Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

Well. The new plan.

What new plan?
All I can see is Core and Points combined, which isn't new at all!

Either I've missed the point completely, or I'm rather unimpressed.

Anyways... I've lost 1lb :D
I am soo pleased it's finally going in the right direction :)

Well done Jenni you tiny thing you :D
Well done :D

I agree, the new plan was totally overhyped. They already had the section in the book about high and low GI foods that will fill you for longer. There's nothing new!
Well done on this weeks weight loss! xx
Well done on the loss Jenni! x
yayyyyyyyyy well done hun xx
Well done Jenni - back in the right direction as you say.

Not had much of your "bridget jones" style diary lately....come on - I need entertained ;)

Rosie x
LOL Rosie. :p

Well. I've now been on the pill nearly a week and, yep - it's starting to kick in.
I was angry with Jon all yesterday evening over nothing (he forgot to take me to Sainsbury's) and then I was upset with myself for getting so angry over nothing.

I almost burst into tears this morning because the bus didn't turn up, then as I was walking home it went past, about an hour and 15 mins late :mad:
It took me almost an hour to warm up and then my physics teacher was annoyed with me because I missed the first lesson! :mad:

I can't decide whether I'd rather have fortnightly periods, or be a crazy hell***** for the next 3 months :rolleyes:

And, I got in trouble last week because I haven't turned up to assembly... well, ever.
It's on my morning off and they expect me to get out of bed at 7.30am for the privilege of being droned at for 30 mins, then having nothing to do for 3 hours.
Oh, and the bus at that time isn't free.

I mean, would you? :mad:

Anyways, rant over. :)

i definitely wouldnt :p just give them some excuse like you spend that time doing work at home, and going to assembly negatively affects your work etc etc.. that used to get me out of things like that :)

as for the pill, really feel for you. I had to come off the pill completely because at one point I was terrorizing my poor mum with my mood swings and Matty threatened to leave me after i threw a couple of plates at him.. I was on the pill originally to reduce the pain / amount of time i bled for as i had really erratic periods for the first few years - however now I am pill free my periods have stabilized more than they were ON the pill, and i'm a much more cheerful person in general :)

hope it sorts itself out for you though :) x
Well, it's due to be all blizzardy tomorrow so I'll say I fell over on the way out and twisted my ankle, and so had to go back home. :p therefore missing assembly, so I decided to come in at lunchtime. ;)

Well I don't think I'm going to be throwing any plates at Jon (I might tell him about that later, so he feels lucky, LOL.)

I tend to change between blowing up over nothing and crying over nothing, aha.

Plus, I realised yesterday that my period is going to be time perfectly so that it starts a few days before christmas and finishes a few days after!

I rang NHS direct to see if I'd be protected against pregnancy if I took 2 packets back to back, and they couldn't tell me :rolleyes:
So I'm going to ring my doctor at some point.

i would assume so? is it the 3 weeks on 1 week off pill? i used to back-to-back them all the time should there be anything like parties / holidays etc so my period wouldnt ruin them.. x
Yeah, microgynon 30.

I just have to double check everything, it appears that they prescribe it on top of the implant without knowing fully what it does :rolleyes:

I mean, if I miss one, I have no idea if I could get pregnant or not.

The pill turns my in to the ***** woman from hell or a crying mess. Needless to say I don't take it although I did try a fair few different types in the past I never found one that agreed with me.

I hope it doesn't mess you up too much x
The pill turns my in to the ***** woman from hell or a crying mess. Needless to say I don't take it although I did try a fair few different types in the past I never found one that agreed with me.

I hope it doesn't mess you up too much x

Yeah, that's basically what it does to me - I went to bed reeeaaally early last night though, and woke up at 11pm and talked to Jon for a bit cause I was feeling OK at the time :) which was nice.

9st 2.something this morning (can't remember, LOL) which is pretty damn good considering my chocolate binge!

Today is looking like a good diet day - I only just woke up, so I've avoided the mid-morning snacking - I'm at school this afternoon so I'll avoid the mid afternoon snacking - and I'm working this evening so I'll avoid the all-evening snacking. Yay for me :D

Having said that, I WILL fit some chocolate in somewhere. :rolleyes:

Aha, well I had that bit of chocolate, and a fair bit more besides :eek:

I am...


9st 5.0 this morning :eek:

That's the highest I've been in quite a while, I am DEFINITELY staying away from the mini rolls today. :eek:

As long as I don't pig out before I go to work/after Jon leaves tonight then I'll be fine.
He's actually quite good, he stops me from eating unless I'm actually hungry :p
