Julie Out with the old 2006-2007

Julie well done like I always say ssing isn't for everyone and your plan seems to be working very well so I say go for it, keep at whatever it is that your doing - 6lbs!!! woowoo well done (I've just read your post on DH) and am all excited for you - such excellent news, very very well done hun xx
Good luck thoughts please xxx

Well i ran out of packs doh and was to embarrassed to call my cdc so had to wait until today until my sis in law went to pick some up and she got me a weeks worth ok so full ss assault from tomorrow and my naughty head is telling me to eat as much as i can i have succumbed to some jaffa cakes but have stopped before things get critical lol !

Actually looking forward to that ss feeling and getting some smaller clothes for my birthday may 18th so shouldv'e shifted a few pounds by then, i have only got choccy shakes so its gonna be boring but sooo worth it in the end ,any words of wisdom sling them my way !
Love to all and think me a good luck thought i will need it !
Hey hun.. thanks for your good wishes on my thread...

well girl... you can do it... you did it before so you know its possible... so heres to you and being a skinny mini by the end of the summer at the latest :D :D :D :D

i'm rooting for ya girl and will be there with ya in a day or two!!


Gen xxx
Julie - you shouldn't be too embarrassed to call your CDC. Maybe a tip for the future is to have a few extra in?? I use to keep some bars in the glove box of my car and my OH car - so that i had no excuse to eat because I did not have CD with me!!

Keep going and looking forward to seeing how you get on.
ROFL Julie, well at least you've kept your sense of humour!

Put the cake episode behind you and get right back on the wagon!!!!

Chin up hun, it could have been so much worse than a slice of cake!

Day 1 ssing so far so good !

Well today is my 1st day is of ss in a long while and i am here on my diary as i came very close to caving in a little while ago, so i have just had a hot choccy tetra and i feel back in the game now .

So today so far
1 choccy shake
1 choccy tetra

and 3 litres of water so hoping to down another 2 litres and a choc shake for later .

Wish me luck xxx

Slimming for summer :D
helloooooooooooooooo julie and a bit huge well done to you... how easy would it have been to give in especially on day one... you are defo in the zone girl i can feel it..... just keep ur head down now and you will get there... anyway i need someone here on monday with a steel capped boot type thing egging me on :D :D :D

well done honey you can do this!!!


Gen xxxxxx

Hi Julie, hun i just wanted to say thank u for the lovely convo we had on Saturday and 2 tell u that i believe in u and i know u r going 2 sucseed and by the end of the year u will look back and say 2 yourself "yes i did have a bumpy start 2 the year and had plenty of obstacles in my way but i am a strong determined lady and i overcome all that was in my way and here i am at goal "
Looking forward to our shopping trip, take care hun and will chat soon xxxxx
So the eve of my full on ss attack been weighed today by my lovely cdc and after reaching the dizzy heights of 19 stone after crimbo i confided in my cdc that my 1st mini goal is to see the 17's and she laughed because when i got on the scales i was 17-13 so in the 17's but only just !
So 1st target is now to get in the 16's i have been using shakes with food the last few days so maybe thats why i have lost weight , still i hope for a good loss next tuesday .

I hoped that building up gradually would alleviate the horrible side effects that the shakes leave me with but alas they dont seem to get any better thats my only concern as i know it will only last 3-4 days but at work its impossible to accomodate the problem so do i forge ahead tomorrow or hold off till friday ( as i finish early and i am off sat sun and mon) so plenty of time to get over it hmmmmm.........

I would really rather crack on in case i lose my positivity i know how fargile it is lol !

I am writing all my emotions thoughts worries and targets in a book just random thoughts and feelings and it has helped already as i have written how i feel about myself, after a binge , after giving in to a craving , after a shake , my trigger moments and that has helped loads as when i write down how desperate a situation makes me want to eat, it puts it into perspective and has stopped me in my tracks so will keep up the journal !

Many thanks Roch for retrieving my diary from the depths of beyond we are winners this time !!

LOts of love hugs and good health to ya'll, Julie XXXX

Julie hun i am sooo pleased for u that u have taken the plunge and got back on track.
I know deep down that u r scared and worried but we all r as their r so many obstacles infront of us on our journey, but as each day goes past u will get stronger and by summer time u will be so chuffed with ur achievements.

I am there with u Ssing from Thursday morning so we can support each other along the way, and rember if u r having a tough time or u just want to have a chat then just buzz me.
Take care hun and chat very soon xxx
Well where to start firstly this is the last time i will be around for a good while (sorry guys) i have been stepping down to ss and felt so positive about today unfortunately i have not ssed today i have had a shake for brekkie and then 2 healthy meals .
The problem is not that i dont want to lose weight or i am unable to stomach the packs, but i have realised i dont want to go without food so i have to lose weight with food its the thought of not eating for x amount of time and i thought i dont want that .
How do i feel ???? Disappointed i know cd's a quick fix but i am not any worse of than i was yesterday i havent let this change of heart lead me headlong into a binge and i wont !

I dont feel i am of any use to people on here at the moment as i need to work out a routine for myself !
Whenever i look in on here i get caught up with all the wonderful weightlosses everyone else has been having and i feel inspired . Problem is its short lived so i will use the remainder of my packs and with a few healthy choices and some exercise i am off to embrace life and find new recipes to inflict on my family .

THANK YOU EVERYONE ('specially you Roch) i hope you have a good start hunny and sorry to split but need to get sorted !

I have things non-diet related going on, my mother is becoming unsteady and we are now moving her into my sisters home so she is not alone so i need to be on hand alot to deal with that .
My mother in law had a heart attack on sunday night and we have only just found out been there tonight and promised to be around more for her .

Hubby is suffering with a bout of depression which in some ways i feel responsible for (constant diet traumas) so i need to invest more time in him .

I need to stop putting my life on hold until i weigh x amount its a pain in the ar*e and its gotta stop.

I so don't want to let anyone down and in no way am i bad mouthing CD its a fab diet but it's not for everyone .

Loads more i could say but i would just be rambling !
Take care miniminners
