Jenny's moved on :)

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That fish looks nice, I now feel guilty for buying frozen :eek: I will make my own chips though.. with mah noo actifry :D I'm having that on Friday when England play, with a cider. Not that I even care about football, but it's easy to get swept up in the fuss. It'll be on anyway, might as well get into it!

That sounds like a good idea... I'm jealous of the actifry! I don't bother watching the football, I want to see England do well though. But I can't sit and watch a match, I would be pulling my hair out by the end.... !!!
Maybe I should try it with cider... hehe!
Sorry to hear about work being so sh*t for you!!! Some people can be soooo cheeky sometimes!!!

I'm so having a slob-in-PJs night too:Dx
Blooming eck Jen,

Trying to catch on on minis due to nights, took me ages to get through yours. Bloody cheek some people have - hope you and mum are wwing together in sod em all unity.

I hate my job atm so sympathies to you on that front. Am vegging in pjs tonight too so sending hugs.
Hi, just catching up having been AWOL - Love the fact that you've now officially moved in with your olds - did u get any house warming prezzies ha ha? Your poor mum - some people are absolute arses but on a bonus side must be easier with u and yr mum on WW! Less said about bossman the better but he does sound like an official arse! Hope you're not letting it get to you! Are peeps at working noticing your non team ethos yet?
Hi Jen, hope your feelin a bit more chipper and having a good

1lb gain.....zilcho!!!! Try 4 and then you have a problem....yup, that was me!!!! Not good...xx
Ey up chuck.

Well now then. The boss is obviously a see you next Tuesday. Not impressed that he is upsetting you and has made me think my management skills (few) through - I don't think I'll be taking hints or tips from him. As you said though, sounds like the theme of the appraisals. Ruddy cheeky fella - like you say, thank goodness you aren't full time employee. Phew!

Fish and chips looks amazing - I've not had crinkle cut chips for years. Yummy yum yum. Also - fish and cheese butty? I have a fish finger and cheese butty, imagine it's similar? Anyway, lush in my opinion.

Glad to hear you made it to the gym chick - well done you! And don't you worry about a measly lickle 1lb. That'll be gone in noooooo time - spesh now you're back on it.

Have a better day my lovely :)
That teeny tiny 1lb shall be gone along with a few others next week I'm sure.

Have a good day

:D Oh fish and cheese sandwich sounds like my kinda thing you may have noticed I have a slight Cheese addiction add to that my love of fish, I so know what i'm having for my lunch tomorrow

Have a lovely day Jen
did you have a nice slop around in the old PJ's
I can't decide what mood I am in today..

I still didn't get my damn facepack night!!! Last night when I was making my tea, I dropped a jar of jam from about head height. Which smashed all over the floor [incidentally, mum's first comment when she heard this story "You didn't break any floortiles, did you?"] so I cleaned that up. Shards of glass everywhere... No, I didn't cut myself..! Instead when I stood up, I cracked my head off the corner of the still-open cupboard door, and boy did I curse. For the next hour or so, I was dizzy, sick, my sight was fuzzy, my speech was slurred and I was stuttering, and my head was obviously throbbing. It calmed down quite soon after that, and I managed to eat my tea and keep it down. I went to bed by 10 I think. I text the boy when it happened, he's a first aider, so I wanted to know a bit about concussions, and he was very matter-of-fact, not a morsel of sympathy. Shouldn't have bothered!

After I'd gone to bed, he invited me for tea tonight, but I have declined the offer. I've barely spoken to him since saturday, and for some reason getting an email at 11pm last night saying "It S.Africa vs Uruguay tomorrow, I'm not bothered about watching it if you want to come round for your tea".. just doesn't constitute a good enough offer.

See the way I think would be as follows. "Haven't spoken to the bird since the weekend. She's got a concussion or something. I have admitted I don't want to watch the football anyway... I'll go and cheer her up."
What do I get in response to my "I don't really feel up to driving to yours, I'm sorry x" text? I get "Oh ok, have a good evening". Basta*d. He's so effin laid back I could smack him. So I text and said "you can come for a cuppa later if you like :)" and nothing. Not heard a word .

So tonight, as well as my dinner, I attacked a big bag of Cadbury Buttons. I just wanted chocolate, and I'll be perfectly honest I don't even remember eating it I just shovelled it in my gob and it was gone. 8 points. Brilliant. Well done Jenny...

I still have a lump on my noggin. I couldnt even brush my hair this morning, it was that sore. I went to work anyway, and got told off for going in by the boss, my colleagues, the finance manager, and the boyfriend. So I left early :)

Food - I think painkillers make me hungry... Though I was on plan til the buttons.

I must be better tomorrow, I must be. Force myself to eat sensibly. PLEASE. I hate being like this, I despise being fat. It's so depressing. I got tickets to see Rocky Horror on the 28th June, way back in January, and I had ideas of going in traditional Rocky Horror fancy dress. But I'm actually the same fat size that I was in January, I have completely wasted 6 months dietting-not-dietting and it's all my fault. Seriously time to get a grip and feckin sort it out. I know full well it is only me that can do this, and I need to actually do it. I know the theory... I just need to apply it.

PS - Sorry for the language. For this I mean both F-words: Fat, and f***...
Ouch Jen - hope the head is a tad better as I write.

8 points isnt too bad for the buttons and it was a head injury so perfectly acceptable. BB is just being a man, no comfort to you and I would be well miffed myself but have finally come to understand that men do not see things in the same way as the superior sex. So as much as you want to give him a sharp slap and as much as he deserves one - rise above it and feel the superior being that you are.

Be kind to yourself Jen you are not heavier than you were and you are not giving up. That deserves a pat on the back. Hope you feel more chipper in the morning.
Words aren't enough when your vocabulary is as limited as mine... so I'll leave it at ♥ xx

My head is loads better this morning. Still a lump, still sore when I brush my hair, but that's only to be expected. Signs of dizziness have gone, and I was ravenously looking forward to my breakfast, so that would be the nausea gone too..!

I finally heard from Biker Boy at around 10:45 last night, and he had just stayed in and watched the football, then said that he hasn't actually enjoyed one game yet. Which annoys me more. But never mind. Then I got more annoyed when I reminded him it was Fathers Day this sunday, and he said "yeah, me and dad are going out on saturday"... WHAT THE F***?? It's the pink party on saturday, we were meant to be going for an early tea, some shopping, and on to the party......... And then THEN! I said are we still on for next weekend, which is the road trip to Aviemore to see the polar bear, and the picnic which we've been talking about for a month now. Near enough... "i dunno". Then silence. To which I say "oh, ok, let me know if you still wanna go, I wanted to do a nice picnic" and then the whole Jenny's a Control Freak argument blows up again. I am NOT a control freak, I just want a damn day out to look forward to, I haven't seen him in ages, or spoken to him. I'm a hell of a lot more lenient than most women - I've got Nugget on my team whinging that her fella hasn't proposed and it's been 2 years of hinting now, and CDCHM [constantly 'dietting' cool hip mom] whinging because her fella is in a meeting today so they can't go out for lunch, like they do EVERY day. Get a grip. :)

All I'm asking him for, is one bloody day to spend together. Apparently that's too much.

I quit :)

Food today:
B: - Beans on toast - 4
L: - WW Tomato and Basil Chicken meal - 4
T: - Something with broccoli and a jacket potato for tea - I fancy steak actually, may stop by tescos on the way home and see if anything's in the bargain bin!
Snacks: - banana, pack of mini cookies, WW yogurt [4]

Total 14.5 leaves 12.5 for my steak or whatever and a couple of treats tonight :)

Oh, and while I'm whinging, the inevitable has happened. My brother told me I need to sort Fathers Day. As usual. My brother who earns twice as much as me, has never paid for a fathers day, mothers day, anniversary, or birthday card or present since he moved out at 18. That's.... 12 years now. G!t....!!
I've been thinking of something for a long time.

Lemurs. In Madagascar.

For as long as I remember, I have wanted to see Lemurs in their own habitat. A few times now, I have investigated doing a VSO thing, but the cost and the lardazz has stopped me.

I've started looking into it again.
I've decided, spring next year, I am going to go somewhere for 3 or 4 weeks. Trip of a lifetime. Before I get old and decide I want kids or something.

My limit is £2000 and I want to work with conservation, rather than people. As we all know, I am not much of a people person...

I'm not telling my parents yet. It's too exciting for them! They'll get too pushy, and I want to do this myself. But I have just been and told my manager of my intentions, and she is fine with me doing this. I'm currently writing an email to my agent to see if they would be ok with me doing this. Worst comes to the worst, I'll have to leave this place and start somewhere new. The joys of contracting I guess..! But I have nothing stopping me, I don't think.

Given the conflict in Madagascar, I'm now looking at panda conservation in China... or elephants in India, or something in Costa Rica....... And getting that really good feeling, that sick with excitement feeling in my tummy... :D
Awww my poor little chucky hen. You're having a bit of a rought time of it what with breaking your head, your brother's laziness and BB being (IMO) a total pain in the bum. Grrrrr. Boys can be so infuriating at times! I would make a small suggestion which is just to leave him to it for a bit. Let him do the running - he'll soon realise that he needs to perk up and get his act together. Honestly - you sound like super chilled G/friend to me so he needs to sort himself out!

Anyway, enough of the boy-talk. Sounds like you're managing to keep on track at the mo. Despite the buttons - well, these things happen to us all, and as we always say it's just about drawing a line and getting back on it that counts.

The conservation (almost wrote conversation :D) thing sounds brilliant. They have one in Indonesia where you can work with lickle baby Orangutans. Looks amazing - I can totally see why you'd want to do something like that. Something just for you! Sounds great and could be the huge confidence boost you need. Good luck with planning it hun - and I don't blame you for keeping it to yourself for a while :)

Sending you really positive vibes chucky x x xx
They have one in Indonesia where you can work with lickle baby Orangutans. Looks amazing

That's where I want to go :D

Aw Jen I am uber jealous of your adventure. As Dopey said the orangutan nursery in Indonesia would be my heaven :D working with pandas OMG fantastic!! Can I come in your siutcase pweeeeese:p So exciting and fabulous aim for you :D

I read your post about your sore noggin last night on my phone and my heart totally went out to you hun :( sounded so painful and yes you should have been told off for going to work, silly billy! Glad you are feeling better if still a little sore today.

BB is sounding like my OH, 11.15pm I finally text him to ask how he was and I got "Fine, u?" jeez the love was seeping out of that text :mad:

Anywho have a lovely day today hun

There are loads of cool packages you can do :) We had to do 5 weeks work exp each year on my course and one person went someone exotic, I can't remember where exactly, but they got to work in the zoo doing loads of hands on stuff, work with orangutangs and it was a couple of grand for the whole 5 weeks, flights, accommodation and a bit of travelling at the end.
:D I am giving you big cyber hugs while rubbing your sore head at the same time
and simultaneously slapping BB round the head with a wet fish and shouting at him
" Don't you realise how lucky you are boy ? "

*Kals will come when she is less vexed at BB
Conservation work sounds fab Jen, great idea. Hope things are more how you want them today. Must admit I've got my grumpy head on atm so am hiding from everyone
Aww poor you - hope the head is much better now! Dont worry bout BB play it super cool and let him do all the running for a while. Love the idea of getting away somewhere exotic for some conservation work - sounds soooo rewarding! Take care and hope you have a better evening tonight xxx
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