Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

Hiya Jen I completely understand with the college thing my dads the same if I got 97% in an exam he'd be like where's the other 3%? I applied to do law at uni to please my dad until one day I thought 'I'm going to hate it'. At the end of the day it's you that has to do the work, not anyone else, that's why I changed my application to do english. It's easy for someone to say do this but it's you that has to do it!

Do what you want to do you only live once!
if I got 97% in an exam he'd be like where's the other 3%? !

I got 99% in Core 2 (maths) and my dad said exactly that - 'where's the other 1%?' :D lol.

I shall impress into them how difficult I find it until they let me drop it :D I'm not going to lessons atm anyway so I'd have some major catching up to do!

Thanks you two :)

On the food front, I've eaten a bit of garlic bread and a load of profiteroles on top of my 19 points :eek: so about 30 points in all today :eek:
Hopefully I won't gain too much, or I may even lose lol.

9st 13.8 this morning.
It's ridiculous, seriously. How can I eat MORE and LOSE weight?

Today has been a good day, I've eaten 18 points so hopefully won't start gaining weight :eek:
Back at school tomorrow, I have the meeting with my mum/head of year so chemistry should be sorted (i.e. dropped) by the end of tomorrow. :)

I may do General Studies (AS and A2) this year to make up for it, or something.

I've been ill with tonsillitis/an allergic reaction for a few days.

Feel crappy :(

On the plus side, I'm the lightest I've been yet - 9st 10 at the moment :)

Went to see Nickelback live on Tuesday (wasn't going to miss it for the world!) and they were AMAZING :D

I'm back from hospital now :)

On the food front, I'm going to do Core from now on I think. I've pretty much been doing Core in hospital anyway.

On the weight front, my scales this morning say 9st 7.2 :eek::D:eek:
I refuse to believe them unless they say that tomorrow too!

And on the size front, I fit into some jeans which are a 'size 12' and are smaller than my size 10 jeans, heh. :)

So it's all good, apart from feeling tired all the time and having a bit of a sore throat.

Sore throats gone now :)
There's just a tiny infected patch at the back of my throat which should be gone soon enough.

I'm loving Core!
It really works for me :) I like not having to weigh stuff, and being able to tuck into a huge bowl of peas as I did this lunchtime is great :D
I don't feel hungry or have low blood sugar any more :)

I'll have to see how much I lose this week on Core, hopefully I'll lose 1lb per week, that would be brilliant :) and I'd be on target for 9st by Christmas!
Though I may already be a size 8, my clothes are definitely a lot looser :)

I don't know about everyone else, but at our meeting they give us a marble for every 0.5lb we lose, well, I had to use both hands for all mine ;)
Tonsillitis has its upsides!

In my case it has lots, since I don't have to do Chemistry now, and I'm basically guaranteed 3 As in my other A levels :D
And I'm lounging around the house all day until Friday :)

I'm not expecting brilliant things, but then I'm aiming for 9 stone by Christmas so I have 3 months to lose 8 lbs :p so I've got plenty of time!

And it's proven very difficult to get below 10 stone and stay there, so I'm expecting it to be difficult to get all the way to 9 stone. But definitely worth it :D I shall start to take action if I don't lose for 2 weeks in a row though.

On a non diet note, Nickelback's new single is out and it's pretty good :D they have better songs, but then they have alot worse. :) I didn't like it that much the first time I heard it but it's grown on me :)
Can't wait for the new album :D and it also means they're touring again next year :D:D:D

Glad you are feeling better and enjoying Core! Not jealous about you being a size 8 at all!!!!! (my arm is probably a size 8 alone LOL)x
Hehe, if you want to get there then you will ^.^
I never thought I'd ever be this small again!

OK, I'm right back where I started. (Not weight-wise, thank God.)

I'm on a bit of a low because I've overeaten for 2 days in a row and I'm wondering if Core is right for me :eek:

I feel crappy for overeating and I KNOW it's my fault but it just sort of.. happened?
I was eating one mini roll and it turned into 3 which turned into 15 kinder bars (not the maxi ones, at least.)

But I have a feeling I'm not going to lose weight as I used to when I overate on sugary food, I have a feeling I'm going to be 9st 9 when I wake up tomorrow and I'm going to feel rubbish because I can never stick to anything :(

Maybe I should stay away from the scales?
I've always said that it's not a problem to weigh yourself every day if it doesn't affect your mood, so maybe I shouldn't weigh myself for a few days.

OK, and I'm going to be really good (allow myself 1 point a day until my WI on Monday) and let's see if I can't draw a line under it and lose weight this week :)
I'm going to aim for 0.5lbs! :p

Yknow, I solve my own problems if you let me ramble long enough :p Ahaha.

in fact one more post and you WILL have 800 posts.

you should only be weighing yourself once a week, btw. anything else is counter-productive
Yeah, I know ^.^

Well, I weighed myself myself this morning :rolleyes:
Not as bad as I thought, though I reckon I'll start paying for the chocolate in a day or 2!
I've eaten it ALL now :eek:
So at least I can't do it again :)

Yknow, I am useless sometimes.
I was feeling REALLY tired a few hours ago, and I thought, well, I might as well go to bed cause I'll feel worse if I don't... WRONG. Lol.

I woke up 3 hours later with a splitting headache and STILL feel tired. :rolleyes:
I never learn.

I'm going to have some cheapo rice krispies in a bit :D since I haven't had tea yet :eek:

And Special K has a tonne of sugar in it anyway, so it's not THAT much more healthy :p
And the rest taste bland or whatever.

My favourite is Frosties, but they're 1/3 sugar :eek: (soo nice though! :p)

Or coco pops, or general sugary cereal :eek:

My favourites were these ones where it was a weird wheat thing, which had chocolate paste in the middle :eek: can't remember what they were called, I used to get them from Herons and snack on them :eek:

Ah, my old bad habits. :p
It used to be nice to go into a shop and buy whatever took my fancy and not worry about points or calories, but then, it's quite not to NOT look pregnant :eek:
(That's not an exaggeration, my belly was massive compared to the rest of me, I'm surprised I never got 'when's it due' comments!)

I'm considering getting a slendertone for Christmas :D
Because I can't be bothered to do crunches. Ahaha, I'm so lazy. :eek:
I'll probably get the flex one cause it's cheapest.

My favourites were these ones where it was a weird wheat thing, which had chocolate paste in the middle :eek: can't remember what they were called, I used to get them from Herons and snack on them :eek:

Ah, my old bad habits. :p
It used to be nice to go into a shop and buy whatever took my fancy and not worry about points or calories, but then, it's quite not to NOT look pregnant :eek:
(That's not an exaggeration, my belly was massive compared to the rest of me, I'm surprised I never got 'when's it due' comments!)


My fav were Lucky Charms!!!! How nice were they!!!!

Hun that sounds just like me!!!! I thought that the other day!!! I thought how nice it was not to stress about what to eat to be low in points but then i thought wait......i'd rather be slim!:D xx
Oh yes, Lucky Charms. Start your day with a big healthy bowl of marshmallows - colour me happy! Haven't had them for ages.

Sorry Jenni, we're turning your diary into the cereal appreciation thread ha ha