Just plain crazy!

Morning jackie, those mattesons smoked pork sausages are yum :)
Yes I know, I think they have a long shelf life as they are smoked. I don't like the "Light" version though, full of sugar to replace the tasty fat
Jaxy, you appear to be having exactly the same as me to eat today ;)
Morning Jackie :)
No jackie, I'm in maint and have nothing to report LOL, anyway, I'm far to busy trying to keep up with everyone elses diary.
Morning Jaxy, hope all continuing well:)
Things not going so great today im afraid. Worked alone for way too long long yesterday and didnt eat until bed time, grabbed a chinese for quickness and tried to make good choices but my chicken wings were coated and I ate them lol! Today I have a mega headache which may be that or the fact that I got quite drunk on just 2 vodkas last night (empty stomach and low tolerance since atkins). At least I finish early today and have a day off tomorrow so can relax and get my atkins head back on :)
Morning Jackie, it can be difficult sometimes, you need to plan ahead, I used to plan my whole weeks eating and snacks when I was on induction and OWL