Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

I was thinking of having the tandorri chicken to start with cause that cant be many points! Was tempted by the chilli beef and lime for main but no idea about points! Perhaps I shouldnt worry! I have saved 30! Thats enough eh! Should just enjoy it and foget about points!!
i would say just enjoy yourself yeah, but be mindful of portion sizes and of course anything that would obviously be high calories (like the calamari.. :( love calamari.. why is it so bad for you?)

plus if you only eat light tomorrow before you go out, gives you plenty more points to play with :) x
Good plan Rach!! Thank yooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Might be worth also aiming for the lower value Scottish Slimmer dishes, I imagine if theyre low in their 'points' theyll be a healthier option??
Ooooooo yummy - that menu sounds delish! Have fun hunny and enjoy :candledinner: - have whatever you fancy off the menu and just portion control - treat yourself you deserve it :D

Have fun and remember we want a full update on here before the night is out :p
Was out with the gays tonight,was such a laugh! We ended up at the casino again!! £10 up tho!! :D
Might be worth also aiming for the lower value Scottish Slimmer dishes, I imagine if theyre low in their 'points' theyll be a healthier option??

Yeah I was wondering what those numbers meant. Have no idea about scottish slimmers, wish WW points were on every menu! How easy would eating out be!!
Glad you had a good night. Goodluck for WI :D
good luck for WI today! :D
Thank you guys! I am guessing I have ate more than I thought last night cause I appear to have put on 1lb! Not ideal! Havent done a no2 yet right enough, feel very sad tho! :( (secret plan is to weigh in again after no 2.....)
Hi Jen

Yep that second weigh in after No 2s sounds excellent plan - report back when accomplished it may result in a STS

Keeping fingers crossed

aww Jen - it could just be your body catching up - first time i did WW I had a couple of weeks where i couldnt fathom how i had gained weight, but leader said sometimes body compensates when you lose and you may find you plateau / gain a little one week and then your body will allow for a loss again the next one.. disheartening i know but chin up - next week will be a positive loss i am sure :D

good luck for after your poo too LOL :D
Thank you guys! I am guessing I have ate more than I thought last night cause I appear to have put on 1lb! Not ideal! Havent done a no2 yet right enough, feel very sad tho! :( (secret plan is to weigh in again after no 2.....)

Thats what I do sometimes(heehee). Keep us posted
well....after messing about, having lunch and of the course the all important number two my scales now say 14.9!! which would be a 3lb loss!! how bizzare is that!! I am going to stick with the 1lb gain and I dont trust the 14.9! Perhaps I need a new battery!! lol
weigh yourself again tomorrow morning maybe and count that instead? x
I probably should weigh in on a MOnday morning actually, my tracker starts a fresh every monday....mmm perhaps a good plan and the lords way of telling me to make it so!!!
I think from now on I shall be a Monday girl!!
so does that mean you're going to WI tomorrow too? Cause if you HAVE lost, you can add to the new weeks thread :D wahoo!
Yes, I can now confirm that Jen will now be a Monday morning weigh iner.... At approximately 7.30 am before school! Makes sense! Cause sometimes on a Sunday after weigh in I go chocolate mental using up all my points but realistically eating over my points! lol, so best to weigh in at 7.30 for the past week and start a fresh with my oats so simple at 8.30! put the choc cake down now......:|