JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

Shona I started out on Atkins back in May when I first started losing weight. I've been on Exante since 6 September. September and October were when I lost the bulk of the weight on it but after that it started slowing down drastically and that caused me to fall off the wagon and I've been struggling to get back on it ever since.
I think sometimes it helps to take a step back. I've been struggling with VLCDs due to low losses and faffing about for ages now.

In between my last Exante attempt and ordering DC I put on 5 of the 10 lbs lost (3 weeks on Exante,then a 2 week break) - I've been on DC for 2 days and 3 of those lbs have already gone

I had got to the point where I thought that the only way I could lose was on a VLCD and if my losses were so slow on that what were my chances if I actually ate? Well, so far so good :D

I'm so much happier as I can go out and have a cuppa, or a family meal. Best of all - I have the energy to get back to the gym - which I love (well I will when I'm fit again)

Good luck with whatever you decide, Joanne, I know you'll succeed whichever path you choose

This is the thing Toots. Its one thing doing TS but its another thing being miserable the entire time. I want to get this weight off and I want to do it as quickly as possible. However I dont want to do it at the expense of my life and my peace of mind. I know Ill get there one way or another its just making that decision which route to take thats the problem.
There are so many diets thst are out there and sometimesits nice to dipinto another one. I have no intention of staying on this long term. Im defo swapping to Atkins or slimmers world and thats absolutely fine.Thats not falling off the wagon, in fact what a luxxury to be eating healthily and enjoying it. You have done so well so far and look fab so pleeease just adapt to your lifestyle and choose another method. Its not always about spped, it will come off, just keep it up hon xx
Well I had my shake this morning and an omlette for lunch and the good news is for the first time in months Im not obssessing about food as soon as 2pm hits. :D And I still have 2 packs to have so hoping this is definitely the way to go for me but time will tell.
Really interesting about the average losses on atkins and exante. Maybe atkins suits you better. You have come so far and have so much determination i have no doubt you will reach goa;l. Just do what feels right for you :)
Oh I am glad your day is going well and the dreaded 2pm curse did not hit! I agree with the other ladies, you KNOW what you are doing, your results tell you and everyone else that, so whatever choice you make, don't doubt yourself Joanne because you have this thing licked mate! ;)
Hiya, just catching up.

As has already been said - you have done amazingly so far and whether you carry on with exante or go for the old atkins switcharoo you WILL continue to do brilliantly I am sure!

I have finally moved over to atkins - I have done about 4 full days now and feel great for making the move over - I don't know what my losses are like so far, but I feel FAR more in control of my eating now and far less tempted to cheat as there are so many yummy foods I can now eat without feeling guilty!!

All the best luv
ahh ive just made a post about the atkins... would be cool if you could answer! glad everyones doing okay.. for some reason im wide awake cant sleep at all!!!
Ill have a look for it Jam.

Well I'm not sure if eating at lunchtime is a good idea after all. Yesterday was a great day with no hunger whatsoever but I seem to have gained a lb overnight for some unknown reason. Will see how it goes over the rest of the week though.
I wouldnt worry about the 1lb hun, I gained a lb yesterday morning, and as you know I didnt really have much all day so would seem impossible, but today Im back down that 1lb plus another, yet no doubt tomorrow Ill be back up again

I think the scales are too much of a decider sometimes (especially me hee hee) but just take it a day at a time, plus the earlier you eat, the sooner it will be burned off, right?

That lb will most likely be a good "number 2" movement in waiting after having had the yummy omelette! Sorry for the TMI! LOL I think you may be on to something if you were not hungry yesterday, that can only be a GREAT thing?
Hey Joanne just had a catch up with your diary, whatever route you decide to take you do it, because you've come so far already. Hugs x
no matter what route you take you've already proven yourself to be an amazing and determined lady and that will continue on no matter which path you end your journey on. hope you're having a good weekend joanne. x
Thanks guys. Feeling quite cheerful today despite the scales. Looking forward to another yummy omlette in a couple of hours, lol.

Ive decided that if/when I do change diets Im going to try not to weigh for a few weeks (or a week anyway, lol). I definitely am far too obsessed by them. I know I will gain if I change so hoping if I dont see it Ill be able to get through it. Thats the plan anyway.
oh tell me about it joanne...i'm on the scales twice a day, i keep saying i'll stop but at the moment they're a comfort to me. if that starts to change i'll probably ship them out to my mums house and go out there to weigh once a week..
Its dreadful how addicted to them. Ive weighed daily since I started dieting back in May. Shame I didnt think to weigh beforehand and i might not have started with quite so much to lose, lol.
i only bought mine in november, previous to that my head was entirely buried in the sand re my weight and looking back it makes me so, SO sad to think of the cycle i was in. i've wasted so many years of my life feeling bad about myself, but 2011 is the year that ends... and thats for both of us!
Definitely Colly. The most weight Ive ever managed to lose before is 5 stones so Im doing so much better than I ever thought I could. I will be a size 12 by the end of this year in one way or another coz there is no way I could give up now that Im so close to goal (even though I still have such a long way to go).
in the grand scheme of things joanne you are really so close to goal. the day i can say i have less than 50lb to go i'll be dancing on the roofs, honestly! your bmi is almost into *just* overweight ;) which is brilliant... you've changed your life and you should be so proud.

the most i've ever managed to lose is about 1.5/2st...then gain it all back plus more... so this time, cross your fingers for me that it's my time... x