Katycakes Won't Give Up...

Lol... cowboys and indians over here while I was awol! Will be expecting Trampas or Dances With Wolves to turn up at any minute...

Have decided to re-set ticker and declare this

SW Day 1

As yesterday wasn't a full SW day... hoping my books come today or tomorrow, as I need them to take away with me, trying to figure it out from the online site seems a bit of a challenge to my poor addled brain. Not feeling too good cold-wise and awake very early again. More zinc/ vit C/ echinacea. And several big woolies. Snow predicted for today here, PLEASE no. It would make me cry.

Feeling rubbish but will test out pedometer to get an idea of how many steps on a lazy day. Scary thought. (3? 4?)

you can do this hun. whatever diet you choose, you make it work for you. i find choosing a diet hard so i stick with what i know.

pedometer.... some useless info here..... 10,000 steps is the recommended minimum by the government. this is actually 5 miles. 5 miles burns enough calories to drink a bottle of wine. a bottle of wine is wasted calories in that your body has to burn the cals from this before anything else that has hit your mouth that day.

p.s it also takes a decrease of 500 cals a day from your BMR during the week to loose 1lb in weight. a 5 mile run burns over 500 cals, aprox 650 cals so doing a 5 mile run or walk a day would burn your 1lb off easy.
Morning Katy, have a fab day 1 on SW, i'm sure it'll be a lovely change hun. I used to love the SW sin free quiche back in the old days, used to live on that and curried mince with beansprouts and save my sins for a bar of choc once a week on WI night, oh and lots of fruit too, i'm quite jealous now!
Have a lush day hunny, hope you feel better soon

Actually don't even feel like eating, DD off school with same thing... am thinking I might retreat to bed. Hope this doesn't spoil plans to go away tomorrow, not sure if there'd be any point if I was feeling like this.


Morning KC,

I think that today sounds like the perfect day to stay home and bunk -- SNOW!

Sending you good wishes for s speedy recovery... I hated to have to abandon you along the trail.


Just checked my diary and Minnie Mel was my 1,000th. Thanks Mel but no prizes I'm afraid :D xx

Just getting to know you, your daughter and all of your 2009 CD friends, has been a big reward!!!

Actually don't even feel like eating, DD off school with same thing... am thinking I might retreat to bed. Hope this doesn't spoil plans to go away tomorrow, not sure if there'd be any point if I was feeling like this.


Good morning sweetie, So sorry to hear that you and DD are feeling poorly and I hope that it doesn't spoil your plans to have a few days away. I am sending you healing energy and you should start to feel better in about 10 minutes time. Your ticker is looking very impressive, considering the struggles you have had and I'm wondering why you have been so hard on yourself? you have done so well and will continue to do so. You'll rock SW I am sure. xxxx
Morning KC,

I think that today sounds like the perfect day to stay home and bunk -- SNOW!

Sending you good wishes for s speedy recovery... I hated to have to abandon you along the trail.


Just getting to know you, your daughter and all of your 2009 CD friends, has been a big reward!!!

Mel, what a lovely thing to say and may I say "right back atcha". It is a pleasure to be able to 'talk' to all you lovely, lovely people on a daily basis and it is my hope that even when we are all at target and maintaining happily, that we will still meet up on here...and hopefully in real life we can have our Minis Mayhem Meet :D:D:D

I was thinking of asking you if you were interested in meeting up at the Vitality Show at Earls Court next weekend (Saturday or Sunday). It supposed to be good -- Rosemary Conley is there and I want to ask her for the name of her plastic surgeon. You don't think she'll object to my asking? It's a compliment. ;)


I was thinking of asking you if you were interested in meeting up at the Vitality Show at Earls Court next weekend (Saturday or Sunday). It supposed to be good -- Rosemary Conley is there and I want to ask her for the name of her plastic surgeon. You don't think she'll object to my asking? It's a compliment. ;)

Lol, I can imagine her hitting you round the head with one of her portion pots :D

Are you really going to EC? If so which day? I might be able to make it. :)
Sorry you aren't feeling well Katy, and your poor daughter too.... definately take yourself back to bed for the day so that hopefully you will feel better tomorrow. Do try and eat something tho as you wont lose weight if you aren't eating, thats the problem my daughter has had over the last few weeks, hasn't eaten hardly anything and so her body thinks she is starving it and hanging on to everything.

Hope the snow doesn't arrive.... look after yourself and your DD xx
Hi Katycakes...

Thinking of you as I shiver! I hope you are having good Green or is it Red day! (I would find this so challenging... I am always having to ask my DD, "What is the date today? Is it Monday or...?" Sad, I am!

But, then one day is much like the next, when you are travelling along the trail in your little covered wagon! ;)

You dont have to stick to red or green now Mel, there is now Extra Easy which is a mix of both and doesn't feel like a diet at all.....
Hi Katy hope you are feeling better. I'm sure you'll do really well on SW, From what I remember there are really good options for vegetarians.
Hi all. Have spent most of day in bed, reading, sleeping and feeling sorry for myself... I get so, so cross when I am ill. And my long weekend is now cancelled, which is so upsetting, I was really looking forward to it. I just ache everywhere, feverish and nose beginning to run, throat like it has a razor blade lodged in there, not a chance I am fit to travel/talk/party.

Have had two shakes and a cup of miso soup, probably heading back to bed now. MY SW book arrived and it is miles easier to use than the website, I am such a luddite.

Have tried to catch up on diaries but not really with it, please forgive me... I am still here, and dietwise in limbo I suspect till the flu goes.

sounds like a bug or flu. hope it's a 24hr bug.
Poor you :hug99:, hope you feel loads better soon. Sorry about your plans for the weekend having to be called off, hopefully you'll be able to get something else organised before long.

It's been bucketing down here in Ayr today, got soaked on the walk back from work. :( Hoping to be based from home tomorrow :fingerscrossed:, subject to OH having other plans for me. :rolleyes:
Hi KC,

I hope you are feeling better soon. Sending you some nice Veggie soup!


Mel, that soup looks yummy, could just do with a bowl of it. :)
Gentle hugs Katy, I hope you are both better soon. xxx
Morning Katycakes,

I hope you are and DD are feeling better.

My DD's BFF slept here last night as her parents were the hospital with her nan. No answers on nan, yet. But DD and BFF are up, having breakfast, and will be dressing for school soon.
BFF is such a brave little girl. She is only 11 and very worried, but she said that she knew that her parents were taking good care of nan and that all she could so to help was be good.
