Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

Youre doing pretty well yourself angel!! thank you so much!! I am so happy to be in the 14s!

Thanx - I can only dream of the 14s at the moment lol but I can wait cos it's gonna be sooooo worth it :D:D:D xxx
you look fantastic Jen.. is that pic a recent one cause you have a glow about you.. WE ALL KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING! :D LOL

nah just kidding.. you look fantastic.. you can really see the difference :) congrats on your 2lbs loss.. you must feel so great - have you got any clothes that fit you anymore? x
Huge congrats Jen. You are so consistent and you are doing so well. I agree with everyone else. You look fabulous in that pic :D Well done on reaching the 14s.....the 13s are not too far away now either :)

Goodluck for next WI x
Well done Jen - and as the others say - that cuddling up clearly is doing you good - you look gorgeous in your avatar pic. Not got a lot of weight on your face look really slim.

LRO xx
ah you are all so kind!! I always smile within about 2 mins of opening this website! :) You are all fabulous!! (for saying I look great..ha ha)
Thank you although went a bit crazy tonight,went out for dinner...the time between weigh in and next day doesnt count tho....right???? lol
Just worked out if I lose 2lb a week until xmas then I will have lost exactly three stone! how exciting is that!!! ....perhaps time for bed Miss Watson...
you look fantastic Jen.. is that pic a recent one cause you have a glow about you.. WE ALL KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING! :D LOL

nah just kidding.. you look fantastic.. you can really see the difference :) congrats on your 2lbs loss.. you must feel so great - have you got any clothes that fit you anymore? x

Do I have clothes that fit....of course I do!! What a silly question! hee hee!
Although some things are lose and I can get into clothes that I couldnt before my old clothes are alright so far! Pants is my only problem, slippery wee things just fall down now! Can have its benefits tho! ha ha!!
LOL :D how're you doing today Jen? also.. we've still not heard too many details on this new man.. can we have an overview of at least what he looks like? :D (please :) )
LOL :D how're you doing today Jen? also.. we've still not heard too many details on this new man.. can we have an overview of at least what he looks like? :D (please :) )

Awww yes please!!!

Hope you're okay hunny xxx
Hello!!! So sorry! Been mental in school at the moment!! Had a talent show tonight was fabulous but sooo tiring!!
Anyway, am seeing Evan on Sunday for a little lunchon!! Things are going well, he is a friend of a friend and quite sweet! Still early days although I am happy! He is so different from Steve who was a rageoholic and internet addict! lol
i just like his name :D Evan sounds like a good name. i know a Steve and he's a kn*b cheese too.. must be a Steve thing.. infact, i even know a Stephen and he's also not nice..

i'm thinking this could be a solid theory LOL :p glad you're having a good time anyway :) hope your diet is still going strong! x
Oh please help me! I am going out for dinner tonight to MAO which is an Asian food type place, have no idea about points, worried about what I should get, weight tomorrow and dont want to mess it up! I have 30 points to play with, any advice!! Here is the menu!
Café Mao Glasgow
how many courses are you wanting? I would go for the Thai Rare Beef or Tandoori Chicken Salad to start.. or even ask what the soup of the day is and whats in it..

also i love hot food, so to me that chilli chicken ramen sounds gorgeous! theres char sui pork on the menu too - it says chinese pork and chinese char sui is low pointed? i'll have a look in the EOG but i'm sure its 4 or 5.. prawns are low fat? you could have the marinated prawn skewers..

so far this place is looking positively a good place to eat out! :p or teriyaki salmon fillet - salmon has more points in than some fish but its grilled and served with veg, and considering its a restaurant your portion wont be massive!

also the shitake udon sounds lovely too - i love places like these! :D

sides... SHRIMP CRACKERS! (hell yes :D)

pudding.. sorbet or fruit compote will be your lowest i would think.. though if you fancy a treat frozen yoghurt sorta half way between sorbet and ice cream points wise i would think? :)

have a nice time anyway! :) sounds lovely!