Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Evening lovely people:)

Just home from belly dancing - really fun tonight messing around with lots of different styles and focused on dancing rather than tecnique;).

Lovely and sunny here today - spring is properly sprung - but spent much time in front of pc as trying to get lots done in next 10 days. At least we've got a relatively quiet weekend planned so i can figure out packing for the hols and then go shopping! DD finally had her typhoid jab so is moaning about a sore arm (which i am suitably sympathetic about); I hope it doesn't stop her getting to sleep:eek:

Usual yummy atkins food - dinner was pan fried tuna marinated in wasabi and soy with cauli mash and brocoli. DH has been making cakes for school tomorrow - angry birds - they are surprisingly good (to look not taste - far too sweet for me). Will see if i can post a photo:)

Have a great evening


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Well done him! Good work! ;)
Love the cakes ... I think you should share him around !! I want one of them as well (a DH that is!) lol xx
Lol - Di, be careful what you wish for....i'm already planning my wedding outfit:D

Anyway, 0.2 off on the scales which is pretty close to sts but since it's lowest weight i'll record it ;). Not bad after serious drinking weekend plus out wed night! Shows maintenance can work:)

Off for an all day meeting stuck inside - lucky forecast is nice for the weekend too
Have a great day all
I was meaning share yours Katie!!! I've been there and done it so not in any hurry for it again! Lol
Alpaca said:
I was meaning share yours Katie!!! I've been there and done it so not in any hurry for it again! Lol

Lol - he's far too busy looking after me and DD:D
Have a good day Katie x
Morning Katie, when are you off on hols?
Morning all:). What a fabulous warm sunny day. I'm on my way to zumba after a great lie in:D

Have a great weekend!
Have a fab day Katie! Xxx
Morning Katie xxx