July Starters!~! Time to rock and roll!!

Hi Deb, wow that is really strict not to allow water at your desk, we aren't allowed normal cups of tea/coffee but can have them in a travel cup and can have a bottle of water at the desk. That is the only way I get through my water.
Great news about your clothes, my wardrobe is packed with smaller clothes so I'm really looking forward to being able to get rid of some bigger sizes. It just seems to be going really slowly right now. but it will get there eventually.
I set my target at the weight for BMI 25. That is based on the great losses achievable with LLT. On another diet I probably would be aiming for a higher goal. I will be evaluating as I get closer and checking what the scales say and what size I am, and how I feel and look. But just focusing on keeping going and losing right now.
I'm also hoping to meet up with a man from my past in the next few months and want to lose as much as I can before then. Hoping to meet before xmas so looking forward to another couple of stone gone by then and being into size 16's.
I know, but I am a rebel, so I keep a bottle in the filing cabinet under the desk ;)

Ooooh I'm very interested about the man :D Keep me up to date please as I am very nosy ;):D

Back to the wardrobe...I still have some work to do. I'm made up to say I managed to get a pair of Next size 16 jeans on and a Next size 16 top. Fab!!
Wow that is great about the Next size 16's. In my vast smaller wardrobe I have a pair of Warehouse size 16 jeans that I can't wait to get back into.
I'll let you know if I get any concrete plans to meet up with the man. He is half way across the world so don't know if or when it will ever happen. But I will be weighing less if it does happen. Yay.
I'm pleased to report a loss of 2.5lbs, taking me to the half weigh point. But better than that, I now weigh 13st 13 which I havent done for at least 5 years:bliss::bliss::bliss:

I am soooooo chuffed!! 12st 12 is my next target which will take my BMI under 30.

But it was a strange night tonight. The class stirred up some strong emotions that I didnt realise were still there. Another member of the group was talking and I realised that was me, about 8 years ago. She was in tears, I burst into tears, goodness what a night. I dont think I realised just how much crooked thinking I do. And not just weight related. So I have some work to do.

Night night all xx
Hi Deb,
Well done, I'll get below the 15 stones next week for sure. I haven't been well all week between a cold and now kidney infection, so happy to have lost 2lbs.
Hope you are ok with stirring the emotions. Our group hasn't really got into anything deep when going through the modules.
Thanks Deb. I'm fine today, just a bit teary last night. I felt that I had failed my daughter in giving her such a useless father. But while I know I cant be responsible for his behaviour, I still feel bad that she has missed out. I might actually discuss it with her one of these days. She'll probably tell me to get a grip!!

Anyway, on a happier if not weirder note, two people that I havent seen for months didnt recognise me. One of them is obviously a complete flake and had to ask my friend who I was. Doh! Still its a nice feeling :)
I can't believe it, first a cold, then kidney infection and I started feeling bad again today and now I have the shingles! Hope this is it now, they do say things happen in three's.
I asked the GP about the diet and being ill lately, and she said my long term health was more important and to keep with the plan while I'm doing so well. She said the shingles are 2 weeks and can be treated, getting the weight off is a high priority.
So glad to have a supportive GP.
Oh honey what bad luck! Keep ur spirits up. Hope u feel better soon, sending u love and hugs xxx
Aw Debs! What a nightmare! Are you in a lot of pain? I believe that shingles is very painful xx
My skin feels raw and tender like its burned, down one side. Its the nerve endings are very sensitive. And feeling a bit weak and feverish, but no where near as bad as when I had glandular fever at age 23 or measles at age 24, then I really felt miserable and like I was dying. This isn't near as bad. I have the anti-viral tablets and will be getting plenty of rest.
Oh goodness me ELAB, i really hope you get better immediately. You've not had a good run of it lately. Keep you're chin up though hon - we're all here if you need a rant, and just look after yourself!!!
Lots of love and healing (non painful) hugs!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Birdy,
So sorry to hear about the shingles. I believe it can be very painful. I do hope you start to feel better soon. Sounds like you have a great GP.
You probably don't need me to tell you that shingles is often related to something stressful going on in your life...........?
Sending healing vibes your way
<<<oh Bird....sending you tea & sympathy and healing vibes. >>> Bless, you have had a run of it, haven't you! You might be one of the most-tested new starters Ive seen on MM's!!

I hope shingles pass quicly and that they dont get too awful. Never had them, but have heard from manyt hey are most unpleasant, so I do hope you have someone there to help you and pamper you.

Hang tough - this too shall pass - and hopefully it is the third and last event and you are back in the good health you should feel for all the hard work you are doing!

Hi SB,
I don't think its so much stress, more run down by the cold and then 4 days later the kidney infection, and then got this 4 days later. No chance to recover from any of them.
I've never had them before but a friend of mine has and she got it the last time after a bladder infection, so was run down also. Lucky I knew her symptoms so I went to doctor straight away to get treatment. The rash had just started yesterday, and has spread today, so I caught it early.
Thanks for all your well wishes. I love this forum.
Thank goodness you did recognise it and caught it quick. x:)
Aw Debs, I hope your feeling better today. You really have been through the mill (((hugs))) xx
Has anyone noticed that there aren't many of the original July starters posting anymore? I hope its just that people have busy lives and no time to post.
I guess that over time the people posting changes, but I have had so much support from everyone on this thread. And I'm going to be here till next year, so glad we are still going strong. Hope everyone is well. xx
I was thinking I must be the only person staying in on a Saturday night lol. Looks like its just you and me Debs :)

But yeah, I think about the people that have disappeared from group as well...I guess thats how it goes :(
Hmmm... I started in July and just realised I haven't posted in this thread at all before now.

It's milk week for me now - a bit weird making shakes up with a mixture of milk and water, but I can handle it. I think on days where I have a bar I'll just have to have a small glass of milk at the same time. Is that what other people would do, or would they avoid bars that week?
Hi Ulyssses,
Glad to have another person at the same stage on here. I have been checking the green book as my milk week is coming up soon. I may just have my milk as a glass of milk, I'm so used to my packs made with water that I don't know if I'll like them made with milk. Or I may like it too much and not want to go back to just water! lol
Do they taste different made with milk and water?