Jenny's moved on :)

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That sounds fab, will look out for that in Teso the next time i'm in there nothing quite like a chinese curry.
will be Interesting to read your meat free menu's I've been contemplating going veggie on and off for years always manage a couple of days and then I get a sniff of bacon and fall off the wagon
my dad's always saying to me how can you call yourself a animal rights/ animal carer and still eat meat, i've yet to come up with a logical answer to this.
Sounds like a fabby weekend m'darlin, glad biker boy likes his gifts!

You really are doing fantastic with all your challenges chick.....go you!!!

How'd u get on with w/i????
I'm quite looking forward to the veggie month, Kally! I was vegetarian for 14 years, before I moved up here, and I'm interested to see how I would do it now, to be honest! Roll on tofu n quorn..!! haha

1 off Linz!!! :)

The food plan wasn't too bad last night. Except I did however end up having half a pepperoni pizza, half a portion of chips and a couple of ciders more than I had planned for. Then I went to WI and lost 1lb! I was expecting 2, but since I went after eating, I suppose it's ok! I should have thought before I ate that, but I enjoyed it.. :)

I'm already struggling for food today, I have no idea what is wrong with me. I had a decent sized breakfast, no idea why I just want to attack the vending machine upstairs. haha. Must....Stay....At...Desk...

Breakfast -
Cheese Omelette [5]
Lunch - WW Beef + Red Wine Casserole [4]
Tea - Fajitas - if boyo feels well enough for spicy food. He's a bit poorly at the moment. If I have 3 fajitas it'd be about 8.5 points I think, so I'm counting 10 to be on the safe side.
If not... I might just have some chicken in a wrap... haha. :)

Snacks - Yogurt, banana, boring boring boring... [2]

I'm really cold... Think I had better have me a cuppa tea!

I am so looking forward to a night of me time tomorrow, to catch up with you lot properly and stuff. Hell just to even have the time to stick a load of washing in the machine...!!
Well hope Bikerboy's feeling better soon and that you get to have your fajitas (oh yum) Jen, sounds like you already know what your doing veggie wise so will definately keep a close eye on your diary for tips and menus.
Congratulations on your 1lb loss Jen - it's in the right direction so well done you!

Well done hun.....1lb is 1lb at the end of the day!!!

I gained the one u lost!!!!

Keep up the fab work...xx
Well done on the pound!!!!!
Thanks everyone :) I love you guys!! :)

Ab ill. *sniff*
Biker Boy, however, is pretty much all better. Bast**d... lol

Last night's fajitas, were ace, but nearly blew my head off... I think I drank my entire 2litres of water during dinner to cool down... last time I say "yeah go on" when he says "can I add a chilli, it won't be a really spicy one"...

And working out the points for le pancakes... 1 point a pancake, I had sweetner and lemon juice :) Tasty stuff!

Breakfast - Toast and Jam - 3
Lunch - WW bangers and mash, which I was dreading given everyone's dire reviews, but I enjoyed it! 5.5
Snacks so far - ryvita and salmon mayo - 3, banana & yogurt - 2
Tea tonight is going to be oven chips, chicken and curry sauce. 7.5 I reckon. Well worth it, I need comfort food/stodge

Bread challenge - Hmm. Not quite sure on this one. I've not had more than 2 slices of bread a day. But monday, I had that half a pizza, which was technically bread. Yesterday, I had 3 fajitas, which I would class as 3 lots of bread rather than 2 slices. It's going to be tough this weekend too, eating on the run. What do you have when you're eating in the car? You stop for a burger don't ya, or a sarnie. And the B&B will be a toasty breakfast... Might have to rethink this, it's impractical when we're away... !
For your meat free thing i had a MeatFree Morrisons Veg hot pot today which was 4 points. It was quite nice actually, i would buy it again. Not alot of meat free things like that are low points, nothing else in the range was very low as have loads of cheese in but this just had a little on the top and nice crispy pots on top. it was nice. :)
Thanks Katie, I will defo keep an eye out for that! I know what you mean about the cheese, they think "ah no meat, stuff with cheese".... My mum blames my vegetarian phase on me putting on the weight in the first place, because of the cheese...

No mum, it was the chocolate, the crisps, the chocolate, more chocolate, cakes, biscuits and yes, ok, maybe the occasional cheese toastie.... :p

As for the bread, what do we all reckon to naans??? haha!!
I think nann is bread but i wouldnt count tortilla wraps. Ah the things we tell ourselves ;) lol
I'm agreeing technically if its not a slice of bread it doesn't count lol
cos you didn't state or pizza base or tortilla wraps :D or for that matter burger buns.
the jury's still out on the Naan bread though
I think if it says its bread in its tittle its pretty certain is bread? lol
Thanks Linz, and you!
I can sense a skivey day already, I cant be bothered today, knowing that I'm off tomorrow..
Dunno what my excuse has been for the rest of the week :p !!

Oh, and this ticker thing is REALLY bugging me! I have an exercise one, which hardly ever shows up, so I made a new one, deleted the old one, and put the new one on. Now this morning it showed both, so I just deleted the new one, and now the OLD one won't show up again.. just a red cross....
I quit :p

Ok, bear with me here.... I'm glad I feel like I have been hit by a truck today!
Reason being, hopefully this is the worst of it getting out my system today, and I'll be well on the mend tomorrow. In theory.


Breakfast - beans on toast - [4]
Snack - banana [1.5]
Lunch - choice of ravioli [5] or noodles [6]
Snack - Yogurt [0.5]
Tea - WW Beef Lasagne + chips [6.5]

Total of 18.5.

I know, that's pretty low for me. But, I need to try and cut back today, this weekend is going to throw a right spanner in the works. He wants to stop for a maccy d's breakfast on the way out tomorrow... That kinda sets the tone for the weekend!

And.. I had a sneaky peak on the scales this morning and my lovey-dovey-ness of the week has led to a 2lb gain already.
Not beating myself up about it, but, come on. I have to focus, or I am gonna fail my Feb challenge as well as everything else!! :sigh:
You're doing really well I think hun and that gain shall be gone in no time, don't you worry!

PMA my luv!

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