Jo's Juddd diary 2012

Glad ur on the mend Jo! We have another day whereas weather is not doing as its told, I'm not complaining though as it is lovely :)
Glad my daily weighs are helping x the gains don't scare me anymore as they are so temporary , they never show on me and its the weekly weigh in that counts, I do them as I am fascinated by them. A couple of weeks ago I was having a panic as it was def looking like a consecutive STS or maybe even a gain but after my last DD I lost a massive 6lbs giving me an overall 2lb loss for that week. I didn't do anything different, it just sort of works out in the end x I can lose between 1lb-6lbs after a DD so who knows whats going to happen but I trust in it and carry on x
Oh and I had to pop to the shop earlier and bought a tin of Baxters Minestrone while I was there I also bought a tin of sliced mushrooms to bulk it out a bit, so instead of my crackers and phili I had a big bowl of minestrone lots of chunky veg and pasta tubes bulked out by a tin of sliced mushrooms and I am stuffed, it was really yummy, took ages to eat and was super filling, will keep that for a DD supper next time, all for 164 cals bargain lol
Hi Jo!!'
Morning Mel x Hope you are having a good day hun xx
I am struggling to put pics on my pc with my new phone grrrr I have an ongoing feud with Orange long and boring story so in the meantime have bought a payg, not so cheap I thought at £70 but since using a smart phone its like something from the stoneage, but I only use my phone to text and actually phone people lol, my camera has broken so I took some pics with it this morning which I am trying to upload for you, I put my size 14 jeans this morning , no muffin tops etc and thought that I look ok, I know I feel really good, I just thought it may help to see what 12 2 (official) looks like on juddd. But I have to install some driver and I can't , will persevere though
Morning hun, woohoo to the jeans well done you!!

Hope u manage to upload the pics :) xxx

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I have uploaded the bloomin disc thing but still can't get it to work, will try again later. Got a headache again today I think it may be the pollen count, someone suggested that the other day, feel really congested and headachy.
UP day today just had a big breakfast of Special K , thick sliced wholemeal toast. Out about lunchtime so that will probably be a quick wholemeal roll later and chicken chasseur tonight with new pots , looking forward to that. Hope you all have a lovely day will try and catch up a bit later, spent all my free time this morning trying to sort out my bloomin phone and on the phone to the bank who took it upon themselves to put a hold on my debit card as I had a lot of online transactions in the past week!!, tell me about it, its back to school for 3 of my kids and my eldest is off to college so whole new wardrobe for him, They don't need to tell me its had a battering lol, its for my security I suppose but was a bit frustrating last night when my card kept getting declined when I knew the money was there:mad:
Anyway todays food

special K 200 cals
wholemeal toast/butter 300 cals

Chicken sandwich 300 cals
quavers 90 cals

new pots, chicken chasseur,
peas , crusty bread 800 cals

Will give final total later aiming for 2000 cals (roughly)

after eating a slice of bread with my supper and some choccie total is more like 2400 cals
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Haha oh when that happens to me I know I need to calm it down!!!

Hope the fones sorted now. Xxx

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bajoleth said:
Morning Mel x Hope you are having a good day hun xx
I am struggling to put pics on my pc with my new phone grrrr I have an ongoing feud with Orange long and boring story so in the meantime have bought a payg, not so cheap I thought at £70 but since using a smart phone its like something from the stoneage, but I only use my phone to text and actually phone people lol, my camera has broken so I took some pics with it this morning which I am trying to upload for you, I put my size 14 jeans this morning , no muffin tops etc and thought that I look ok, I know I feel really good, I just thought it may help to see what 12 2 (official) looks like on juddd. But I have to install some driver and I can't , will persevere though

Morning Jo,

Wow, son off to college!

Whoop! Size 14s AND no muffin top!!! Can't wait for the picture. Great NSV!

I struggled hours last night trying to restore my great niece's itouch. I'm hoping that it was just the poor Internet connection and not the ancient NetBook she has her iTunes account upon. I might get her to pull up her iTunes on her mother's laptop. I hope she remembers her password -- her itouch is disabled because she entered the wrong access code to many times. Sigh!

I hope you have a good day.

There are a lot of "new" JUDDDERS over in the Silver Diary Section. I might steer them to yours - if you don't mind - as your daily weigh-ins, etc are very "scientific".

Also, apparently Holland and Barratt have those low carb, low cal noodles that will "bulk up" a down day.
Okay, can't work out how to upload pics onto my pc with my new crappy phone, so I took pics of my pics with ohs phone, !!!! Anyway here they are, I must add that my DD was born 20 mths ago and since then have looked 6mths pregnant for most of the time as I gained loads of weight I couldn't shift between my boobs and my top of the hips if that makes sense so I am really pleased with how I am improving.
2012-08-16 14.49.51.jpg2012-08-16 14.51.05.jpg
bajoleth said:
Okay, can't work out how to upload pics onto my pc with my new crappy phone, so I took pics of my pics with ohs phone, !!!! Anyway here they are, I must add that my DD was born 20 mths ago and since then have looked 6mths pregnant for most of the time as I gained loads of weight I couldn't shift between my boobs and my top of the hips if that makes sense so I am really pleased with how I am improving.
<img src=""/><img src=""/>

You look amazing! Would t know you have had 5 kids!! Well done Jo xxx
bajoleth said:
Okay, can't work out how to upload pics onto my pc with my new crappy phone, so I took pics of my pics with ohs phone, !!!! Anyway here they are, I must add that my DD was born 20 mths ago and since then have looked 6mths pregnant for most of the time as I gained loads of weight I couldn't shift between my boobs and my top of the hips if that makes sense so I am really pleased with how I am improving.
<img src=""/><img src=""/>

Holy moley!! Lady you look fab and marvy, well done x
Awww thanks girls xx
Christ - you've had 5 kids, I've had 0 and your tummy puts mine to shame!
You should see my Kangaroo pouch !!! , second thoughts you are lucky you havent but thanks anyway lol
Goodness me look at you slinky minx!! Your belly is amazing! 5 kids? pfft! lol
No one can beat my 'kangeroo pouch'!! And it refuses to sod off lol

Have a lovely day today hun xxxx
bajoleth said:
You should see my Kangaroo pouch !!! , second thoughts you are lucky you havent but thanks anyway lol

Yo Jo, your tummy is really flat - great stuff! :D

I've got a kangaroo pouch too (C-section legacy) on my 'jelly belly' as W so lovingly refers to it! :D

Have a great day

P x
Hmmm i had a c section too, is this the 'norm' thing to have one of these after the op then? xx