Katycakes Won't Give Up...

@ Mel, not too sure about that!

@ Dis, get political all you like, I feel very strongly about it too. The courses percentages were slashed last Jan of Ed & Glasgow, which are the top 2 Scottish unis in terms of numbers of applicants & of places. I don't think the others are all the same, I was told Ed & Glasgow are managed in the same way but other unis did things differently. And of course if you are super-good you can get those places, but you need top grades etc... DD didn't apply for those two, but she has had portfolio requested from Dundee & Aberdeen. The places are there, but good incentive for your DD to keep on working hard - just so competitive.

@ Trisha, it did feel like a real art school, buzzing. She was in her element... fingers toes & eyes all crossed now that it all works out as planned.

DAY 50-something (diary in other room, sorry!)

Scales 11st 13....!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

YESSSS. So happy. Feel like I am crawling up a mountain on my hands and knees, but right now I am dancing around on a craggy bit and yelling with happiness. Bye bye 12s, so long, don't let's bother to meet up again anytime soon...

Have been awake since 4 today, not as bad as yesterday which was all night... but gah. Am up and have had first shake, toffee and walnut. Working about an hour away from home today, quite full-on and much energy will be expended (nervous energy rather than anything too physical but it all helps). Should be a good day though.

Looking forward to getting back later, relaxing a bit and having a slower-paced weekend. Lots to get through, but nice to be home-based again. CD wise, feel more settled than in a while, long may it last.

Have a great day everyone!


Well done Katy!! I was so impressed to read about your food choices while you were away and you totally derserve getting in to the 11s.

Have a good day now!
Morning Katy, That's brilliant news hunny!! well done you!!!
You'll be dancing that jig to get you through your work day, i'll have a jig for in the kitchen whilst the kettle is boiling (sponaneous exercise yay!)
so pleased for you
Have a lush Friday & nice calm weekend
@ Mel, not too sure about that!


KC... Beck would say, "Give yourself credit." You bore her, raised her, saw to it that she was educated and given opportunities, and have inspired her. She would not be whom she is today, were she raised by someone else."

@Lelly -- Just look at KC inspiring you to work out.
i'll have a jig for in the kitchen whilst the kettle is boiling (sponaneous exercise yay!)
so pleased for you

Question? Are jigs a Scots thing or should you be having a "fling" in the kitchen this morning? Hummm... I think Chels's Mix-A-Man could help you accomplish this.


P.S. BTW does "fling" mean affair on this island, or is this a double entendre that only American would get?
sounds like you had an awesome time Katy, food choices were obviously excellent as you have reached 11stone 13 today...... SNAP!!!! lol

Your daughters course sounds awesome and how wonderful that they hand picked those students, definately a boost to the confidence. My brother in law went to Manchester Uni a few years ago (bear in mind DH is 14 years younger than me and BIL even more than that), he did Media Studies and me met his partner there too..... my daughter is graduating from uni this year as a Biomedical Scientist and she has just had a phone interview for a job (yesterday) and the woman said that her and another 119 people have been picked out of 12000 that applied..... OMG that is so mad!!!

Have a good work day and fingers crossed your scales keep going down. take care xx
:happy036:for the 11s. Hope you have a good Friday and a lovely relaxing weekend.
DAY 50-something (diary in other room, sorry!)

Scales 11st 13....!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

YESSSS. So happy. Feel like I am crawling up a mountain on my hands and knees, but right now I am dancing around on a craggy bit and yelling with happiness. Bye bye 12s, so long, don't let's bother to meet up again anytime soon...

Yesssss!!! you beauty!!! Well done Katy. I am so happy for you....you must be radiating it down to Surrey :D

Hope your day is going well xxxx
So very happy for you, in the 11's!! :D Well done Katy, you deserve it sooooo much!! xx
Thanks Alli, Lelly, Mel, Greeneyes, Dis, Chelsea & Bess. So, so happy - and today has been a FAB work day, one of those makes-it-all-worthwhile days.

@ Alli & Dis, SO chuffed!!!!

@ Mel, yes, fling has the same double entendre here... jig is fine though because although I live here I have no Scottish blood but LOTS of Irish!

@ Greeneyes, wow to your clever daughter!!! It's such a competitive job market now, good luck to her landing a fab job! I am hope, hope, hoping all goes well with the Manc place.

@ Chels & Bess, so happy... and relieved. And feel calmer and that has to help too. I am amazed how much this journey has to do with state of mind, but hanging on no matter what has to have something going for it too!

My morning event turned into a morning & afternoon one, so more offplan eating but again very happy with the choices. I was given canteen food and chose a small wholemeal roll with egg mayo, ate the bottom part with the egg, left the top bit of roll; and a plastic cup of tomato soup, drank half. Plus lots of black coffee. Very content with that. Since getting home, have had a shake... will have a small 810 meal in a little while.

Looking forward to an evening curled up on sofa with book/laptop/TV/OH... so tired I may not last much past 9pm but hey!

Will check diaries now, hope everyone has had a good day too.

A good day and a good week, so pleased for you Katy - and all well after the CD panics. I'm really, really pleased for you. Have a good and relaxing weekend. Love, Bess. xx
Sounds like you've had an amazing day Katy. Really chuffed for you. Wagon is trundling along beautifully :D

All aboard.........next stop slimdom xxx
Hi KC --

I hope you have a good night and restful weekend, especially after the past few weeks on being on the road (and off the rails ;) ).

Just waiting up to go fetch DD from bus stop after a curry night with pals, then hitting the hay... I could sleep for a week. G'night all!

1 week later....shh.. is she still snoozing?! :) x
WAKE UP KATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi hun, hope you are ok. How has your Saturday been so far?

It is sooooooooo cold here and the frost warning was on in the car a little while ago. I never realised it was so cold when out for my bike ride but I can actually feel frozen bones under all the flesh :D Central Heating on, get some housework done, hot and deep bubble bath, jim-jams on and that will be me done for the day. Heaven ;) xxx
DAY 60

Scales, 11st 13. :eek:)

I almost did sleep for a week... lurked in bed reading until past 11. Shocking, especially now I have read of Chels racing about on a bike all morning! It's freezing here too, have lit a fire rather than put central heating on. Have work to do, but nice quiet home-based work. OH is off all next week so we may go away next weekend, had planned to see friends in London briefly for a b'day celebration, but will see how we feel. The week after that it's back to work with a vengence, so will make most of slower pace while I can!

I am quite hungry today... but really don't want to let that push me off track. There has been too much of that lately. If I start to stress or crave stuff I will lurk here, fear not.
