Katycakes Won't Give Up...

(And then I swooned... ;o))

Who is that guy and what is up with his hair?

No, really.... who is he?

Hi katy well done on 12 st, you'll soon be in the 11s.

Glad DD liked Manchester, thats my closest city, and I love it, and contrary to popular belief it doesn't rain all the time.
Glad you both had a great day! xx
Ooooh Katy, wondering if you are in the 11s today, guess you wont know until tomorrow.... hope you have a great day and safe journey home again xx
Ooh, Chels & Mel, watch your step! 'That Man' is my hero, sigh. What hair. What a voice. What eyeliner... (OK, let's not go there. But I love him, so hey!)

Trisha, aw, if I'd known I'd have waved! Back now... making plans for Halls etc. She really loved it... lots to think about but so glad we went.

Food today good I think... off-plan strictly speaking but I am very happy with it.
1 shake at 6am (I didn't sleep last night - those of you who have insomnia, I SO sympathize... was wrecked today).
skinny latte & blueberry/seed yoghurt at Starbucks, 10am
salad from EAT. Undressed (the salad, not me!) - spinach leaves, grated beetroot, soy beans & peas, sprouted mung beans, 3 small pieces goats cheese - 1pm.
1 shake at 6pm & bircher muesli from EAT, yummmm.

I agree with you re: your 80s crush. Is he the guy from The Cure........cos if it is, I used to have a thing for him too. I also liked Kurt, from Tears for Fears. Tony Hadley from Spandau, Weller, of course. Martin doo dah wotsisname from ABC.

Adam Ant's eye makeup was good, so was his lippy. Very kissable lips but I digress *cold shower time* Glad you had a good time and that DD likes the Uni. Well done you on having two children that are University students. Oh and your food choices sound pretty good to me hon, considering you were away from home etc.

Thanks Chels, Yes, he's the guy from the Cure. Aw. Loved the songs, all of it really.

With the kids, I think the spur was uni as a way of getting out of here... living in the middle of nowhere is less appealing when you are a teenager! They are lucky though, and DD extra lucky because 2011 is the last year that the fees will be 'low' in English unis, if she does choose Manchester. Another year and that one wouldn't really be possible with the soaring fees.

Feel very happy with the food choices, although not really 810 they were definitely low sugar & high protein... good options. And lots of trudging about the city, does that count as exercise?!!

Yes KC, trudging around the city definitely counts as exercise....getting out of bed counts as exercise in my book lol.

Give the kids another 40 years and they will be pleased to be rural again......age thing I think :D
Katy your food options sound good.

My daughter is at uni and in her second year so she also misses the fees increase. Why does your daughter want to go to uni in England? I thought uni's were free in Scotland for Scottish students. My daughter fancied Edinburgh, but decided not to apply as she thought she wouldn't stand a chance of getting in, She did have offers from Dundee and really liked it, but decided on Newcastle, mainly because of the distance, and I'm glad as it still takes hours to get to Newcastle, and its too far for her to nip home for the weekend.
The course she wants at Manchester doesn't exist in Scotland. Not many unis and huge competition for the few there are. And because they are 'free' the unis are not balancing books and slightly favour English & overseas students as they come 'with cash'. Since Jan last year undergrad places for scottish students were slashed by 40% & 30% for Glasgow & Edinburgh (can't remember which percentage for which uni though... but scary). And courses being axed... including one she really liked at Napier.

This course, in manchester, was her top option & the whole of her UCAS statement was aimed at getting it... The art school told the kids there yesterday they were the select few - the ones they 'really, really wanted' based on UCAS & on blogs they were asked to do, and offered places without formal interview. We realised they were actually being 'wooed' by the art school. This has done more for DD's confidence than anything else in the last 5 years.

So... just a case of the ideal course for her I think. She is so excited.

What is your DD doing?

Lol at the age thing Chels... I must be getting a 'mid-life' because I dream of heading to a city these days!

This course, in manchester, was her top option & the whole of her UCAS statement was aimed at getting it... The art school told the kids there yesterday they were the select few - the ones they 'really, really wanted' based on UCAS & on blogs they were asked to do, and offered places without formal interview. We realised they were actually being 'wooed' by the art school. This has done more for DD's confidence than anything else in the last 5 years.

So... just a case of the ideal course for her I think. She is so excited.

This is just fantastic, I'm so very pleased for your DD (and so envious....when I've taken all our daughters to Unis over the last 8 years, I felt such a sense of deja vue and a huge desire to go again - and I know I'd get so much more out of it than I did all those years ago, when it was my turn. I even looked into summer school courses at Oxford for oldies......maybe!...) One of the big regrets of my life was that I had the opportunity to go to Cambridge but because I was offered a job, didn't take it! So lacking in confidence then that I took the advice of my lecturer and the job. Big mistake. :sigh: So good for DD, so pleased for her, hope it's everything she dreams of! xxx
Katy, great food choices, what you had sounds delicious too.
Really pleased the trip went so well for your DD.

That's a real worry that undergrad places have been cut so much, l hadn't realised the % was so high. :( Is this across the board or for particular courses? My DD is 14, coming 15 and ideally would like to go to art college, for art & graphics her teachers say she's in the top 3 in her year, but it's going to be harder than ever to get in in the next few years. Maybe we'll have a change of government by then, l'd better not start getting all political on your thread. :rolleyes:
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My daughter is doing Law, and loves it.

Manchester Uni has got a great reputation for art, she must be good for them to offer her a place you must be so proud, and Manchester is a great place to live as well, its not far from the coast or countryside if you get tired of city living.
Congrats KC -- I assume she gets her talent from you. MM