JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

It definitely is your time Colly. You have been doing so well its scary, lol.

Cant wait to be overweight - I have 11lbs to go. Think thats the only thing keeping me on Exante at the minute.
Well Ive been doing a lot of thinking and discussing with DD (she is amazingly insightful for her age) and have decided that Im going to stick with Exante until this weeks wi on Friday and then switch back to Atkins. Im not switching earlier coz its my birthday next week and I plan on kissing a frog or two next weekend so dont need keto breath, lol.
Good for you Jo! Its obviously been playing on your mind so its not just something you are rushing in to and you know like exante that atkins works. Bring on the frogs I say :D:D

Will you keep this diary so we can all see how you are? or will you start a new one? If you do...links purlease ;)

We can drool over your talk of steak, cream..bacon..oh my! Yum!

Its not like you don't know what you are doing as I said before your results show you know what works for YOU and if not comfortable with a road your taking, well you're the driver...change route ;)

I really am pleased for you! Do you mind if I add you to FB, though I am pretty boring on there haha! x
Add away although Im not much more exciting, lol.

I do actually feel much better for having finally made the decision now. Just cant wait until Friday!
Well done Jo. Sometimes a change is just what our bodies need. It's better than blowing it totally and putting all the weight back on (like I did :-S).
It's a load off once you make a decision isn't it? Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great

Well I have just had the last blow out Im going to have until I lose the rest of this weight. Ive managed to eat about two handfuls of salted peanuts, a handful of almonds, 3 indian rusk cakes, a 2 finger kitcat, 4 chips and a kfc crispy strip. Im absolutely stuffed so I think Ill be skipping a pack tonight, lol.
Well I have just had the last blow out Im going to have until I lose the rest of this weight. Ive managed to eat about two handfuls of salted peanuts, a handful of almonds, 3 indian rusk cakes, a 2 finger kitcat, 4 chips and a kfc crispy strip. Im absolutely stuffed so I think Ill be skipping a pack tonight, lol.

hehe thats what i used to do.. id go through cookies, chocolate and boxes of the bad cereals! those are like binge heaven to me! the only problem was id have these blow outs and never be serious about the actual diet part.. so i gained every week lol!
Glad you come to the best decision for you!! Youve stuck at this so long and done fantastic, you can continue that with atkins and get to goal no probs :) xxx
You've done fantastically (am v jealous) and I can't believe you've done it so long - I know I couldn't so really admire your determination -a change is as good as a rest and I think your plan is great - look forward to keeping tabs on your progress

P.S if that's ablow out I daren't tell you about mine
Sounds like a plan....I look forward to comparing notes!
good evening joanne im back and restarting exante tomorrow. glad youve been ok. well done on your loss.
Nice to see you back Spyro. No luck with ww then?

Well the 'treat them mean' philosophy obviously works btw. I've just had a text from my 24 year old asking to see me, lol.
Glad you've reached a decision and sound happy :)
Ooo go you!! Find out if he has any hot friends for your old pal, me ;)
I mean one I have a chance with haha x
I still say you have an excellent chance and when something happens in March ill be the first to say I told you so. ;)