Katie-x's Ketosis Journey....

A lovely lie in for me this morning, working locally and have a meeting at ten so I'm going in for 9:30, heaven :)
Been a good day today, no stray food thoughts even though it's totm, got a very bloated belly though so look like I've ate everything! Got a few compliments and called skinny! I know I've lost weight but I'm a long way from being skinny lol.

Off running with TH later so have just put my shepherds pie in to soak, need the energy!

Hope everyone's having a good day xx
I cannot believe that I have run for three minutes without stopping - twice!! We started week three of C2 5knand while I ran it I've got to say that there's no way I'd have done it without TH, well let's be honest I wouldn't have started week one but tonight she was beyond a star, she ran and chatted the whole time (she can do both at once) while I just grunted the occasional reply and it really helped the time pass as I listened more to her rather than thinking of how bad it was ;)

Got to say I did really enjoy it but my favourite bit is the stretching at the end, oh that feels good :D

Just had my shake and bar and am about to run round doing a five minute tidy and polish and watch some tennis, sounds good to me!
Yey! Running is ace :)
Tell you what though, after running for three whole minutes it makes you realise what the tennis players go through - wow!
And footballers in a 90 minute football match... I can remember having to play 5a side football and feeling like I needed a defibrillator! X
Lol I can imagine, but tennis being my game (to watch obviously ;)) they can be running round for four hours on their own and nobody to share the work with and have to have the strength to hit the ball....in the right place - phew don't think I'd last a game never mind set and match :)

I think I need to take up chess.....and I can't play that either :D
Early start today, got up at 5am to watch the tennis, have already woke twice and checked the score so gave in at the end - am wanting Djokovic to win, it's 1 set all now!

Got a hectic day in work, a meeting this morning, one this afternoon and a thousand and one things to do inbetween, no plans for this evening though as it's a day off from running so the plan is to lounge around watching Federer play and hopefully win :)

Hope it's a good day for all :) xx
I got a Djokovic win which I wanted, now want Federer to win tonight :D

Been a mad busy day but a good one, came in from work and put my jama's straight on - very nice indeed! Had a chilli and am going to have a bar and shake soon.

Was really funny this morning as by 6:30 am I had had compliments from two different people! Went to take the dog for a walk and a man who lives further up my road was walking up the road and said that he hadn't recognised it was me the other day, that I look lovely (in a broad Wigan accent) and I've done really well. I said goodbye to him and walked a couple of houses down to be stopped by an old(er) woman who was putting her recycling box out in her dressing gown and slippers who told me she hadn't realised it was me when I said hello last week and it was only when I'd gone she'd worked out who I was, she told me I look lovely and I should be very proud of myself :) However since 6:30am I've not had any compliments but hey I'll survive ;)

Going to try and catch up on diaries now - hope everyone's well :D xx
I missed you tonight... Felt like we should have ran :)

I've been with you when people compliment you. Just stop you in the street and tell you well done. I didn't know you when you before you had lost weight. Must be massively obvious to those people who feel compelled to congratulate you :)

Well done honey. You deserve every compliment going. You've done amazingly!

That's fantastic well done honey - must feel great! :)
Thanks ladies, yes TH this woman lives about 3 houses down from the people who stopped me when I was with you - I wondered what was up last week when she didn't take me in, never thought it was because she didn't recognise me lol. My neighbours aren't backwards in coming forwards, they just say it like it is no matter what time of day it is or whether you're with someone they've never set eyes on before ;)

Had a lovely evening as I picked my mum up on the way home from work and Dan has just been for a visit, she's just taken mum home now.

Been another good TS day so that's day 3 done and dusted, hurray :D
Thats lovely Katie. You most certainly deserve to be praised seeing as you have come so far diet and fitness wise xx
Didn't get up for the tennis this morning :)

Hopefully today will be a good one, am working in the local office and then off for a run with TH this evening for week 3 day 2....am already dreading week 4! ;)

Have a lovely day one & all xx