Just ordered my pack!!

Hi all,

I've been looking into this diet for a few weeks now as I just can't get my head around any other diet at the moment, and Im so fed up of none of my clothes fitting me.

Not everyone agrees that this kind of diet is good I know... but I think this could really work for me!

I ordered my monthly pack last night so I'm hoping with the bank holiday that it should be here by Wednesday so I plan on starting Thursday.

Do you think it's worth me cutting down what I'm eating before I start so I don't feel too hungry??

I'm very excited about doing this as I have been reading that a lot of people have a huge loss in such a short space of time.

Some of your dairies are amazing... I think I may do one too. It always helps me writing things down!

Does anyone have any advice for a new starter??

Thank you!!

Jem x
Hi Jem

I am a newbie as well (day 2 today) so not much advice to offer, sorry! But I sure you will make a success of it, I tend to think that dieting is 90% mental attitude so spend the next few days getting your head in the zone and good luck.

yes def cut back on carbs until you start, i went the other way and seen it as my last meal lol and ate massive amounts of rubbish lol......which resulted in headaches from hell.

sarah x
Yes cutting down on carbs is probably a good idea... I need to cut down on caffeine too as I drink loads of pepsi max and coffee!!

I've never been excited about a diet before so I have a good feeling about it.

I made a vegetable soup yesterday so I might have some of that for lunch for the next couple of days.

Ive been reading and see that the first few day are the worst but everyone continues after week 1 because they see such good results!

I hope this is the case for me!!

I will be sure to drop by here to let everyone know about my first day!!

How exciting!! X
Good luck on your journey Jemma.
I'm trying to do as Theapple is advising in preparation to starting exante. I'm in Poland at the minute but we are driving back to the UK at the end of the month so I plan to start soon after :)
My diet is generally OK- although a few times weekly I cave and temptation gets the better of me, nothing too bad- some dark chocolate,fresh bread with butter or Polish sausage (please save me from this country lol) I've stopped adding sugar to things, using sweeteners instead. Reduced how much salt I add to food etc...So I'm hoping I won't have a huge shock to my system when I cut all food out.
Hopefully I won't be too bad with cravings... My most common cravings on any diet are milkshakes (I won't have that problem here) and cereal... Hopefully the bars will sort that for me... So there is hope for me yet!!

I've read that people add things to the shakes to make them nicer... How can I make a mint chocolate shake? X
Welcome Jemma. Yeah, cutting out carbs will help although i didn't do any preps for the diet and i've been ok (so far!)

I think most people make peppermint tea and add the chocolate to that. There's a post on the main part of the Exante forum about how to make your shakes different x
I'm with you on the cereal Jemma, I wouldn't care but I rarely eat usually, preferring natural yogurt and fruit for brekki but as soon as I say the word diet I start craving crunchy nuts!
Was going to say the same as babyblue did about the thread on milkshakes, there's some good idea's there.
Hi and good luck, I am on day 1 (again) so far so good. I've had 7 glasses of water, 2 shakes and 22 mins of exercise. Hopefully I can stick with it the rest of the day. If I make it to 7 and I've stuck with it I am treating myself to a coke zero.
Water is something I'm going to have to get used to... Normally I just drink pepsi max through the day (at least 2 litres a day) so I'm really going to struggle with the water... But a bit of water for my White skinny jeans will be worth it!

I notice that people are saying a coke zero is ok now and then... Would that be the same for pepsi max?!? X x x
Ohhh... Never mind. I'm not too keen on diet coke but I'll probably end up loving it as an alternative to water!!

I think I'll try just water alone for the first week to see how I get on.

This forum is great! Thank you guys!!

X x x
Jemma- cold flavoured teas count as your water intake too ;) I get around 1 litre of my daily intake this way.
Best of luck for your 1st day! I'm now on day 3 & it's not been too bad! Just keep sipping plenty of water throughout the day & you'll be fine! I just keep telling myself that I don't need food because the packs have everything I need, it's working so far lol!