Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Good luck for tomorrow Katie, and totally YES re this being a lifelong thing - so what if you don't lose after a special weekend like that. Next week will be better. :)
agreed! it's not like a crash kinda diet that is for a set period then stop, so at least we can have some times we lose and some times we don't without getting too upset about it.

sounds like you had a fun weekend!
Morning Katie, yes I don't like the word but for me this is a WOL
Arghhhhh....the demon drink came and kidnapped the whooshie fairy!
A not unexpected STS
Must do better.... unfortunately i'm out two nights this week and then of course i will be led astray at the weekend........:D

Morning all Yes WOL it is:)
ah, the demon drink ;)
At least you know what the problem is, and if there's a 'good thing' about alcohol it's that it doesn't take you out of ketosis it just sits there and makes you burn it before you burn any fat. Much like polyols, stupid things. But you know the woosh fairy will be there waiting when you do get out of the demon's grip, and I think with all the social events a STS is very good - I don't think I'd be as strong as you are.
STS was a good result for that week Katie, hope you're not secretly disappointed, you did well. :)
Evening all. Thanks for all being so lovely :)

The good news today is that DH has hit target, has a healthy BMI and had to go out to buy new trousers. Luckily he has promised to keep eating with me although I have a feeling that the baking experiments might continue!

Had a nice day today - bunch of calls this morning, dance class at noon and then met a friend for lunch out. Back to do a bit more work and then out to zumba - i do enjoy working from home days:D

So diary:
B bacon and eggs
L artichoke and parma ham, sea bream with mushrooms and cream
D fresh tuna burgers (particularly delish) and asparagus
S mim before dancing, cheesecake with a bit sf jelly

Hmm - note to self - could probably do with a bit more greenery

W lots - but need more to flush the demon away!
E 2 hours dancing
A oh no!

Tomorrow night might be interesting. I am organising a large dinner for a group at work to celebrate international womens day 100th anniversary with speakers etc. I'ts a buffet and i chose the option that had a few salads that might be legal plus cheese board. Hope i can stay legal - think i will try to stay on the water.....but only because i'm out with friends wed night - sigh. It's a tough life ;)

ah, the demon drink ;)
So very true Jim and it makes you want to eat all the wrong stuff as well so doubly demon.

Sounds like you had a fab weekend Kat! And sts is pretty good imo! Have a good day:)

Oh and well done to your dh:)
Morning Katie, well done to your DH :)
ooh lunch sounds amazing :)
well done OH
Hey Katie, How are you? xx