Just because i am proud of my willpower!

Well done on your willpower!! I own a Fish & Chip shop!!! People ask me if I get fed up with fish n chips, well the answer is NOOOOOO!!!!!! lol, that's why I'm at slimming world, at least I can take the batter off and smother them in mushy peas, nom nom.

Wow that would kill me! i am tempted to go to the chippy but i know i wouldn't take the batter off, seeing as its the best bit ever!! lol i found out today the chargrilled chicken strips kids meal with fruit/diet coke is a free meal at burger king :D means when my friends go i can actually eat something rather than stare lovingly at their food lol
My Bfriend has reached his first 2 stone mark so he had a treat last night of Fish & chips from the chip shop , I was so controlled , I had fish , all batter off & mushy peas & I didn't even punch one chip !!
How strong am I??

It's probably because I've only lost 8lbs compared to his 14.5 and I've not slipped up once !!!!
This is a case of the tortoise & the hare !!!
Love Tortoise !!!!!!
I love it when people call it the chippy.

I call it the chippy. I briefly moved to St Helens and shocked my M-I-L by exclaiming I was "having a chippy", which she took to mean I was having sex with a carpenter :eek:
JezVonSavage said:
I love it when people call it the chippy.

I call it the chippy. I briefly moved to St Helens and shocked my M-I-L by exclaiming I was "having a chippy", which she took to mean I was having sex with a carpenter :eek:

I call it the chippy too! Most people (even living in same place as me) don't understand but "having sex with a carpenter" made me laugh out loud!!
:DLove it dont live far from St Helens myself

Where abouts are you Holly's Nan?

I only lived there for 2 years, even tho I was only 15 minutes away from my Mum on the train I really struggled and felt really far away!! OH wouldn't move to Liverpool so the relationship broke down in the end :(

It's weird that there can be such cultural differences between Huyton and St Helens- there is only about 6 miles between them :rolleyes:
way to go with your will power, I really dunno if I could handle working in thorntons lol

I call it the chippy and I'm from Scotland originally, also call cod n chips a fish supper, the first time my dad went in and asked for a fish supper down here the guy behind the counter stared at him blankly lol
Yes we call it a fish supper too, but I suppose Liverpool shares many cultutal similarities with Scotland so it's not surprising.
4 weeks still no chocolate!!! lol thank the lord for hi-fi choc bars
Me neither, well done to us!!