Jools ... Lets get ready to rumble ......

Jools you'll do just fine hun. I love my sunday dinners......chicken 2.5pts, loads of veg Opts, 100g of home made roasties 1pt, 3 small yorkshires 1.5pts and gravy 0.5pts sunday dinner for 5.5pts
Marie & Nikki ... You could have one each! yay! 2 boys .. both the same so you wouldn't have to choose!! LOL!!

Ive put up a new piccie. That was taken about 4 years ago. I don't have anything more recent but I look more or less the same apart from the tan! And Sam (my son) is not a porker either anymore!


Jools!!! I seen a post of yours on a different thread and just had to come in here to comment.

Your absolutely gorgeous missy!!!!! my God, im so jealous - Im off to pour on a few lairs of make up now... :D

lol about your twins!!! ill take both!!!!! :D
Evening all

Ive decided I will do a daily food diary for a few days. So here goes!

today I have had....

tin of heinz lentil soup 3 points

3 toast with tiny amount of marg 5.5 points

0 points veg soup

2 alpen bars 4 points

ww ocean pie with veggies 3.5

muller light 1.5

tesco capuccino 1 point

semi skimmed milk 2 points

total points for the day 20.5

Points saved 6.5

Nice Menu Jools

Is the Tesco cappachino the one that's already made up and you just add water?
that all sound yummy.
i love the idea of a food diary, that way we can all se what each other eats & maybe get some ideas for oursleves in the process, i may well start one myself