Just tried the cambridge "muffin"


Full Member
And it was quite nice, though a little bitter (not sure why) I don't think I'll be having it often as cooking the mix kills the nutrients... What I WILL be doing however is eating the thick "cake" mix! I mixed in about 3-4tbs water and it was like cookie dough and uttely delicious and chewy and gooey! Much nicer than when I had baked it and the nutrients are not compromised. I usually just make up the packs into shakes but its nice to know you can eat it other ways and feels like a treat! I'll try it thick with the porridge mix tomorrow morning! :D
Oh no, it did't rise lol. It was more like a really thick American pancake. Depends on the container you cook it in and it just takes the shape. I used a Ramekin dish so it came out looking like a scone/extra thick scotch pancake but exactly the same level as it was before cooking.
Ahhhh thanks, I always imagined a big fluffy muffin.wondered where I was going wrong.And yep always bitter-Im leaving that one now.
Im 100% with you on the cake mix tho-divine!!!
I love the pate and crisps made out of savoury packs yummmmm
Did you put a crushed sweetner in it??? I tried one with and one without and the one without tasted bitter. Neither were that nice but not to bad if you fancy something different.
I tried the "muffins" and was not keen to be honest - I usually do the same as Piella and make them into a big crisp (usually the chicken and mushroom soup as some of the others are a bit salty)