JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

ahh joanne, you're going to be slim in no time at all! *trying to contain the green eyed monster* ;)
Aww shucks peeps. I love the support on this forum. Julz I don't get into K with Exante for some reason. I'm quite pleased about that just now mind you coz I don't want to be kissing a new man with keto breath lol.

So far so good today. Didn't have my first shake until 10am. Will be on the phone half the night so that means I only have about 7 hours to get through and if I can't do that there's no hope for me.
Im sure you can do it Joanne...not much longer to go now then another day is done!!.,..x
Yay - go you, missus

Congrats on another day done and dusted!

Well today is definitely going to be a 4 pack day coz I've been up since 4.30 and had to have my first pack at 6 coz I was starving.
Join the club!!!

Hope you have a good rest of the day
4 packs won't do any harm! That's actually really sensible!

Sorry that you had such a pants night sleep :( xx
Ive just changed my goal weight. It will still leave me with a bmi in the overweight category but I think it will suit me better than where I was aiming. I may change my mind when I get there mind you but thats the current plan anyway coz other than my stomach I do quite like how I look just now so hopefully another 1 1/2 stone should get me where I want to be. Fingers crossed anyway.
Wicked - stone and a half, that's a meezaly 21lbs - you are gonna have that Melted off you in no time woman!!

A stone and a half is a big difference tho, even just the last five pounds and I've noticed a difference.
That's what I'm hoping Laura. I really don't need to lose any more from anywhere but my stomach so if that's where it comes off ill be happy.

Tomorrow is WI day and the scales are looking promising this morning so hopefully its not even that much Cookie.
goodluck for WI tomorrow, mines tomorrow too, not thinking a great loss is on the horizon :D

1st and a half...woop, that wont take long at all

Ah...Jo! just look at all you have achieved! You really are my biggest inspiration on this whole site. Your goal is now around the corner, you are happy and well in motivate me so much, I am so pleased for you that everything is slotting into place perfectly for you!

Good luck for tomorrow...I have my pom poms out ready to cheer for you my lovely! xxx
Aww thanks. :) Definitely seeming more acheivable by the day. Im not struggling at all with the diet just now for some reason which is making it so much easier.

Totally loving my life just now and its been a long time since I said that!
Joanne you sound so lovely and positive and goal is so close. Really hope tomorrow is a good number for you hun x
Really pleased that alls going so well for you at the mo - you really do deserve it!

All the best for your WI tom...

Hope you have a good evening,