Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

Glad it's got better for you hunni x x ... When i get time we will have to a proper chat on facebook x x x
Yes definitely Su :) Free whenever you are. Hope things going ok for you xx
well done Jayne youre doing great! hope youre enjoying pampering yourself! :) i love the way we have the excuse to have as many baths as we want :) x
Oh yes. Bath, face mask and nails done! :D Not had last shake yet. Zero hunger. Best get on with it! Night on the loo here I come! lol

Last shake done. Rather windy this evening in my world lol. Not sure what that's all about! :D

Last shake done. Rather windy this evening in my world lol. Not sure what that's all about! :D


Is that you or the weather??? x x
SMELLY PAIR!!! lol x x
pmsl SU! :D
KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM! ....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::D
I meant outside! How daft do you feel now? lmao. No, I did mean me really. Don't know where it's coming from! lol. It's not smelly though, just loud and volumous! pmsl Wonder if when you lose weight and get smaller butt cheeks, it gets quieter? :D

Anyhooow Day 6!
Fab, fab day. Woke up and went straight to the gym. Didn't have time for a shake before I went, so I did body attack, and then body pump on an empty tum. Probably just as well though as body attack is a lot of jumping about and I think I may have puked or got stitch! Body attack did drain me for body pump, and I could only lift half the weights I normally do. Don't think this is to do with the diet though, as it happened to me before when I was eating. Think I just need to get fitter! lol. My Ki Fit told me I burnt about 950 cals, so was well chuffed with that :D Came home, had a shake and a shower (that was a shake BTW ;) ), and then a second shake about 6 ish this evening. Going to have my last about 9. Really not hungry at all, which is surprising me a lot, as I normally get hunger still at this point. I have heard that each time a person goes into ketosis the experience can be different, so I'm hoping I've struck it lucky :) My breath smells a bit acidic, and I don't normally get stinky breath. I can live with that though in trade off for decent appetite suppression!

Weigh in in the morning. Eek! Have to remember I've only done 6 full days on the diet though, and not 7, as I started on Tues, but I always weigh on a Mon ;) Scales this morning were looking quite good :)

Jayne.... I've been looking at ki fit

How does it know what calories you've eaten ?

Looks excelent, I love gadgets lol
When you take out a subscription, you log into the website and there's a section there for you to add in your foods, along with nutritional breakdowns. You can create your own foods as well as choose from pre-made lists. It's really good :)
Well done on the two classes jayne, don't think I could manage any yet, I feel a bit weak today, but tomorrows a new day and if I can get through the smell of my oh frying bacon an hour ago (yes really!) I think I can do this! To be fair he closed the door and asked if he wanted me to make him eat it in the kitchen but I don't want to upset routine too much so I tried not to stare and drool as he ate!!!
Oh tell me about it! I had hours of delicious cooking smells circulating the house this evening. First hubby cooking the boys' tea, and then once they were in bed, he decided to do something for himself. I was upstairs and it smelt like a meat pie of some sort, but it was actually a baked potatoe. Not sure which was worse. I could go for either right now! lol

Still not hungry, but the thought of eating something (savoury) nice - arrghhh lol

5lb off :D Well happy with that! Restart and only 6 days of Lipotrim. Yay! :)

Well done Jayne!!! That's a great loss hunni x x x :D :D