Jaly's SF Maintenance Diary!

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Oh no... I couldn't cope.. I literally have my periods for 36 hours and they're gone but my God do I feel sorry for myself.. I don't get them heavy and I don't feel too much pain or sickness but I am so full of self pity its unreal..
Weeklies: 37/90

Breakfast: Toffee oat bar (2), Fat-free cherry yog
Morning: Apple
Lunch: Ham and ex. light philly sandwich on brown bread, Banana
Afternoon: Red cherry go ahead slices (4), Apple, WW Ginger crunch cookies (2)
(usually I'm not too keen on WW products but these are lush :))
Dinner: Chicken breast, gravy (1) new potatoes, carrots
Dessert: Apple and blackberry crumble (5)
Supper: Cornflakes and natural yoghurt
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Big hugs Hun hope you feel better soon xx
Think I'm gonna give zumba a miss tonight, feel a bit guilty as I didn't go to the gym this week or go to karate but jumping around is the last thing I feel like doing right now!

Just made cupcakes and they smell gorgeous! Mmm, can't wait to ice them!

Spent the afternoon doing one of my sis' craft sets she was gonna throw away when tidying her room, so, painting little ceramic beads :p Small things please small minds I guess!

My aunt's FB status made me giggle, thought I'd share :)

"Well buying Thomas the tank engine shaped pasta was a bad idea. Sam has emptied his bowl and is now choo chooing them across my kitchen table!"


For anyone who likes the WW crumbles - Waitrose crumbles are the same calorie-wise and taste SO much nicer! Definitely recommend!
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Kids' birthday party today so will no doubt be eating some junk. :)

Weeklies: 20/90

Breakfast: Porridge, Apple, Sultanas (1), Banana
Lunch: Cheese on toast (1 slice brown bread, half-fat cheese (1)), fat-free yog, apple + blueberry porridge
Afternoon: Kiwi
Dinner: Margherita pizza (yumyum!) (10)
Evening: Pineapple snack pack, Frube (1), 1/2 kinder egg (1)
Supper: Hard boiled egg, Mixed veg, go ahead fruit bake (3)
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Enjoy the sweeties and birthday cake. I am making a cake later for my friends daughters birthday next week. So no doubt I'll be eating some of that next week.

Also maintaining is harder than losing? God help me when I need to maintain lol
Got to the stage where I feel bad about eating 'treat' food - had a raspberry fruit bake (which even counts as one of your 5 a day!) and 1/2 a kinder egg and i feel like rubbish for it! Maybe something to do with the lack of exercise this week? *sigh* and I was making such good progress with my feelings towards food too! I don't trust myself with just SF and have been using mfp also, not sure why but I'm finding it so difficult to stop counting!
Gonna ban myself from logging, if i can't relax about food willingly I'll have to force myself :)

9/90 weeklies

Breakfast: Cornflakes + SS milk
Morning: Banana
Lunch/Afternoon: Yogurt, Ham + ex. light philly sandwich on brown bread, Ryvita fruit crunch (1), Apple, Grapes, Weetabix oat bar (2) WW cookies (2)
Dinner: Cauliflower, Carrots, Gravy (1), Cheese sauce (2), 2 yorkshire puddings (3), roast beef, roast potatoes (oil allowance) (was a huge plateful!)
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Is there a reason you are feeling this way suddenly? Has someone said something that triggered something?

Personally I think you should stop tracking food altogether for a few weeks. You know you can make good choices. It's all too easy to get obsessed. My step daughter has become the same since using MFP so I banned her from touching it. She was obsessing over how much cabbage she could eat with her dinner one night because of the calories and I realised it could quickly become out of control.

I only say this because I care but you have done amazingly well. You have a lovely figure. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. You are incredibly smart and need to focus your energy on your studies rather than obsessing about what food you eat. Enjoy puddings occasionally, enjoy a full fat yoghurt. Monitor your weight monthly rather than weekly and if it gets over a certain point then concentrate on tracking your food but until that point comes enjoy yourself like you were a few weeks ago. Your health is more important than calories xxxx
I'm really not sure, i can't source a trigger but I think it may just be the MFP atmosphere etc :) It is really easy to get obsessed, I used to weigh fruit/veg etc and refuse to eat something if I couldn't calculate the calories in it but I'm a bit more relaxed about it now :)

Thank you so much! Your support means a lot! I think I'll stick with SF for the time being, I've banned myself from counting any kind of calories/points as well so hopefully that urge will just fade with time :) but I agree, very soon I should stop tracking my food altogether and when I feel comfortable enough to do so I think I'll make the right choices (most of the time at least!)
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