January 2009 - Starters

Well done all on great losses!

I've been trying to get back on abstinence and failing pretty miserably. My body just feels like it's struggling. Decided to follow LLL principles and have a small low carb meal a day and I feel Much better for it. I'm also going to start up a fitness program of 3x a week. Maybe once I'm back into it I'll do LLL on those days and foundation on other days.


Loving the new avatar becks and great loss!
Sean and Westie, salt isn't on the allowed list anyway!!!!!

Good luck with trying a different tack Ellie.
Sean and Westie, salt isn't on the allowed list anyway!!!!!

Good luck with trying a different tack Ellie.

Sorry to disagree hun, but it is - it's in the Your First Week book under Spice up your Lighter Life, but does say to use it sparingly (esp if you have high BP) :)
High BP, which I do have and take the pills for, euch!! :jelous::sigh:

I didn't get the book this time around but I can remember it was just pepper and tabasco last time. Perhaps I'm imagining things though like Huseyin's post being in the wrong place. :rolleyes::confused::eek:

I think I need a lie down.:copon:
Thanks all, still buzzing from WI last night and feeling 100% more positive than I have all last week.

Salt is definately allowed, but it does say sparingly. I've used only once per day, and with cracked black pepper in soups which I really like. However, I am conscious that one of my bad habbits is adding salt to meals before tasting them, so I've now stopped for the duration of LL, and will only use in the future if it's needed. Got to be a health benefit in the long term. (oddly, when in France there's NEVER salt on tables and I don't miss it).

Thanks Westie :eek: Got to spend the day doing my colouring in, as darling OH calls my pastels class, so hopefully not too strenuous!!

Answer: - don't stand up quickly!! You take care of that. I've been on the bathroom floor a couple of times with the same thing.

Sean, you have so got your head in the right place!! :D

When doing the cooking thing I can tell about the salt by OH's legs! Not enough ('coz I'm stingy with it!) and he gets achy and stiff and has to take sodium tablets :rolleyes: Too much and his gout flares up! :rolleyes: Rock and a hard place sometimes!!
When doing the cooking thing I can tell about the salt by OH's legs!

Wondered what you were going to say there? Had visions of your OH kicking you if there wasn't enough salt, or his legs curling up into themselves if too much. LOL
Sean - fantastic result after all that worrying! Well done and great to hear you have your head back in focus. You'll be at goal weight in no time.

PB - sorry to hear you're still struggling, but you sound confident that LLL is the right path for you. I'm sure the gym will really assist too. You are so close to goal and looking fab. You can do it!

Well done to everyone else on some good losses this week.
Hi all, started on LL 10 days ago and have lost 16 pounds, just found this forum and thought it would be cool to talk to other people doing the same.
Welcome Hellraiser (great name!)

Sorry to hear you're still finding it hard Ellie; so far I've managed yesterday and today back on packs, but not back in ketosis yet so STARVING!!!

I sometimes add salt to the chicken soup which is a bit bland, but find the others fine as they are. When I was being bad I noticed that I didn't add salt to anything, so maybe my tastes are changing?

Well done on losses this week - that pot is massive!
Daisydoll - wk 9 -3lb off -30lbs total - 23 to go
Emveg - W9 - 4lb off - 39lb lost - 20lb to lose.

Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk9 - +1lb -- 24.5lb -- 17.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 10 - 6lbs - 66lbs total 24lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 8 - 4lb off - 33lbs total - 48lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose

TOTAL for January Losers 549.5lb
em - fab loss hun

hellraiser welcome

sorry about those struggling

everyones losses are great tho - come on guys we are so near now!
daisy x
Bah, first day so far I didn't lose any weight, and yes, I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday :D but I just wanted to see the scales say 16 stone summat, hehe, anyway it hasn't put me off, I guess it always slows down in the second week ? Hope everyone is doing ok and losing lots of weight and thanks for the warm welcome :)
play a few of the games threads your posts will soon build up
daisy x
Hey Em, great loss! hope you're feeling ok.

Hi Hellraiser.