Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

And you know what we'll be doing this time next week!!!
I cant keep up here at the mo so just do a few diaries and say hello all in my own. Feel guilty tho!

Me too Lisa :eek::cry: am trying hard but for some reason I can read posts on my phone but can't actually post!
Right well almost bedtime and i've at least waved on most of the diary threads :)

Looking forward to the weekend. First we've got a big party up in central london sat night - they say nibblies will be served so we will have a nice big legal dinner before we go and start drinking lol. Then we have a bunch of friends coming over to sunday lunch- we're catering so it will be legal (think dh is going to get some token bread in for them). Both occasions will involve shedloads of wine - hope it doesnt cause too many problems for mondays wi - ive been so good this week:)

Food today:
B bacon and eggs
L chicken caesar salad
D the pie :D and brocoli and spinach, chocolate mousse - dh latest experiment - delish and only 2 carbs :D
S mini pepperami, flax bread and marmite, cheese

W probably not enough
E dancing - started a new routine this week - never heard of the song tho!
A large glass of chianti to go with the pie :)

Oh yes - went to dealers, chose car, negotiated price and paid my deposit. Now i just have to be patient for a week before we get it. So should get my lift to brum in comfort:D

Night all - see you tomorrow
What's the song's name?

You're going to have to provide the recipe for your husband's mousse - after your crazy weekend of course. Have a fantastic time xx
Morning all :D

Woke up early again this morning (4.30) and was hungry. Think something is either causing insulin spikes/cravings (choc even tho only 2 carbs?, wine?) or last time i hadnt eaten enough after lots of exercise. Will have to watch out!

Calm before the storm today; might try to catch up some recipes and so on
Hope everyones having a great weekend
Dietkitty said:
Morning. Would it be wrong to have marmite spread on cold chicken for breakfast? :D

Of course not!
Mmmmmmmmm marmite - is there anything it cant do.............:D

Maybe we could invent a marmite diet?:eek:
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Kizzie2011 said:
YUM! another marmite fan here..

Have a great weekend everyone!.

See my new marmite thread started:)

Woohoo - that pesky front tooth is finally out! I hope the toothfairy remembers to visit when she rolls in from her party late tonight :eek:
Snap! My daughter's tooth came out in school yesterday and the teacher helpfully sellotaped it into her spellings book so it didn't get lost! :D

Nice weekend there Katie, and yes we need the recipes for the creme thingy (would granulated splenda caramelise I wonder?) and the mousse please! You can keep your marmite ones though. ;)
Anyone know where there is a 'shopping list' thread?.. I'm out of everything and have a week of food shopping to do!..

Hi Kizzie - two places you can go

Sticky thread if you are thinkng of starting atkins - jim posted all the legal food right upfront
Or if you go to sugarfreesheila.com she has a special printout grocery list which i must admit i have in my handbag:)
Or Susie's thread 'Low Carb Contest' is a really handy one (might be on page 2 of this forum).
thanks guys.. it's the list I need rather than the foods allowed. I"ll print that one out Katie.. CHEERS!

off to the shops.. :)
Evening all :D
Well had a super weekend and just lounging around trying to get enough energy to tidy up before the week starts again!

Had a super night last night but not very happy with atkins. Arrived at expensive bar in london which had been taken over for my friends big 0 party - champagne, bar and nibblies all organised. Had just one glass of champagne to show willing and then switched to to gin and slimline tonics for carbs sake. Wow i felt rough over night and this morning - note to self - all the c..p in slimline tonic is obviously not good for me! I would have felt better drinking champagne all night! Lol

Anyhow avoided most of the food - we had a light tea before we went out. I did try a mini sausage but discovered it was covered in honey - sigh. Two teeny chicken skewers with hint of peanut on top. Then gave up on finding anything legal and danced instead - got a good work out at least:D

Today had to get up feeling rough to tidy up and prep for lunch. Had ten of us for lunch today. Kids were good and the sun even came out so DH babequing didn't seem quite so bizzare as it might have done:) Stayed legal on the food but did have to have few drinkies as "the gang" hasn't met for a few years......

So WI tomorrow rather at risk - reminds self this is WOE......and all alcohol is evil!

Anyhow to catch up - saturday food
B bacon and eggs
L leftovers - artichoke dip, flax bread, pie, salmon, avocado
D chorizo rapido
S pepperami, flax bread and marmite, mouthful of illeagal sausage, 2 mini chicken skewers

W lots- did use the rule of one large glass of water between every a drink
E yes at least 30-40 mins serious dancing at the party
A oh yes - lets see- 1 glass of brut champagne, 3 gin and tonics might have been doubles given how i felt today :eek: )

Will post today later when we've figured out dinner:)
Sundays food diary:
B bacon and eggs
L half mini crustless quiche (with salmon and watercress), sausages, barbeque chicken, aubergine, courgette, one carb ketchup, grainy mustard. Dh mega cheesecake with one sliced strawberry on top and sf jelly as sauce
D piece of left over chicken, few little flax crackers with butter and marmite

W prob not enough - trying hard as we speak - wi tomorrow but a bit late.....!
E errr no
A errr yes - a mojito w/out sugar (DH is now experimenting on cocktails:) ), 1 white wine spritzer, 2 glasses red

Onwards and downwards - pretty please dear wooshie fairy :D