JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

Joanne youre doing sooo well, in the 13s and a size 16 thats amazing!

Sounds like WS is a good idea, definitely worth giving a try :)
Lol its sugarless chocolate eclairs. I got them from avidlite and yes they are the same as diabetic chocs and sweets. Was an experience I'm in no hurry to repeat though.

Thanks Sandy and Summerrain. The last time I managed to lose a lot of weight pre children I got down to 12 stone and was a size 18 on bottom and a 16 on top so this is a huge novelty to be sitting here in size 16 jeans.
I'm so jealous of the size 16 jeans too. I'll get there someday. Well done :)
i can't wait for my bum to shrink enough to get into size 16s :D well done joanne...x
Yeah but you can fit into a size 16 dress Colly which is beyond me right now.

Anyway today is actually looking like its going to be a TS day. Ive only had one pack so far because I was getting my inch loss treatment today and am not supposed to eat 2 hours before and 2 hours after. I am currently starving but will be able to have a soup at 5. Ill then have my last pack around 7 and thats me done for the day. :)
Well done you!! Size 16 is a huge achievement.....almost half of the size u started as!! Gonna go all soppy (again!) but u really do inspire me to keep going xx
Oh wow that's amazing Joanne, so so pleased for you! You totally deserved a good big loss xxxx hugs. Thx for being there for me xxxx
well done joanne, you deserve that so much! under 50lb to target, how exciting...x

Well done

Completely doing the happy dance for you!! Well done!

Looking at your stats:

Total Weight Loss: 105lb
Weight to Lose: 45lb
% Lost 36.21%

Blimey girl! You are bleeming amazing!!! xxx
Well done, thats a brill amount to lose, YAY xxx