Step 1 Sole Source January 2015

Good luck malibusally!!! The fact that we want it so bad is good, coz we will be more determined to stick at it! New year new fit healthy body!!
I know what you mean about socially, I love the summer so much, yet I hate feeling frumpy in a summer dress or shorts and vest. I go on my first hols of the yr 2nd Feb!! It's for my mums birthday, I'm not sure if you can but I'm tempted to take products with me, I read on another forum a lady took products away for breakfast and lunch and had a normal dinner, was active on hols and didn't put on any weight! I know people say oh but it's a hols just enjoy it, but for me it's so early on In the year, I don't wanna completely ruin my hard work, il put it to my consultant and see what she thinks and let you know the deal :)
well done Skellybob! Think positive!! All ur products have everything ur body needs :) the weight will drop off!! Xxx
I know what you mean otll only be a few weeks of u being on tge diet u cpuld try and take them its worth it if they say no u cant take the cd stuff then at least u tried and like u say just have the 1 meal:) its so wierd i was just thinking right what am i having for dinner then thoyght oh im having a shake loool its so wierd :( xx
Yeah I was thinking I could take the ready made shakes so it's easy, although means less room in the case for clothes and shoes dammit lol. But yeah il let you all know. Loving your signature!! And strangely enough it's so nice to not have to think about what to make for dinner, it's sorted! X
Lool i know what u mean but think in a few weeks u can have all the shoes and clothes u like aha i know i like to think about food though thats the problem ahha x
Good luck everyone! I can't wait to be back and joining you all on the 5th :D

All the money I saved on food and takeaways I'm spending on clothes now though! Got a new top from Peacocks (size 14) and a few from Primark (Size 16) but that's it now till they're dropping off me. Hopefully they should last me a few more stone... my last lot of clothes was size 20-22 and are just getting obscenely baggy now!
Omg crafty little rat thats crazy how much difference your clothes are bless :) your doing so well !! Xx
Happy New Year!
Good luck to all starting today. I have my first appointment on Monday. I really want to start the same day or I know I will do the old 'Last Supper' where I pig out on Monday night. Might just have a little tuna mid-morning and then do two shakes. Or even buy a Slim-fast ready shake.

Really cutting down from today. Dry January and less carbs today and tomorrow, none Saturday and Sunday.

I have my holiday 29th March to Portugal. Want as much weight off as poss by then. I have a whole wardrobe of size 12s I am desperate to wear. At the moment my 14 are starting to get tight.
Omg happt happy just dived in at the deep end made my family dinner thought better get it over and done wit had to literally stop myself so many times but managed just drink it choc orange shake with lpads if ice did it in my blender its now thick and crezmy actually pretty nice im impressed! The smoothie ice blender is gonnq b a god send :)) xc
Go all needles if you cut carbs now youll get into ketosis quicker apparently xx
agreed cutting out the carbs and any sugar to get into ketosis! And lots and lots of water! CraftyLittleRat that's so good! Clothes are such a good way to judge how well you are doing as well as the number on the scales!! There's no better feeling than trying on something and it being baggy :D
allneedles you have a good amount of time to get a great weight loss for your holiday!!
Skellybob well done on the cooking and staying strong!! i had my porridge this morning and will have a shake I'm am hour or so! Weekends are the hardest for me it seems. Stay strong ladies :) xx
Trying to drink water instead of boiling the kettle for tea every half hour.

My biggest worry is walking the dog in the morning. I get up at 6, then when the kids leave for school at 7.45 I walk the dog in the fields until 9. I can walk up to 8,000 steps before 9. Would usually have fruit and yogurt when I first get up then some eggs when I get in from the walk.

I want to try porridge for the morning but don't know whether to have it before or after walking the dog. Don't want to run out of energy whilst I am out but don't want to be starving before lunchtime either! :-/
Hey im starting to feel a bit shakey now tbh every time im doing something feel quite hungry think tgis is normal thougb isnt it? Drinking water all day keep sipping and sipping xx
Agreed as im hungry now id have it when you get back then you'll be reserved for lunch time!! :) xx
Yeah agreed I would say have porridge when you get back and make that the routine, and url defo be hungry for it and that way will find it better to last til lunchtime product :)
you will feel weak at first as you are costuming hardly any calories compared to old eating habits but that's totally normal, that's why they say no exercise on step 1 other than out for a walk. It's All one day at a time, then before we know it, it's a month later and a stone lighter :D xxx
I would skip the walk if the dog would let me :)
I would skip the walk if the dog would let me :)
Haha, what dog do you have? I have a little westie!! Tend to walk him in the evenings but first thing in the morning sounds a good idea! Might get into that routine!!
Hi Everyone :)

May I join you all please :) I'm currently day 4 of SS+ and so far doing great. I'm doing it with 4 shakes a day but no food at all.

I did Lighter Life before and lost 37lb in only 7 weeks and hope to do it again if I can, but for longer as I have 62lb to lose in total. I regained before as I fell pregnant so it all came back and more as I was a very high risk pregnancy and so wasn't active and ate all wrong :(

My weigh in is Sunday at 6 and I can't wait!!

Good luck to all those started today and those with imminent starts :) stick with it and ul soon be rewarded :)

Sarah xx
Hi Sarah!! Welcome and well done on your previous weight loss!! We are hoping to maybe try for a baby maybe the end of this year or next so I want a good stretch of being slim before then :) good luck for your first weigh in!! Not too long to wait!! I already can't wait for my weigh in! It's next weds tho! This yr first time doing CD? Xx
Hi Sarah!

I have a boxer with lots of energy. If I don't walk her first thing I can't get anything done without her hassling me!