Jo's Juddd diary 2012

Damnit lol least i have an excuse now why it will never go!!! xx
Sww this will make you all fell tons better, I never had any kids and my pouch is there, smaller than it was granted but perfectly formed LOL
I think i can live with a small pouch :D just not the size it is now lol
Anyone have any suggestions for stretch marks other than bio-oil, mine are shocking and boi oil doesnt make much difference!? I really dont know why!! xx
stef2009 said:
I think i can live with a small pouch :D just not the size it is now lol
Anyone have any suggestions for stretch marks other than bio-oil, mine are shocking and boi oil doesnt make much difference!? I really dont know why!! xx

Tough one, Bio Oil is the best thing I've found ... oh, and time of course. They get better, but never go. Poo :(

P xx
coconut oil is supposed to be good xxxx
Well mine have been here for 5 years LOL granted ive only used bio oil for about a year, there very deep though, i was already overweight when i got pregnant, im only small and my son was nearly 11lb so my stomach stretched as if i was having triplets haha. I will try coconut oil! Ill try anything!! not that ill never have my tummy out in public but still!! xx
Morning all, gotta laugh at the pouch comments , at least we know we are not alone eh lol x
@Stef look at you on day 7 of the shred, go Stef xx
Mmmm have to agree with Pauline they do fade but I don't think there is anything that can actually get rid of them even Bio oil which is fab for your skin , I have always used Palmers cocoa butter but have recently switched to 100% Coconut oil in a lotion, I get it from Savers , not sure if you have those near you and its only £1.59 a bottle but it smells divine and is just as good if not better than the Palmers and its not greasy.
So last DD of the week, gosh the weeks are flying by ! I love Fridays as much as I love my DD s I also love my weekends off. Anyway def going to need a whooshie in the morning to get a loss prob looking at a sts but thats fine as TOTM is due and I lost 2lbs last week so a STS is fine by me :)
OH off on a Racing trip tomorrow and all I have been thinking about all week is what am I going to have for Sat night Supper, its usually a big event for me and OH lol, still unsure but I am thinking of something that I like but he doesn't but can't think of anything at the mo ? Still have loads of lollies to make so busy busy . I really enjoyed that minestrone I had on my last day so have bought some of that for today so todays menu is looking a bit like this

Milk allowance 150 cals
baxters minestrone +tin sliced mushrooms 164 cals

Not sure what else yet could well be crackers and Philli lol

This weeks daily weighs
Sat 12 2 Official weight (2lbs loss from previous week)
Sun 12 5 3lb gain after UP
Mon 12 8 3lb gain after UP
Tues 12 4 4lb loss after DD
Weds 12 5 1lb gain after UP
Thurs 12 4 1lb loss after DD
Fri 12 5 1lb gain after UP need the whooshie fairy to visit me by tom morning lol but TOTM is looming so maybe not?
I think financial incentives may be required girls and some of this :kissass: we love you whooshie fairy xxx lol
Thankyou :) Ohhh no we don't have a savers but I will have a look around :D

Haha yes I love it when OH is out at weekend I have something he wouldn't usually eat!
Hope u think of something yummy!! Xxx

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Okay so cal total for today
Milk allowance 150 cals
Soup 164 cals
Granary toast/philli 150 cals

Total 464 cals and about 3 litres of water, am def retaining so doing all I can to flush some out before tomorrows weigh in, not feeling hopeful of a loss just hoping for a STS TOTM must be on its way as I have been maily within my UP day limits this week ? I have just dropped the whoooshie fairy a £20 lol x
Hi Jo

I've been reading through your diary and just wanted to let you know how inspiring i'd found it. I'm on slim and save at the moment but thinking of coming off and doing JUDD. Though i'm a little worried that i'll put weight on straight away when i do!

I look forward to reading about more of your journey :)
Money down the pan I'm afraid Pauline, had my first gain , official weight 12 3lbs which is up 1lb on last week, BUT TOTM is overdue and I knew yesterday I was retaining water, can't move my wedding ring this morning and its been loose of late. I have been dieting now a total of 17 weeks so a gain had to happen and I am philosophical about it, I just feel a bit like I have let you all down somehow, I know thats silly but I feel it anyway. I am not going to alter my stats or the challenge weights as hopefully can recover next week and will alter if needed then, will of course record it in my signature as a true record as thats what people need when they are starting out on a new plan, honesty.
So anyway UP weekend to look forward to , still havent decided what I am going to have this evening as OH is at the races and want something nice but have no idea what?
Still have 70 lollies to make by Mon so probably won't be around much today, have a good day all x

Sat 12 2 Official weight (2lbs loss from previous week)
Sun 12 5 3lb gain after UP
Mon 12 8 3lb gain after UP
Tues 12 4 4lb loss after DD
Weds 12 5 1lb gain after UP
Thurs 12 4 1lb loss after DD
Fri 12 5 1lb gain after UP need the whooshie fairy to visit me by tom morning lol but TOTM is looming so maybe not?
Sat 12 3 2lb loss after DD BUT official weight so 1lb gain overall, putting it down to overdue TOTM.
Paulinegin said:
Yo Jo, your tummy is really flat - great stuff! :D

I've got a kangaroo pouch too (C-section legacy) on my 'jelly belly' as W so lovingly refers to it! :D

Have a great day

P x

I have a c-section "apron" as the Americans call them. I could live with it when I was a bmi of 24, but at a bmi of 26-27... It is quite a pouch. Plus, I regained my muffin top.


I'll bet when "your friend" visits you'll have a delayed drop.
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Morning Mel, an Apron is actually a good description lol x Mine is getting smaller without a doubt It will be interesting to see what it looks like when I get to goal???
Hope you are having a good day hun x

Trying to alter my signature but t won't let me its too long so am going to have to change the format :mad: