maintain - the thought of counting points for life made me so depressed. Then I just couldn't get back into pointing after my last baby, would last a couple if days then go off track. Im doing sw loosley after leaving my group. I keep a loose count on my syns but usually only have cereal bars anyway, Im exercising and if I want a kfc on sat with my family I have one as I think one splurge a week isn't bad. Im trying not to obsess which is what I did on ww and just try and loose half a pound a week. I do find doing EE more expensive as I eat lots more fruit.
mucho lucks I hope it works for you, I just so don't think I could be bothered weighing everything and pointing it up lol just to let you know I manage a family of 7 on about £70 a week depending on wether i need nappies or not. xxx
Hi angie where do u do your main shopping cuz thats a brill price, we go to asda n spend bout 100 hundred a week but i also go out to iceland to stock up in the week as well.
we do asda aswell lol, we tend to go for as many offers as we can and asda branded stuff, not the smart price just the asdas own stuffs xxx